
Chapter 400 Mew Took Away Pikachu And Eevee

"Mahuola lost the ability to fight, and Ibrahimovic won. Therefore, this year's wave guide hero is Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town!"The referee announced Ash's victory!

Ibrahimovic ran back and was celebrating with Pikachu when a long-tailed strange hand suddenly joined in and ran in, pulling the hands of Ibrahimovic and Pikachu and spinning them in circles, looking very excited. Eevee was so happy that he could win!

A faint blue light flashed on Xiaozhi's body, but he felt that the waveguide on this long-tailed monster was very special!

Moreover, there was an inexplicable feeling of familiarity, and he didn't know where he had come into contact with it..

But what is certain is that the little guy in front of him is definitely not as simple as an ordinary long-tailed monster. He squatted down and gently touched the head of the long-tailed monster,"Little guy, you and Pikachu and I Boo stays together, you know?"

Hearing Xiaozhi's words, the long-tailed monster actually nodded, took Pikachu and Eevee and ran aside to play. Only

Lalulas was left beside Xiaozhi, and it had been silent since the beginning of the game. Sitting on Xiaozhi's shoulders, she looked like a quiet lady, which was very cute.

The armored opponent opposite came over, took off the helmet he was wearing, revealing his true face in Lushan, but Xiaogang was shocked. This turned out to be a What a pretty lady!

"My name is Qi Duo, please give me your advice!"This young lady introduced herself. In fact, Xiaozhi already knew her name.

"My name is Xiaogang. I hope this beautiful young lady can become my partner!"Xiao Gang rushed up at some point, but was taken away by the heartbroken Kangban.

When he left Nibi City and embarked on the journey again, Xiao Gang left Lotte Kappa at the Nibi Gym, but he always took this with him. My heart is broken and my heart is shaking!

As night falls, in the largest banquet hall of the castle, the trainers in costumes gather here. Her Highness Irene is going to hold a ceremony for Xiaozhi!

She takes the handle from the elder's hand The long staff with crystals on the top came to Xiaozhi,"This is the staff of the brave that the wave guide hero Yalang once held. Only those who win the festival Pokémon battle and are declared as brave can have the honor to hold it." There is this staff!"

At this moment, Xiaozhi's eyes were fixed on the stick in front of him. It looked very old, but it was well maintained. The most eye-catching thing was the crystal inlaid on it!

Xiaozhi could feel that it was A special flowing waveguide!

"Please accept this staff, Xiaozhi!"Her Highness Erin solemnly handed the staff to Xiaozhi.

Xiaozhi came back to his senses and couldn't wait to take it with both hands. Sure enough, an undetectable light flashed in the crystal, but it felt completely different to Xiaozhi!

The power of the waveguide can be easily transmitted through this long staff. This is the most suitable symbol and weapon for the waveguide hero!


At the same time, a question sounded next to Xiaozhi.

A faint blue light shone on his body, and the power of the waveguide, which had now almost reached an advanced level, began to slowly be transmitted into the crystal. In fact, even if he doesn't push it, the power of the waveguide in his body is slowly seeping into it!

Here, Her Royal Highness Irene announced the most solemn program of this celebration,"In order to praise Yalang, the brave man who protects the peace of this country for us, let us all celebrate joyfully tonight!" The music started, and the costume dance began!

Xiaogang plucked up the courage to invite Miss Qiduo to dance. In such an atmosphere, Miss Qiduo naturally would not refuse. The three Hualan sisters also found a male partner and danced happily, looking at Xiaozhi on the stage with a bright smile from a distance.

Xiaoyao also had a great time, but Xiaosheng, a naughty kid, guarded the big table and feasted on the food. Only Xiaozhi had to sit next to Her Highness Eileen and couldn't leave his seat!

This was the location where the wave-guided hero Aaron once stood, but it was really boring to stay here. Pikachu and Eevee were taken away to play by the long-tailed monster from before.


Probably feeling Xiaozhi's thoughts, La Lulas disappeared instantly, and when he came back, he used his telekinesis to lift a large piece of cake.

"this"The nanny on the side was about to stop her, but was stopped by Her Highness Irene.

Seeing the little guy using his telekinesis to cut a small piece of cake and put it into Ash's mouth, Her Highness Eileen was really envious,"Ash, your relationship with Pokémon is so good!"

"Lalu Lasi was hatched from an egg by me, and I have always loved it!"Xiao Zhi explained with a smile, stretched out his hand and tapped La Lulas' little head,"You can eat it yourself!"

Hearing this, the little guy sat on Xiaozhi's shoulders and enjoyed the cake slowly.

At this time, Miss Qido sent Xiaogang to get a drink, but took the opportunity to leave the banquet hall and climbed out of the window, not knowing that she What was the purpose?

She climbed up to the roof, and used high technology to climb to the highest point of the castle. From that direction, she used a telescope to look far into the distance, only to find that Pikachu, Eevee and the Long-tailed Monster were having fun in the attic.!

This attic seemed to be a secret space. You could see that it was filled with all kinds of toys, and the three little guys got excited about playing.

At this moment, the long-tailed strange hand changed again. It turned out to be… Mew has the ability to freely transform into any Pokémon, which is why Ash can feel the special waveguide!

"I found it!"Miss Qiduo murmured, but two maharajas jumped out from behind,"Listen, you go and install this transmitter on Meng Meng!"

These two maharas are very skilled. They took the transmitter and rushed to the attic.

What's interesting is that, obviously they are assassins, but these two maharas actually broke into the window in a high-profile manner and stretched out their arms. The claws scratched towards Mew, looking at this posture as he wanted to knock Mew down, and then slowly install the transmitter!

Isn't this funny?

Even if Mew is playful and doesn't take it seriously, can Pikachu and Eevee agree?

Dream's floating figure just swayed casually and dodged the attack. Pikachu's figure flashed, and an iron tail sent a Majula flying away.

Ibrahimovic recognized one of them as Tian Tian at a glance. Mahuola, who had fought with it before, was also rude, and the high-speed stars swept over and surrounded it!

Qi Duo, who saw the fight on the attic, sighed,"It's gone too far! Just let them install a transmitter! But Xiaozhi's Pokémon are really too strong!"

The two Mauras had no ability to resist in front of Pikachu. With Eevee as an assistant, the high-speed stars trapped the two Mauras. Together with Pikachu's 100,000 volts, they were quickly knocked out of focus. Nen!

However, Meng Meng, who realized that his whereabouts had been discovered, decisively used teleportation, and the three Pokémon immediately disappeared into the attic!

Qi Duo was stunned, but knew that even Meng Meng's teleportation distance would not be too far. , and looked around.

Soon, she found three Pokémon appearing in mid-air, and then Menghui turned into a Pidgeot, leading Pikachu and Eevee towards a rocky mountain in the distance that looked like a big tree.

The two horses pulled back to her side, and she turned around and complained,"You two are really serious about it right away."

This is also because her training was not successful and she trained two assassins into agile warriors.

However, Qido immediately had an idea when she thought of the relationship between Pikachu, Ibrahimovic and Xiaozhi. But at this moment, Xiaozhi, The secret of this brave staff is finally solved!
