
Chapter 144 Balram’S Progress, Knight Kick

The so-called"enlightenment", to put it bluntly, is to let yourself go beyond your current self, to be with friends you truly trust, and to work hard together. Even if the road is difficult, you can definitely move forward.

This is the path of a Pokémon master and the path of a top Pokémon breeder.

Regarding the practice of this Slowpoke Temple, Xiaozhi thinks that it is very suitable for Mewtwo. That boy is like a philosopher, thinking about what he is and the meaning of his birth all day long.

If the wisdom is too high, there will be a lot of troubles. On the contrary, the Slowpoke will empty itself. Without desires, there will be no troubles.

This is the so-called"Wukong".

In short, Xiaozhi had a great harvest in the Slowpoke Temple!

After leaving here, Xiaozhi and his party finally arrived at the next town and found the Pokémon Center to rest and recuperate. Although they took a side road, they were not far from Yanmo City.

"here you go! Fast swimming frog! So handsome!"

A lot of people gathered at the entrance of the Pokmon Center. It was noisy and lively. It seemed like someone was having a Pokmon battle.

After Xiaozhi and his team checked their Pokmon, they suddenly became interested and walked closer. Look, it turns out that a fast swimming frog is fighting with Cobra.

At this moment, it is obvious that this fast swimming frog has the upper hand, and more of the spectators around are cheering for the fast swimming frog.

I see that the fast swimming frog is training Following Jia Jia's command, he easily avoided Ke Bo Lang's spiral kick. His backhand was a series of slaps. Then, before Ke Bo Lang recovered, he picked it up and launched the Hell Roll. A set of combos hit the opponent directly. KO

"Winning the fight, Frog!"The trainer of the fast-swimming frog is very excited. With this, they have won seven consecutive victories.

Xiaozhi also nodded repeatedly. This fast-swimming frog has been bred very well. Its arm muscles are very strong and its fighting will is also very good. , the response speed to commands is very fast, and the movements are even crisper!

"Okay, does anyone else want to fight against my fast swimming frog?"

Hearing this, Xiaozhi and his party understood. It turned out that this person had a private arena here to challenge passing trainers.

"I come!

Xiaozhi walked out directly,"The decision is yours, Ballang!""

This Ballang is the Pokémon that Xiaozhi is focusing on cultivating now. For this reason, he has delayed the evolution of the Rhinoceros.

Now this Ballang is no longer the naughty kid it used to be. Under Xiaozhi's education, , turned into a good child who is humble, polite and willing to endure hardships.

It has never met a trainer like Xiaozhi who is willing to spend so much effort to cultivate and train itself. It wants to fight for Xiaozhi and fight hard. Fight with all your strength.

It is precisely because of this that its compatibility and bonding values have increased extremely quickly. Even if it has reached more than 200 now, the growth rate is much faster than other unevolved Pokémon.

It With such potential, Xiaozhi is willing to put more thought into it

"Fight, Balram, use your mind's eye!"

This chain tactic has become a trump card, because if the flying knee collision misses the opponent, it will cause huge damage to himself. The mind's eye can greatly increase the hit. This ensures that the small Barr can effectively attack the opponent.

There is an even more powerful combination of the Mind Eye skill, which is the Absolute Zero skill that kills with one hit, which greatly increases Absolute Zero's hit rate and achieves a true kill.

But the only Pokémon that may have this combination is Urgent Frozen bird.

Xiaozhi is also determined to win this divine bird of ice!

Ballang's golden pupils shrank suddenly under Xiaozhi's command, and he firmly grasped every movement of the fast swimming frog.

"What? Fast swimming frog, use chain slap!"When Anzhi, the trainer of Frog, saw that Xiaozhi had used such a skill, he immediately asked Frog to launch a fast attack.

However, Ballang easily avoided Frog's attack with his small and flexible skills. It crashed into its arms.

Then there was no need for Xiaozhi's orders. The spiral-shaped belly of the mosquito-repellent frog seemed to have drawn a target for Ballang. Ballang was so fierce that he hit the mosquito-repellent frog with a flying knee and kicked it. At the very center of the thread!

The mosquito-repellent frog was immediately hit hard and hit a vital part, causing him to fall to the ground!

"Fast swimming frog, get up!"Anzhi hasn't given up yet. He doesn't want to give up his hard-won seven-game winning streak, and Frog doesn't want to give up either.

With Anzhi's efforts and BFF, Frog struggled to stand up.

"Fast swimming frog, use water gun!"

Don't forget that in addition to fighting, Anzhi also has water attributes. After the contact just now, Anzhi immediately realized that Ballang in front of him was very good at melee combat, and it was difficult for Frog to take advantage.

So Anzhi decisively chose to use long-range attacks. , launched a special attack

"Shadow clone!"

However, Xiaozhi and Ballang have a safe plan to deal with the special attack, and that is the shadow clone skill that makes the karate king Nobuhiko spin around! The water gun only hit one of Ballang's clones, and the mosquito-repellent frog was surrounded by Ballang. stand up

"Try a new skill, Megaton Kick!"

This is a new skill that Ballang has recently learned from his master, Firestorm Monkey. It uses extremely powerful kicks to attack opponents. In Xiaozhi's opinion, this skill should be renamed when Ballang uses it!

Knight Kick!

I saw With Xiaozhi's command, Ballang leaped forward and kicked up a fierce kick. Relying on the strength of his whole body and the potential energy of his fall, the power of this kick was amplified to the extreme!

"Fast swimming frog, get out of the way!"Anzhi also saw the power of this move, but the swimming frog wanted to dodge, but he couldn't because he was too injured!


The swimming frog was finally kicked away by Ballang, and completely lost his fighting ability!

"Balram wins! It's so powerful, this million-ton heavy kick is so cool!"The people around him were all excited.

Seeing that everyone around him was very excited, Xiaozhi grinned. He had not encountered any dojos that could be swept away recently. He accumulated redemption points very slowly, but he was finally able to redeem one. Ordinary Z pure crystal!

"Everyone, I will also take this opportunity to set up a challenge here for a day. Is there anyone who wants to challenge my Balram?"

There is no need to set up any prizes. Looking at this small but powerful Ballang, many trainers want to try and challenge it.

"I come!"The trainer released a Balang, and the battle began. It went smoothly at first, but as the battle continued, when Xiaozhi and Balang won ten consecutive victories, they finally fell into a hard battle.

"The final blow, flying knee!"

Finally, a flying knee strike knocked away the opponent's strange power. Xiaozhi and Balang won ten consecutive victories. It was exhausted and had no challengers anymore. Unexpectedly,

Anzhi hadn't left yet," Xiaozhi , you are really good. If you want to play against each other, I recommend you go to the competitive park outside this town and give it a try! There are all kinds of Pokémon in there, you will definitely like it!"
