
Chapter 136 Collision Of Beliefs, Pryce In Winter

Xiaozhi was not angry when he heard that"Uncle Liu in Winter" did not approve of him.

Everyone has a way of getting along with Pokémon. Xiaozhi regards Pokémon as friends and partners, and they are close partners.

After obtaining the Tie System, he gained a deeper understanding of this during his journey. Because of this, he gained the respect of Dr. Omu and the appreciation of Du, and was regarded as a strong rival by Du.

But he has no right to ask all trainers to be like him, just like he doesn't think Liu Bo can deny his feelings and ties with Pokémon.

"There's no point in talking, let's fight!"Ash didn't make any excuses and just threw Balram's Poké Ball.

What could be more appropriate for a conversation between Pokémon trainers than a battle?

"OK, then let me correct your mistake! Uncle Liu responded,"Come out, White Sea Lion!""

The aura of this white sea lion is very powerful. In addition, there are waterfalls and flowing water here, which is environmentally beneficial to it.

"Is there any way you can repel my white sea lion? Xiaoxia became happy when she saw it was a white sea lion,"Xiaozhi, the white sea lion has water and ice attributes, which is very beneficial to Ballang!""

However, Liu Bo heard this and said,"Pokémon battle strategies can only have real value when the trainer accurately controls the Pokémon!"

"This is true!"Xiao Zhi smiled confidently and took the lead in launching the attack,"Ballang, Mind's Eye!"

Ballang's eyes shrank suddenly, and all the movements of the White Sea Lion were clearly grasped by it!

The next attack did not need Xiaozhi's order, it rushed directly towards the White Sea Lion, and it was already there in the blink of an eye. Arriving in front of the white sea lion

"snort! White sea lion, freezing light!"

This freezing light move is very fast and very powerful. If such a close-range attack hits, Xiaozhi and Balang can say that everything is over.

Even Liu Bo thinks that he has a chance to win and is ready to declare his victory.

However, Ballang dodged the attack of the freezing light, and then kicked the White Sea Lion hard with a flying knee! The

Mind Eye skill is really useful for fighting Pokémon!

"White sea lion!"

Uncle Liu couldn't believe the changes in front of him. Ballang was unharmed, but his white sea lion was severely damaged.

He had to take the white sea lion back, and then he had to look at Xiaozhi again. For a moment, he fell into silence

"Aunt Xima, did Uncle Liu encounter anything?"Xiao Mei whispered beside Xima.

Hearing this, Xima asked in surprise,"Xiao Mei-chan, how did you know?"

"Guess, hehe!"Xiaomei stuck out her tongue.

"Don't look at Uncle Liu's appearance. He used to be a very cheerful person, and training Pokémon was a very happy thing for him. He treats Pokémon as family and friends!"

Hearing Sima start to talk about his past, Liu Bo didn't stop him and said,"At that time, I thought I could understand Pokémon as well as you."

"My shaggy pig and I have won many battles. However, in a large competition, my opponent used a duck-billed fire dragon to suppress the ice type, so I still sent the shaggy pig on the field!"

"In the end, I lost the game and got badly burned!"

When he said this, Xiaozhi and his team's eyes lit up. The trainer would be burned. Apparently, in order to protect the long-haired pig, Xia Bo blocked it from the duck-billed fire dragon's flame skill!

This is also a person who can do magic for the sake of magic. Baby, a person who can risk his own life.

But obviously, Liu Bo's story is not over yet!

After losing the game, Chang Mao Zhu and Liu Bo were seriously injured, but just when he felt deeply guilty about the failure of the battle, Chang Mao Zhu Mao Zhu actually walked into the heavy snow alone

"Long-haired pig, you left me seriously injured and left alone! Liu Bo suddenly raised his voice, as if questioning Xiaozhi,"From then on, I no longer treat Pokémon as my friends, but train them strictly!""

"Have you looked for it?"

Xiao Zhi suddenly turned around and asked Uncle Liu!

"you? What did you say?"Uncle Liu was suddenly shocked by Xiaozhi's burst of momentum.

Xiaozhi looked straight at Uncle Liu,"Are you looking for it? Your long-haired pig was seriously injured and wandered into the heavy snow. What do you think is that it will leave you because of a defeat?"

"Is this all you have in your most trusted partner? At that moment, you were only disappointed with it and not worried at all?"

Xiao Zhi took back Ballang and stood in front of Xia Bo

"what are you saying? Of course I went looking for it, but the heavy snow covered the traces of the long-haired pig. More than ten years later, the long-haired pig never came back!"Xia Bo's mood also became excited!

"So, do you think it must have abandoned you and found another trainer who was more powerful than you?"Xiao Zhi's aura continued to rise. In his opinion, there must be another reason for the long-haired pig to leave in the heavy snow!

"etc! Aunt Xima rushed up and stood between the two of them,"Stop arguing!""

When Xia Bo and Xiao Zhi's emotions stabilized, Sima turned to Xiao Zhi,"Xiao Zhi, what exactly do you want to say?"

Xiao Zhi exhaled,"I think there must be other reasons why the long-haired pig will leave! For example, when I saw you, Uncle Liu, badly burned, I went out in the heavy snow to find you some herbs to treat your burns!"

"Long-haired pigs have a very good sense of smell. Many people in the Johto area train young wild boars to find hot springs, so this speculation should be very reasonable!"

"As for why the long-haired pig didn't come back for so long, it should be"

Xiaozhi suddenly paused, and his next speculation was obviously bad news for Uncle Liu!

However, after hearing his words, Xima and Liu Bo's eyes lit up at the same time,"If it is that place!"

After saying that, they both rushed into the depths of the forest together.

"Xiaozhi?"Xiaoxia Xiaogang quickly came to Xiaozhi's side.

"Let's go too!"Xiao Zhi picked up Xiao Mei and said,"The forest here is very dense and there are no mountain roads. You must follow me closely!"

Xiao Zhi's waveguide power has powerful detection capabilities. It was also because of the power of the waveguide that they never got lost again.

Soon, they followed Liu Bo and Xima to a cliff canyon,"Here I I have been here once or twice and found out that all kinds of herbs grow in this canyon!"

That is to say, according to Xiaozhi's speculation, the long-haired pig probably accidentally fell into the depths of the canyon in order to find herbs for Uncle Liu, and has not returned yet!

Xima found the rope, and the group found it In the depths of the canyon, I found the anklet of the long-haired pig!

"The shaggy pig is really here! Uncle Liu hugged the foot in his arms, his whole body trembling,"Xiao Zhi, you are right, I was wrong, and I have been wrong for so many years!""

"Let's find the long-haired pig first!"Xiao Zhi walked in one direction, where he sensed a weak waveguide.

Unexpectedly, after so many years, the long-haired pig was still alive. It was frozen in the ice at the bottom of the valley, and its mouth still remains He was also holding an herb that was used to treat burns!