
Pokemon AU: Where Anything Goes

Synopsis: Just common isekai shenanigans I was bored. Just wanted to do something. I'm bad at writing so read at your own risk. P.S: This is my first time.

Yar_Gintar · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Chapter 3

After receiving the quest Jared tinkered with his status screen.

[System Prompt: Skill Tab]

- Survival Skills (Rudimentary) / Upgradable

+ In here are the most simplest guides for you to survive in any given situation with enough preparation time, as rudimentary as it is, it has its uses.

'Hmm, ok? But how do I actually use it?'

"System, how do I use my skills?"

[System Prompt: Notice]

- The host just needs to think about the skill(s). Example do you want to make a shelter? The skill will activate if you wish it to be, and you will see it in your mind. 

"Oh, is that so? Thank you very much." 

Then the system turned quiet again

"Think about it huh? Hmm so, in this kind of situation what is the most pressing thing should I consider?"

Upon thinking, a system prompt appeared in his mind.

[System Prompt: Skill Activation (Survival Skill)]

- The host should follow these things as the baseline in survival situations where you are stranded out in who knows where.

Remember the host might be in great peril if the following aren't present.

+ 3 minutes without air

+ 3 hours without shelter

+ 3 days without water

+3 weeks without food 

"Whoa, so base on this. Air is good, so the main concern for now shall be shelter."

"Since, its still early in the morning, I think it's the best time to move around. I'd be sweatier come late morning to noon, and I won't be able to do sh*t."

Jared looked around the tree he was resting on for a branch and went to the shore once again. Upon reaching the shore. He wrote the word 'HELP SOS' in it.

'That's good for now. If someone sees it then it's good if no one sees then, tough luck.'

'How do I start creating a shelter?'

With another prompt of the system, Jared was able to receive some guidelines on creating some rudimentary shelter.

"Look for some long branches and dried leaves? This is neat! No need for tools!"

With goals in mind he started to wander around the place where he initially rested after encountering the Corphish.

"I didn't noticed it earlier but this place might be bigger than expected. Well at the very least I only saw a single Corphish since earlier. I think I can make a shelter here no problem."

After collecting some dried leaves, and branches, he started to create his rudimentary shelter.

1st, he used dried leaves to serve as a cushion, then, used a branch that was slightly taller than him that can serve as the spine of the roof, He just lodged it in the crevice of the tree he was resting in. 

"*phew* With these, the core structure of the shelter is finished. Just support the spine branch with support branches on the side and cover the whole thing with another set of leaves. Then Voila, done."

After roughly half an hour, Jared was finally able to create his shelter.

"This is my first time doing these things, and I might say it ain't too shabby for someone without any experience" with a sigh he rested in it for a moment.

"So, for now? We have a livable shelter, enough to cover me during the cold nights. I don't mind the heat since I'm close to the sea, the breeze is already fine as it is. Now the next concern is what I dread the most."

'System, in my current world, what are the things I can consume in my current state?'

[System Prompt: Notice]

- The host can eat most of the flora and fauna within this world. Most of them are categorized as Pokémon which were known to be delectable.

'F*ck, Hell naw! I knew it! It was already at the back of my head. No way I can eat them, I adore all of these creatures to death'

'System, are there other else? Like a plant, no, other than Pokémons, are there such things? Yes! Right, berries! Can berries sustain human nutritional needs for an expended period of time?'

[System Prompt: Notice]

- It's advisable for the host to find sources of protein, the berries can help on thwarting hunger and giving satiety to be considered full, but it can't give the entire nutritional demands of what a human body needs, it also has various effect(s) that might be too much for a human body to handle. If you want to consume berries, be mindful of the portions.

 "This is practically do or die. But I don't want to eat a Pokémon though. Berries are fine for the meantime but after sometime I might be in trouble, no, I'm already in trouble."

[System Prompt: Quest]

- A prior system holder (#3,563,231,447) also encountered a problem regarding food: The system quests earlier has been recalibrated.


-Survive for an entire week.


Job/Title: (Pre-determined) Farmer

Job Bonus Reward: Seeds Bundle (5x Meat Seeds, 5x Vegetable Seeds. 5x Fruit Seeds)

Changes: You have given away your chance to decide your first job: The system decided to configure what class you needed in your current circumstance.

"Given up a job it says, but it's fine I'm not in need of anything else. Not like being a trainer in a week from now will help me do sh*t, I can barely look for food myself, what will I feed the poor fellow? The idea of love and trust? And farming, it ain't that bad too. I always dreamed of having a farm myself. But look at this! A meat seed?! Gahdaym! If there's something like this in my previous world, there won't be food wars anymore. Thank you very much system!"

"A week with only just berries? Consider it done. When I was in college I did a single cup noodles a day for a hecking month! Berries are already a treat!"

'Now in theory, I got most of them complete already. Fortunately I still have my tattered clothes, but why do they look burned though? Anyways, its still fairly usable, might as well use it than to be bared in front of the elements.'

'Next thing is a source of water, hmm. Skill, how do I find drinkable water and water to give to my plants?'

[System Prompt: Skill Activation (Survival Skill)]

+ The host can find safe and drinkable water from water type pokémons that are located on any bodies of water, salty or fresh water, among those pokémons the host have to find someone who knows how to execute the move rain dance.

"Perhaps now I know what I might just have given up. Being a trainer has its merits for sure. I don't have a secure source of water, neither heat nor fire. Tsk."

+The host can also find water using traditional ways, follow streams, rivers, with fast running clear water, suggestions include boiling the water that have been found on such bodies of water.

+The host can also try and distill sea water.

"Hmm, all is plausible. Since, my skill is mostly for survival can it also act as a map?"

'Skill, do you have a map function?'

[System Prompt: Skill Activation (Survival Skill)]

- That feature is still locked, reach the Novice level to unlock the Catalogue tab within the survival skill.

+The Rudimentary level offers the feature Compass: You can save your current coordinate, so that you know where to go back, it acts like a save point that you can fall back into if you're lost.

"I'll take that any day of the week."

'Skill, Activate the Compass function'

After thinking about it, the Compass skill displayed within his mind.

'Is this it? It more looks like a sonar.'

In there he sees a humanoid outline that indicates that it is his own model at the very center of the compass. 

'So this is supposed to be me. Skill, save my current coordinate and color the coordinate mark as green.'

In the display his model was now overlapped with a huge green point.

"It's more like a Minecraft map than anything else. You can't see the landmarks and surroundings but only the x mark and the player indicator. Truly rudimentary as it states."

"So now, of to scouting"

Jared looked for a pointy sharp rock and slowly went inside the island.

"Let's just mark the trees with a horizontal scratch" 

Upon entering more into the island, after an hour of walking Jared finally saw the some of the different pokémons who were also residing in the island slowly.

'Whoaaaaa, this is beyond Majestic! Fortunately this area is where Butterfrees and Caterpies reside, aside from flowers and their nectars, I don't think they'll chase me away if I take berries within their territory but who knows they might be living symbiotically with other pokémons here.'

'Since they are quite neutral in nature, I should just lay low and look for some ber--'

While he was forming a plan, and looking around the forest Jared found quite an interesting scene.

'Oh look at this, it seems they finally spotted me.'

In the peripheral of his eyes, Jared saw a pair of Sentret above a tree and a Butterfree perched beside them.

'Speaking of Symbiotic relationship, We have a Sentret and a Butterfree, a case of mutualism. I'd pay to watch a documentary like this in NatGeoWild.'

'I think Sentret are mainly living in grassy fields, but now they are on a somewhat foresty area. Were they kicked out of their natural environment?'

'Now I get it. They work as scouts for the Butterfree and Caterpies living here, in turn they were able to live within the bounds of the Caterpie territory.'

The Pokémon above the tree remained vigilant. Still continuing to observe Jared from a far.

After a couple of more seconds, the Butterfree started flying towards in a Jared in a gentle manner.