
Pokemon AU : War

We were so blind. Now in our end of days, it's like seeing for the first time. Now everybody's true self comes out. We see how far we're willing to go to live. Worse is what we didn't wanna see: what was there all along. The creatures we thought we had conquered are gone, and what's left in our pockets are monsters.

Taoist_Y · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Chapter no.9

Ash suggested that the group break up in order to search for their respective Pokémon. He was looked at by two pairs of eyes, each of which bore into him with a gaze that was at once bewildered, concerned, and angry.

"I dunno, Ash. I don't think it's a good idea for you to be moving around too much; the most recent assault appeared to be— "the beginning of the bluenette.

"Guys, it's okay. I'm fine. I don't need your assistance to walk." Ash pushed off Dawn's arm and took a few shaky steps before finally reaching the point where he was able to stand without any problems for an entire minute.

Brock advised, "We should still make our way back to the campfire so at least we know where to come back to," when they were discussing what they should do next. While Ash and Dawn were making their way over to his side, they nodded their heads in agreement.

In contrast to what had just taken place a few short moments earlier, the atmosphere in the clearing was eerily calm as smoke lazily drifted from their belongings. Surprisingly, none of their personal belongings appeared to have suffered significant damage, with the exception of some minor scorching. At the first sight of yellow, Ash broke into a full sprint; however, when he was approximately halfway to his destination, his muscles suddenly gave out, and he stumbled and fell to the ground. Dawn and Brock both yelled out his name as they ran over to assist him. Dawn was first.

However, it was to no avail; Ash was able to silence the calls of his own name as his vision focused in on the yellow lump that was on the scorched earth. He inched his way over to the unconscious form of Pikachu; the electric mouse was lying on its back with its tail flat against the ground.

He reached out, but a single spark shot off the fur of the starter, causing him to reflexively back away from the contact. The trainer remained motionless as he stood over Pikachu's lifeless body. The seconds ticked by until there had been a full minute of silence and stillness that had already transpired.

The trainer was about to touch Pikachu, and Brock was about to warn them not to do so; however, one look at Dawn would have shown that she was about to repeat his warning. In point of fact, she was just about to say what was on her mind when Brock put his hand on her shoulder and shook his head at her. The words that were about to form on her tongue were interrupted by that one simple action.

They only needed to take one look at Ash to realise that his emotions and ideas were an exact reflection of their very own. It was as if his hands had come up against a wall, and his trembling fingers were unable to close the last few inches of distance that separated him from one of his longest-standing friends. Fear prevented him from moving his hands because the memory of the jolt was still too recent in his mind.

The initial spark and the possibility of another one were sufficient to render him immobile; it was unnecessary for any additional bolts to leap from his starter's fur. Fear began to take up residence on Ash's face, but gradually, pain began to take its place. When Ash pressed his hand onto Pikachu's body, Dawn found it difficult to catch her breath.

Nothing. There were no bright flashes or lightning bolts that could be seen. Despite this, Brock realised that the sudden tension that had arisen in his body was not going away.

Pikachu was turned around by Ash until the two were facing each other; at that moment, Ash had an eerie feeling that he was reliving the beginning of their journey after being attacked by Spearow. The difference being that Pikachu's eyes were closed this time. In point of fact, if Ash hadn't known any better, he probably would have sworn that his starter Pokémon was soundly dozing off. This movement, which indicated that Pikachu was still alive and breathing, was made by the hand that was resting on his body.

"He seems to be doing fine to me." Ash let out a breath, the air that had filled his lungs invigorating and exhilarating him as he breathed it out. Brock moved over as he hastily checked the vitals of the electric starter. This was not due to sloppiness, but rather out of fear; Pikachu was a live wire that could be reenergized without prior warning. He was relieved to see that Pikachu's vital signs were normal, so he gave the trainer an affirmative nod.

Dawn made a recommendation to Ash, saying, "Ash, you should probably stay here while we get the other Pokémon."

"Guys, I told you, I'm perfectly capable of walking!" As he struggled to get to his feet, Ash retorted while he argued.

Brock said, "If you're heading out, then I'd imagine you'll want to take Pikachu with you," and the trainer replied, "I'd say that's a good idea." After that, he directed our attention to the dormant form of the Pokémon. "It is highly recommended that we do not move him around. Not in that state, no. That won't do."

Ash's eyes became less fiery as he listened to Brock's reasoning, and he cast his gaze downward before giving a slight nod of agreement. "Right…" Ash heaved a sigh and handed them some of his pokéballs as he did so.

Dawn responded, "We'll bring them back as soon as we can," while taking two of the spheres for herself and allowing Brock to take all three.

Within the first few minutes of his search, Brock had found both Croagunk and Sudowoodo. They were both unconscious and surrounded by what was left of the forest when they were found. His other Pokémon appeared to be unharmed, despite the destruction of their natural habitat and the minor injuries they sustained. A line of overturned tree trunks, jagged tree stumps, and even uprooted trees came to a stop at the location where Ash's Turtwig and Gliscor were still lying.