
Pokemon: Attempt At Slightly Above Mediocre

Jason was the textbook definition of mediocre, if you'd open the dictionary for the word mediocre his face wouldn't be on there since that would make him actually interesting. But just as the chance for him to escape mediocrity arose, it was torn right from him. At his worst, he wakes up the next day lost and confused in the body of a child named Mark. Jason in a world he could have only dreamed of sets his sights on becoming slightly above mediocre whilst trying to figure out who he is.

Sovora · Video Games
Not enough ratings
11 Chs


When the dust settled, Mark removed the dirt on him as he stood up. Above him was the hole that ended up appearing below them which was now about 5 meters from where he was standing. Looking under him he saw his bag, likely helping soften the blow. Beside him was Houndour who stood back up, shaking off all the dirt off its fur.

"H-hey you alright over there, Houndour?" Mark asked as he looked over to Houndour, and it responded with a bark.

"Well glad that you two are alright, but we need to figure out how the heck to get out of this place. At this rate are gonna fail to find a starter pokemon before morning comes." Jason said as he appeared in the mirror which was now cracked. "Is there any way you can get out?"

"N-no... It's a little too high for me..." Mark said as he looked up. Though the walls weren't smooth, Mark doubted his ability to climb up. However, behind him was a small hole leading somewhere. "That looks like it could fit me and Houndour..."

Max took off his bag and took out a flashlight that was still working and tried crawling into the hole, hoping it would lead him somewhere good. Behind him was Houndour who followed behind. The hole was narrow but fortunately wasn't long as they finally crawled out to a dark room. Max switched on the flashlight to reveal the room to be made of stone bricks.

The room felt as though it had been there for a very long time. Moss grew in-between the cracks of the stone brick. Small droplets of water dripped down from the ceiling. Max shined his light around as he tried to look for an exit to this place. There appeared to be some kind of carving on one of the walls in front of them. The wall looked as if it was made of one big slab that was wedged into a dirt wall. On it depicted some kind of one-eyed monster holding a ball in one hand, and a human in the other.

"Strange..." Jason said as he looked at a carving "Some kind of one-eyed pokemon? Magnemite? Bellum? But they don't have any hands... Maybe it's just a bunch of Unknowns?"

"H-hold on I think I found an exit," Mark said as his light showed an opening in the wall next to the carving."

Walking through the opening revealed another room. Here there were carvings on 3 of the walls. Each of them depicted the same one-eyed monster. The one next to Mark depicted a scene of the one-eyed monster, the same ball in one hand and a human in the other next to what looked like a village with fire over the buildings.

Another carving depicted the same one-eyed monster, but its hands were chained by a group of 6 humans pulling at it. The last carving was of an urn with a group of 6 people, just like the one in front of the carving on top of an alter. Around the porcelain urn were dead flowers and small wooden statues of humans, 6 of them to be exactly like in the carving.

But what was more puzzling was the pokemon right in the middle of the room with a pile of berries next to it. The pokemon was sitting with its feet pressing against each other. Its arms stretched out both ways, with its hands opened wide. The pokemon's eyes were closed, appearing to be fast asleep. Mark looked at the pokemon with surprise, and with Houndour not being in the best condition he didn't want to end up in another pokemon battle and slowly backed away.

"Wait isn't that a Meditite?" Jason said from the broken mirror Mark was holding. "Well, that explains why they're so hard to find. Why the heck is it in such a creepy place?"

As Jason was talking the Meditite's eyes opened wide and turned towards Mark. It stood up from its position and started walking towards him.

"H-hey little guy... U-umm we come in peace?"

Meditite walked closer towards them, Houndour though weakened still put on a brave face and growled at the Meditite. But the fighting pokemon didn't even seem phased at all. In fact, it didn't even seem like it was looking at Mark or Houndour. Instead, it looked right at the broken mirror in Mark's hand.

"What's it doing?" Jason muttered as the Meditite stopped in front of them. "Hey ask it what it's doing here"

The Meditite tilted its head while looking at the mirror. Seemingly puzzled by something.

"U-umm could you tell me why your here all alone in this... r-really creepy place?" Mark asked.

The Meditite looked at Mark before doing a series of gestures. First, it posed in what Jason saw as a horse stance with its legs spaced out wide and knees bent. Almost at 90 degrees and its hands clasped together.

"Huh? Martial Arts? It's Training?" Jason said and immediately the Meditite nodded, looking right at the mirror. "Woah ok hold on. Nod twice and put your right arm up if you can hear me."

The Meditite doing just as Jason said, nodding twice before putting its right arm up.

"That the lef- oh wait yeah that's your right arm..." Jason said and paused to comprehend what was going on. "Holy heck, Mark, that Meditite can hear me!"

"Medi...Med...." The Meditite uttered before getting closer to the mirror. "Medi?"

"Alright so you can hear me but I have no idea what you are talking about, I'm not some kind of Pokemon translator," Jason said as he scratched his head. "But quick question. Any idea what that urn is for?"

The Meditite shook its head, it seemed as though it didn't know what the urn was. It appeared it was only here to train.

"S-so if you are here just to train... do you know the way out?" Mark asked and The Meditite nodded and started walking towards the wall where the urn was.

Mark then realize that there was a small hole on the right corner of the wall similar to the one he had just crawled through. As he approached the hole with Meditite and Houndour, he noticed the urn moving slightly. Turning to look at it closer, the urn was vibrating, causing it to move slightly.

"H-hey Meditite? U-umm has it ever done that before?" Mark said as he pointed at the Urn.

Meditite paused and looked at the urn. It frowned as it stared at the urn before looking over at the mirror in Mark's hand. Immediately it grabbed Mark's hand it rushed towards the hole.

"W-Wha?! Hey!" Mark shouted as he followed the Meditite, trying his best to keep up so he didn't trip.

But as he got closer to the hole. The urn started vibrating even more. And as they reached the hole, before Mark could get down the urn fell from the alter and crashed onto the ground cracking. Smoke got through the cracks of the urn making its way up into the air, forming a silhouette similar to the carvings on the wall. When all the smoke escaped, the smoke condensed together a appeared as a pokemon straight out of a horror movie.

A large figure looming over them at a height of around 2 meters, with giant hands attached to its thick arms and body. Its belly resembled a face with eyes and mouth, while at the top it had one red eye starting right at Mark. Chains wrapped around its gigantic wrists, and it had hands that were capable of wrapping themselves around Mark's whole body.

"Dusk..." the monster said as it reached out with its hand. Mark's eyes open wide as a sharp pain appeared in the middle of his chest. He could feel something being forced out of him slowly, the pain was intense.

"ARG NO S-TOP ARGHH" Mark screamed in pain, he struggled to move back but something kept pulling him closer. As though the monster was pulling something out of him, dragging Mark along. Suddenly another voice could be heard, a familiar force screaming in pain.

"ARGHH!! YOU ANCIENT PIECE OF SHIT! GET OFF ME! " Jason screamed, a ghostly figure of his original body appeared out of his chest of Mark. The monster was trying to pull Jason out of Mark's body.

Soon the pain was too much to bear for Mark and he collapsed onto the ground unconscious causing Jason's body to be ripped out even faster, his body above the waist now appearing as he struggled to get out of Dusknoir's grip.

Jason was getting closer to the Dusknoir as its mouth on its stomach opened wide. The pain was getting worse and worse as he could feel himself being ripped away from Mark's body. He finally knew what pokemon that monster was, Dusknoir, a pokemon that takes lost souls.

Just as Jason was about end up as a Dusknoir's dinner, Houndour shot out an ember right into the Dusknoir's face causing it to stop as it looked at Houndour. While the Dusknoir was distracted, Meditite charged in to deliver a palm with electricity surrounding it into the Dusknoir. With Dusknoirs focus now lost, Jason's ghostly figure was forcefully shoved back into Mark's body as though he was bungee jumping back.

"AHHHH!!" Jason shouted from the shock of now being back in Mark's body. With Mark now being unconscious, Jason was the only one capable of taking the wheel. "Of all fucking days to get out of your urn you decide today was a good time?!"

Dusknoir irritated that its meal was taken from him grabs Meditite and tosses it at the wall behind them. Meditite crashes through the wall and a path opens up for Jason.

"Shit, Houndour, let's go!" Jason said as he ran through the path now opened up with Houndour right behind him. "Shit, Shit come on think Jason. What the fuck do you do against an ancient Dusknoir?!"

The Dusknoir wasn't finished with Jason and started chasing after him. The only saving grace was how slow the giant ghost was. As Jason ran he saw Meditite staggered back to its feet. It had flown another meter after going through the stone brick wall, somehow managing to keep itself conscious.

When looking back, he could see a Dusknoir readying a shadow ball, clearly looking to end the injured Meditite. In a panic, Jason took out a Pokeball from his pocket and tossed it out at Meditite.

"Get inside! You wouldn't want that asshole to be the last thing you'll end up seeing!"

The ball flew and hit the Meditite causing a flash to appear as it disappeared into the ball. As the Pokeball landed on the ground, a shadow ball flew past where Meditite would have been and slammed into a wall instead. The impact caused a shockwave causing Jason to trip and fall onto the ground.

Looking behind he could see the Dusknoir slowly approaching them. Next to him the Pokeball he threw at Meditite finished shaking with a click making it their first starter. But that wasn't on his mind, instead, he went through every idea he could come up with that could get them away from the Dusknoir.

But with a gravely injured Meditite and a malnourished Houndour, his chances might as well have been zero. Jason stood up, picking up Meditite's Pokeball with him as he stood up. A stinging pain appeared and as he looked down at his leg he could see a cut, likely from falling near the stone rubble.

"Shit... Who the fuck said this was a children's camp... It's like they're trying to kill us." Mark said as he pressed the button on the Pokeball sending out Meditite. "Alright... We don't want to get close to that fucker, its Special Attack should be pretty weak... Houndour you start spamming embers at the bastard. If you went close you'd end up being dead meat real quick. Meditite, if you have any range moves now is the time to abuse it"

Houndour immediately gathered fire in its mouth and shot fireballs repeatedly at the Dusknoir. Meanwhile, Meditite placed its hands on its head, with Jason guessing it was using some kind of psychic move.

The Dusknoir shook its head when Meditite went into that pose, clearly the move doing something. While Houndours fireballs kept smashing into the Dusknoir. However, this wasn't enough to stop it, as it shrugged off the pain and reached its hand out.

Suddenly, Jason felt pressure pushing down on him. As though someone was putting weights on him. He struggled to stay up but ended up falling onto his knees. He struggled to breathe as the pressure made it difficult to get any oxygen. Looking at the sides both Houndour and Meditite were in the same circumstances.

With the Dusknoir moving closer to them Jason had lost any hope of getting out of this in one piece. But as he was about to lose consciousness from the lack of oxygen, a loud booming sound appeared and the pressure disappeared.

Looking up he saw the Dusknoir being held in the air with purple energy holding both the arms of Dusknoir in place. In front of him was an Alakazam with its spoons glowing with purple energy alongside Professor Acker.

"I made it just in time!" Professor Acker said as he wiped the sweat off his head.

"Would have been great if you were earlier though!" Jason retorted in anger. "Would have saved me the trouble of dealing with an ancient Dusknoir!! Not to mention the Luxray!"

"H-huh?" Professor Acker stuttered a bit as he looked back at Jason with his eyes widened. "Ahem, we knew about the Luxray and its pride of Luxios. However, this is entirely unexpected! Please wait there as I deal with this Dusknoir! Come on out, Absol"

Professor Acker threw out a Pokeball to reveal Absol who immediately started doing a dance, similar to the Scizor he saw on the TV.

"Night slash while it's vulnerable!" Professor Acker commanded, and Absol rushed at the vulnerable Dusknoir and cut into it using its scythe-like horn.

The Dusknoir reeled in pain from the attack. It tried to pull itself away from Alakazam's psychic but Dusknoir was too weak. Seeing that it was in trouble, Dusknoir opened the mouth on its belly and a piercing scream came out of it.

Upon hearing it Alakazam appeared to have been greatly affected, stopping its psychic as it started panting.

"It used curse! Quick Absol, don't let it get away!" Professor shouted, but it was too late. The Dusknoir melted into the ground, with Absol only grabbing thin air. "Oh no, this is really bad... Alakazam send the boy back to the lab and inform Professor Rowan. I'll continue to search for this Dusknoir!"

Alakazam nodded and lifted Jason with his pokemon, after a flash of light they appeared in an infirmary surprising the nurse stationed there.

"Al.. Alakazam!"

"That translates to get me a fucking medic..." Jason muttered before he lost consciousness from exhaustion.