
Pokemon-Aster [I made a new fanfic with the same name to continue

Still in progress I might the story like a lot.

Rantingmonk · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Chapter 1

On a cliff a young kid could be seen looking down at the town. Suddenly a blue screen appears in front of the boy.

*Aster POV*

It been 3 years since I came to this world. Through all the pain and suffering, which I don't understand why I have to go through it. I have learned alot more about my surroundings now thanks to well the fact that mother is lorelei. Well it isn't all that bad considering the perks like I am kind of rich as it really isn't my wealth. My mom is pretty chill, I never asked mom about dad but it seems that she is taking his leave pretty calmly.

Anyhow Today is a special day. Today is the day, elite four fight against the champion of the kanto league. How did I find out? Well you see she told me.

*scene change* House in the room, A kid could be seen reading a book and there was another person a woman. She was Lorelei of the elite four. She seemed to look at the kid reading a pokemon book and seemed to be thinking. Soon later she speaks

"Aster, I will be gone for a while again and tomorrow Pam and her Chansey will come and take care of you for a few week."

I knew that my mom went on trips but it would usually take into about a week at max. So I asked her.

"Wait, Where are you going?" I asked

"I will be going to the stadium to battle the champion of the kanto league in a few days" She said nonchalantly

" So can I come along too?"

"Uhhhhh, I guess it will be fine if you go too"

"Hn" I asked and yeah I was excited but not too excited well it was normal for me.

*Change in scene* On the Hill the boy seemed to be concentrating on the blue screen which said.

Name- Aster

Rank: None

Age- 3

AURA: [Locked]

PSYCHIC: [Locked]

Pokemons: [Locked]


Befriend a Pokemon

reward: ??? unlocked

Capture a pokemon

reward: unlock shop function. first pokemon. Rank is given.

I thought I wasn't excited at first but it seems I was wrong as I couldn't sleep the whole night. So I decided to go on a walk and looked at the town but returned as the place was very windy. After the walk I had spent enough energy to make me fall a sleep right away.

Next Morning

But as soon as I fell asleep, I was woken up by mom so I picked myself up and went to her car and soon we arrived to the airport. When we got to the airport we did have a few fans who asked my mother for a picture with her, I think they were trainers but I am not too sure. So she did and later we sat on the seats and I was so tired that I fell asleep on the seat.

*Change POV people on the airport*

Everything was pretty normal today but soon when a woman and kid came the atmosphere changed. I mean it made sense for the woman as she was an elite four but it was worse today. Why? There seemed to be the kid near lorelei who had similar features to her. Many wanted to ask her but they all just assumed him to be some relative, maybe a cousin or something. Due to the fact that prima was only around 20 something.

And also because of the kid's features red hair, big eyes and a cute little nose. All the girls were thrilled about the boy's face, especially when he slept. He seemed so relaxed with nothing on his mind. The girls were taking picture if him and lorelei. Lorelei didn't know what was happening and to be honest she didn't really care. Soon it was time, it was finally the airplane had just landed and so Lorelei woke Aster.

*Pov Change*

"ter..... Aster" "It's time for the flight wake up, you can sleep when we get to the airplane."

"Hn" that is all I said.

I got up from my chair and left. We give the woman tickets and she took us to first class. When we arrived in the airplane, we got to escorted to our seat and found a pouch. But what I really wanted was sleep so I took the sleep mask, which was in the kit given to me,and slept on my chair.