
Pokemon : Ash reborn

What happens when Ash and Pikachu start on a rather harmonious tune stay tuned to find out the rather exciting rewind of ash and pikachu's journey again ************ This is a translation of Pokemon : Wisdom series Join my patreon for Ash's adventure at Kalos patreon.com/ThedenGUARD963

Denzil_Beast · Anime & Comics
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191 Chs

Chapter 176: Celadon Gym

"I'll take good care of you, Vulpix!" Brock said with a soft smile as he cradled Vulpix in his arms on the way back to the Pokémon Center. He gently stroked its silky fur, and Vulpix, feeling comforted, let out a contented growl, its earlier sadness about leaving Vivi gradually fading.

Misty watched the scene with a smile. "I didn't expect Miss Vivi to entrust Vulpix to Brock. That means she really respects his abilities as a breeder."

Ash nodded in agreement. "Yeah, Brock's always been great with Pokémon, but this shows just how good he really is."

"It's an honor to be recognized by someone as talented as Miss Vivi," Brock said, determination in his voice. "Next time we meet, I'll show her how much I've improved."

As Ash and his group left, Vivi stood outside her shop, gazing at the familiar building she had worked so hard to maintain for three years. She sighed, a hint of reluctance in her expression, but after a moment, her resolve hardened. She closed the shop's door one last time, ready to explore the world outside. If she stayed there, she would only stagnate. She needed to grow, and she wanted to stay ahead of Brock, her new rival.


The next morning, Ash, Misty, and Brock arrived at the Celadon Gym, located in the southwest corner of Celadon City. Known for its distinctive flower-like architecture, the gym was shaped like a large Gloom, with the smell of fresh flowers surrounding the area.

As they approached, Misty marveled at the sight. "I can't believe we're here! This is Erika's gym—the one with the famous Rainbow Badge!"

In addition to being a gym, Celadon Gym also functioned as a botanical garden and a perfume shop. The gym leader, Erika, was known for her various talents: not only was she a powerful trainer, but she was also a renowned flower arranger, a perfume maker, and even a teacher in botany.

At only sixteen years old, Erika had already made a name for herself in Celadon City, winning over challengers and admirers alike with her expertise in both Pokémon battles and the arts.

Misty looked at Erika's achievements with awe. "Erika's so accomplished. While I'm still working hard just to become stronger, she's already established herself in so many ways."

Despite the crowd of tourists gathered outside, Ash and his friends were fortunate to bypass the long lines. As official challengers of the gym, they entered without having to queue for the botanical garden or perfume shop.

After registering for the gym challenge, Ash waited his turn in the challenger's hall, listening as other trainers were called one by one. At last, his name was called.

When Ash entered the battle hall, he was greeted by a lush green space filled with thick vegetation. The battlefield was 100 meters long and 50 meters wide, resembling a wild forest more than a traditional gym. Misty and Brock watched from the stands, along with a large audience who had come to witness the battle.

"The maintenance costs for this place must be insane," Ash muttered to himself, taking in the sight of the beautifully landscaped field.

At the opposite end of the arena stood Erika, the elegant gym leader. Ash was struck by her appearance—she was as beautiful as Sabrina, with an air of both gentleness and strength.

Erika glanced at Ash's information on her clipboard and raised an eyebrow. "Challenger Ash, a Poké Ball-level trainer who has only been a trainer for a few months..." she mused, impressed. "To advance this quickly is no small feat."

Misty, sitting in the audience, stood up and cheered. "Come on, Ash! You've got this!"

Ash didn't respond verbally but lifted his right fist into the air as a show of confidence. Pikachu, standing at his side, mirrored the gesture with its little paw, ready to support Ash in the upcoming battle.

Erika smiled, impressed by Ash's determination. "Let's see if your confidence is well-earned," she said softly.

The referee, a woman standing at the side of the field, raised her voice. "The Celadon Gym challenge between Gym Leader Erika and Challenger Ash is about to begin! Each side will use three Pokémon, and the challenger is allowed to switch during the battle. The match ends when one side's Pokémon are all unable to battle."

Erika took the lead, calling out her first Pokémon. "Tangela, let's show them what we've got!"

From Erika's side, a Tangela appeared, its body covered in thick, blue vines, with only its eyes and feet visible. The vine-covered Pokémon looked round and deceptively harmless, but Ash knew better than to underestimate it.

"Tangela, the Vine Pokémon. Grass Type. Ability: Chlorophyll or Leaf Guard. Strength: Elite level," Ash thought to himself. "It's Grass-type, which should give me an advantage, but I can't get careless."

"Go, Pidgeotto!" Ash shouted, throwing his Poké Ball. His trusty Flying-type emerged, flapping its wings and ready for action. "This is a Grass-type gym, and Flying-types have the edge. Let's do this, Pidgeotto!"

Erika watched with a calm expression. "Tangela, get ready!"

The battle was about to begin, and both trainers felt the tension in the air as the crowd leaned in, eager to witness the showdown.


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