
Pokemon: Ash Legend

In the world of Pokémon, a new chapter was about to begin with the journey of a kid named Ash Ketchum. Who was actually a reincarnate of an Indian guy from earth who happened to be a great fan of Pokémon. As his journey begins, Ash will find that the world of Pokémon is not as small as it was in anime, and there are many professions he does not know about in this world. Follow his journey as he becomes the first Pokémon legend of this world.

LineofAshes_Devils · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Reincarnated into Ash.

Given that he had finally encountered the alleged legendary reincarnation today and that he had met the god, who was eager to give him the alleged system, the boy with black hair and colored eyes was gazing at himself in the mirror in the silent room with sleep clouding his dazed eyes.

However, the boy declined because he preferred to train Pokémon as he normally would. He made the choice to ask him for the information in exchange, which was made possible by another intriguing talent that allowed him to understand Pokémon.

'I understand what they're saying, but I have to keep it a secret if I don't want to be opened by a human scientist or a mew two.'

Ash muttered, a small smile appearing on his face as he surveyed the space before leaping onto his bed and turning to face the roof.

'It's only five in the morning, so maybe I should take a nap, but the excitement is keeping me awake, and besides, look at this frail body, so I guess I will start preparing it for the journey.'

Ash went to find his mother, Delia, who was looking particularly stunning as he was beginning to formulate his plan.

By doing this, he was able to determine where his good looks came from—presumably from his mother, though I am not sure about his father. Ash was debating whether he was the Rocket Gang's leader or someone else.

"Oh, Ash, good morning, little one. What happened to make you get up so early this morning?"

Although it wasn't depicted in the anime, Delia walked by and pinched his cheeks.

However, thanks to Ash's memories, he was aware that Delia had a tendency to adore others, especially Ash, who resembled the apple of her Adam.

"Hmm, for some reason I cannot sleep, so I decided to go out for a run." Ash made an effort to speak as little as possible so that she wouldn't notice anything strange about him.

However, he was unaware that, despite Delia's intelligence, she tended to become a simpleton in his situation and failed to notice even the smallest of changes.

"Hmm, that's a wise practice. Then you should go, and by the time you come back, I will have food prepared for you."

Ash nodded and dashed out the door to collect the memories and behavior of the previous Ash, the original host of this body.

As he began to remember that every living thing in this world possesses a quality known as "physc," a non-physical energy, especially more so in the case of Pokémon, he also began to access knowledge from the god.

While the alleged experience that Pokémon gain from combat is similar to that which humans gain from training in combat, it actually strengthens their physical energy control, which places less strain on their bodies and results in greater physical strength.

To explain it clearly...

Physc (energy), which released different kinds of elemental energies.

But it also put a lot of strain on the physique, making it stronger gradually, but the body is also under seal due to the energy constraint.

Therefore, as long as one can exert more physc control, they will begin to remove the restrictions or limitations on their physical potential, thereby becoming physically stronger.

Additionally, their Physc is also their talent; the more Physc a Pokémon possesses, the harder it will be to train it to control it, but the greater the likelihood that it will become stronger than other Physc Pokémon.

The fact that Pikachu had a high physical stature meant that its small body was constantly constrained, but it also meant that it had a high potential.

One can tell how fortunate this Ash was when it came to the Pokémon line-up just by the fact that he had Ash Charizard, who was one of the best in the century.

'Status.' One of his abilities was his identification eyes, which were not a system but rather a small bar on the right corner of his eyes.

The blue bar represented measuring physicality, and the green bar represented physicality's limit.

At this moment, a pidgey was sitting on the tree looking at Ash, who was also looking at him, given his current self who was tired after running out was lazing on the bench beside the park.

Physc: mid (fine quality.)

Physique: low (Getting started.)

//Note: In light of the fact that at this point Ash could only see the bar filling to a certain level and that was the only time he used knowledge from God to determine his level of physc and physique, Mc did not see these words written. I wrote them this way to make them easier for readers to understand. //

Ash returned home after looking around and jogging for a while, where his mother had already prepared some nice, warm food.

He began to eat the food, which tasted really delicious, while seated at the table and finished several plates before becoming satisfied.

When Delia saw him acting as usual but with a little more appetite for food and a new diet that he had never displayed before, she grinned very broadly.

Dalia was a good trainer for Ash because she is a well-known chef for Pokémon food in Pallet Town. As a result, Ash started to change gradually and developed an interest in the recipes for Pokémon food.

Ash was made aware of how this world differed from the world of anime as a result of what she taught him.

His second job then changed to research the world he was living in, and the best place to do so was Professor Place. Delia assisted him in getting access to Professor Place because she was familiar with the professor because he had purchased all of the Pokémon food from her store.

Along with that, two years passed and Ash finally turned 11 years old, the age at which he would be eligible to obtain his first Pokémon.

However, in order to obtain Pikachu, Ash spontaneously decided to stay out late without giving the decision much thought.

After all, over the course of these two years, he was able to get to know that Pikachu, who is constantly seated by himself in the professor's lab and appears to be reflecting on something from his past.

Perhaps Ash, who remembered the earth, and Pikachu, who remembered his parents, both felt hesitant about their pasts. Both of them started to get acquainted with some pokeblocks and tea. As they say, nothing much, just continue to company the other party.

However, Delia was able to make friends with Pikachu faster than him and asked him to protect Ash, to which Pikachu acted like a cute big brother and promised.
