Adventures of an 18 year old boy who finds himself in the world of Pokemon.
"I hope you aren't skipping class again Arthur" said Old Martin as he watched the familiar figure pass through the glazed door of his library.
Arthur smiled, "Good Afternoon Mr. Martin and no, the model student that I am never did such vile things" The old man snorted. "Besides, it's already past school's hours."
The seventy years old librarian took a drag of his pipe and looked at the clock hanging on the other side of the room, beyond the lines of bookshelves and computers. It was 4P.m, indeed past school hours. He let out the nicotine and smoke from his lungs then refocused on Arthur. He sighed, " And here I thought we were still in the middle of the day. Time sure flies when you are old."
"It's all this Smoking" Rebuked Arthur with a condemning look " It's messing with your mind. You're not so young Mr. Martin and this is bad for your health."
He took another drag of his pipe, " Are we going to have this same discussion every time we met?"
"Are you going to stop smoking?"
He exhaled, "No."
"Then we still have many discussions ahead of us."
Arthur reached inside his red jacket and Martin smiled at the item that was put on his desk, a pack of Gums. He had expected it. The youngster had been giving him these treats for three years as part of his efforts to make him drop the pipe. The Gums were made with the cream of Alcremie and charged with fairy energy which upon ingestion released a pleasing feeling in the system. They were, in a way, another addiction but much less potent than the nicotine and, aside from caries, not harmful.
As always, Martin appreciated the gesture – His smoking habits were in fact very bad three years ago, and he knew those gums were expensive for kids his age – but he just shooed Arthur away as if he were a nuisance. "Kids these days have no respect for the elderly!" he said after more nagging from him. Martin was your everyday Gramp.
Arthur left the entrance and headed upstairs where visitors could find sits and tables to peacefully read their books. He went to the only door on the floor – Marked with "Employee Only" – and inserted the keys he retrieved earlier from his bag. It was unnecessary, the door wasn't locked.
He entered the private room. The office belonged to the second manager of the library, Lucas, a twenty-seven years old guy, responsible of the library's information system and network while Old Martin took care of the books. Once inside, Arthur found him behind his desk rhythmically typing on a keyboard.
He grinned at the scene, "So You do work sometimes Lucas. I thought you were lazing around in front of your computer all day."
"Good evening Arthur" replied the computer specialist, his cyan eyes fixed on the screen "I have to work if I want food." Lucas was quite handsome man. He was fair skinned, fit and under his messy black hair were glasses that accented the bookish charm he already had to him. Despite his age, he looked like a young adult no older than twenty-one. He wasn't the only one with this "Blessing".
Our Transmigrator had learned after his arrival to this world that its human inhabitants age slowly past their growth spurt – Puberty – which usually begins at twelve. Life expectancy is well beyond a century and people are still kicking in their eighty. That's the reason why his new parent Marthe, was still smoking hot even in her mid-40's – No, she was like a fine wine, better with years; "A Perfect Milf," He had blurted out when his fully transmigrated mind first laid his eyes on her, earning him a sweet kiss from the lady.
Arthur closed the door behind him and sat down on one of the sofas in the room. He then continued the thread of their little bantering, "Well, we sure have to work to eat but you can't deny that you have little to do when there are men sweating under the hard midday sun. How many can boast of having a mini-fridge, couches and a TV in their workplace? This place is more like a mini living room"
Lucas followed, "I'm barely working twenty hours a week and I earn as much as our mayor if we don't count his side activities… Yes, I have succeeded in life."
This got Arthur snorting with laughter. He had no intention of disparaging his best friend's work. Instead, Lucas' job was far more challenging. He oversaw not only the library's computer systems, but also those at the town hall and the network station that connected Otambourg to the rest of the region. He also taught computer classes at a nearby high school. Lucas worked multiple jobs.
However, he had no trouble keeping up with his duties. He had successfully reconfigured his IMO to create a management assistant that allowed him to test and report on the status of these systems from a distance. If one of them failed, he could fix the problem from where he was by giving a few instructions to his assistant. The only time he left his office was when he needed to teach a class or replace equipment. Lucas was, as Arthur once called him, "a low-budget Tony Stark." He didn't understand the reference.
After more bantering, Lucas finally took his eyes off the computer and massaged them; his focus was broken. He let out a frustrated grunt, and Arthur apologized; he shook his head, "It's not you. Some idiot from the town hall had managed to virus their system, and since the malware was unknown to me, I couldn't use my assistant and had to fix the problem myself."
"I can help you if you want."
"Nah, thank you. I've been working all morning. In an hour at the most, I'll have the problem solved." Lucas said before returning to his screen.
Arthur decided not to bother him anymore and took out his computer – Which was actually gifted to him by his older friend – for a web session. For the next hour, a comfortable silence reigned in the room. Lucas eventually resolved the issue and lounged on the couch across from his younger friend. "What are you doing?" he asked.
Arthur looked up from his computer, "Not much, just exploring what's new on the web."
"Shouldn't you be preparing? If I remember correctly, your exam is in a month and this year you'll be receiving Regionals Starters."
Following his question, Arthur just stared at him and, a little lost, Lucas stared back until his confusion turned to understanding. "Sorry, I forgot who I was talking to. The Smartest Kid alive!" He chuckled, " You sure are humble."
"Don't you know? Humility is my second name."
"I thought it was Roserade?"
"That's my third name."
"Arthur Humility Roserade, huh?" They laughed, "I guess you'll be spending the whole month here?"
"No, I'll be in school. This is my last month there, I decided to try hard and not skip."
"And nothing. Is it that hard to believe me?"
"Yes. What's going on?"
Arthur shrugged, "Well, it's Miss Camille's fault. She is blackmailing me, saying she will go and complain to Ma."
"Seriously? That's a bit childish."
Noticing the smile on his lips, Arthur decided to annoy him with a subject he often brought up. "Besides" he said, "she is also energetic, pretty and caring...The perfect girlfriend".
Lucas sat up properly knowing where the discussion was going. He sighed, exhausted. "You still haven't let go? I've already told you several times that the average age of marriage for men is 38. Some even reach their fifties."
It was another fact Arthur learned about this new world. People were in no hurry to build their lives and take on responsibilities because of their longevity. This was also one of the reasons why teens chose to continue their Pokemon adventure even though it would have been more logical to take a different path. They had time.
"I'm well aware of that." Arthur replied, "But… Who's talking about marriage? I'm talking about girlfriends. You really want your wife to be your first and last girlfriend? That's... lame."
Lucas groaned a little irritated, "Who told you I've never had a girlfriend!?"
"You?? With a girl? Ha!"
There was a time Lucas wasn't this fit and Arthur hadn't forgotten. He had first met him during his second year in elementary school. Mrs. June, the class teacher and a saint – He would tell you – was worried about him because of his repeated absences. She discovered that the hooligan was spending his time in the library and asked Lucas, her son, to keep an eye on him.
The absentee already knew Lucas, the overweight and socially awkward computer guy, but they never exchanged a word until that day, when his greetings were finally answered with more than a grunt. The technician had informed him of Mrs. June's concerns and, having noticed his passion for computers, had offered to teach some basics if he stopped skipping classes. Arthur had accepted the deal, the beginning of a friendship.
He was learning about the information systems and technologies of this world for two reasons: First, as someone deeply influenced by the Silicon Valley's success stories, Rudy-now-Arthur still believed that computer science was the way to luxury, and with the knowledge he already had from the other side, the learning process wouldn't be complicated.
Second, he had a rather strange experience with the Pokeweb. When he had been allowed to use the library's network service, the first search he did was on the pornography of this world. What? Don't judge him! If you were in his shoes, wouldn't you be looking to see if there's such a thing as Pokephilia in this world? Which true Pokemon fans don't know about Pokephilia or Pokégirls?
His search did not yield any results. Fortunately, Rudy was skilled, and because the operating systems of the two worlds were similar, he eventually found and disabled the internet filtering software – after all, the library was a public space established to acquire meaningful knowledge – but he was still greeted by a blank page. There was nothing, not even a typical adult video, which, in his book, was impossible! Sex is a basic need, and some people will always want to use it as a way to make money, he believed. Conspiracy theories began to form in his head, and he left the place at high speed. He deduced that the Pokeweb was heavily monitored and that, maybe, his research had been spotted by the authorities.
His breaths came out relieved as no one smashed open the orphanage door. He wasn't the first to conduct this kind of research, and he certainly wouldn't be the last. Arthur wanted to learn how to freely and carefully explore the Pokeweb while looking for the existence of a dark web through his deal with Lucas.
As their friendship deepened, Lucas realized that his ten years old friend was much smarter than he let on. "Why are you doing this?" He had asked red faced, his arms crying with pain and refusing to push against the soft grass.
"The work-out?" Arthur inquired "I'm going to be drawn like those muscular guys in action films!"
He finally managed that last push-up and laid under the morning sun, gasping for air. "Not that," he said, "I'm talking about that silly sounding plan."
"Oh! The 'Hiding strength to slap them all into oblivion' plan?" There was glee in Arthur's smile, "They said I was a freak who should have stayed in a mental institute, looking at me like a would-be hobos or redneck that will end up in the streets." He shrugged, "So be it, I would be what they see me as, so when come the T.E.D – Test for Elementary Diploma – three years later," He punched forward, "I'll prove them wrong in the most grandiose of manners!
"Yes, I'll baffle them all! They will feel the slap for years to come, the more so if there's a Regional Starter and when those kids realize how cool and intelligent, I am, they will rush to become my friend but – I don't make friend with peasants; Begone stupids! – I'll tell them that in their faces! They will regret what they did and envy me forever and ever. The end… What!?"
"Nothing." The deadpan look told Arthur something else "I guess you are still a kid even with all your maturity." Lucas mused, "But you know, they sure were right. You are freaking smart."
Arthur recognized the bit of consoling. "Thanks." He muttered, grateful. " Now, Get up! It's time for the daily mile. Don't think I forgot." Lucas groaned, "We will melt all this fat!"
And they did. Lucas had come a long way but was still without a girl. Arthur knew it, " No way the smelly shut-in who whispered to himself had been in a relationship!" This closed the debate, but he wasn't finished.
"Look Lucas, I don't understand. You've changed; Now you have the money and the look to go with it. What's holding you back?"
"It's… none of your business."
"It is. Tell me What! What's stopping you from asking Miss Camille out!?"
"Not Interested."
Arthur gave him a knowing look, " It's Liza, right? Who need a woman when you have cute a Lopunny by your side. She is such a Babe."
"Whaaat? Stop being ridiculous. Me and Liza? She's my Starter and nothing else."
"Do you realize your voice just cracked? I know there's something between you two. Seriously the sexual tension has been thick lately."
"You're imagining things. Is it puberty that is messing with your senses?"
"If I am, look me in the eyes and tell me there is nothing between you."
Lucas matched his gaze and they entered another of their staring contests. Arthur was surprised, almost thirty seconds passed, and his opponent wasn't ready to give in. Thirty seconds more and he would lose this challenge. he had to keep him off balance.
"You never pounded her sweet cunt?"
He had nailed it. Lucas wasn't ready for such bluntness and the defense he had built began to crumble but just as he was about to blink, he moved his head slightly and the light from the room reflected off his glasses, hiding them completely. Now it was Arthur who couldn't look at him.
He was shocked! He didn't think this technique could still be used as the sun was setting – The Glass-fu – Lucas called it . By using the surrounding light to reflect it onto glasses the user can completely hide his eyes either in an escaping or intimidating manner.
Arthur acknowledged his loss, "Well done Lucas, I thought there wasn't enough light to use your 'Glass-fu'. Looks like you took the technique to the next level."
"I knew it was going to come to this. I didn't sit down properly for nothing" Lucas replied with a smile, his technique still active, openly taunting him.
"I'll let it slide for today, but you won't be so lucky next time". He then went back to his computer grumbling.
"Hmm? You think this discussion is going to end here? Get ready for retaliation."
"You have nothing on me. Stop pretending."
"Ha! I don't have anything incriminating? Are you sure about that?"
Before Arthur could think of any weak points he had, Lucas continued, "Big ass Lopunny, Huge Boobs Primarina, naughty Braixen and even little Kirlia?... Boy you are wild!"
He sat still, paralyzed as if a bolt of lightning had struck him. Every word said was a wave of shame that hit with the same malevolence of a heavy weight's Right Hook. The maniacal laugh that followed did not help.
How? He thought speechless. Over the years, the pseudo-training he had received from Lucas – who was in fact a graduate student in computer science – mixed with his past experiences, had made him as qualified as any programmer fresh out of college, His pseudo-master had told him. Arthur had learned how to fake his location on the Pokeweb which was indeed heavily censored and monitored. by the league. His Pokephilic search was still fruitless but he made sure to erase his tracks.
Yes, he had been using the library computers at the time, but Lucas shouldn't have been able to access his history search… It was then that he remembered the management assistant – The low budget Jarvis – and it clicked in his mind.
"You creep." he sneered " That is peeping! Have you no shame? Spying on people… Wait! Don't tell me it's the same with the town hall and the high school." Arthur was dumbstruck as he received an enigmatic smile. "… For Arceus sake Lucas, if someone else finds out what your assistant is capable of, they could sue you for data hacking and piracy.... This is a serious offense."
If these words perturbed him, Lucas didn't show it. In fact, he was nonchalant as if it was someone else, Arthur was talking about. "I trust you. It's not like you're going to shout it from the rooftops."
"I didn't think you were so brave. Don't worry, I'll keep your secret, but my silence is costly."
"And what do you want?"
Arthur seized the opportunity with both hands. "The Darkweb!" He nearly shouted. With the Pokeweb so restrictive, he knew there had to be an alternative, a wilder, more chaotic place. Lucas had confirmed its existence but still refused to show it. He had no idea how to get there.
"Hmmm... I guess it is finally time to introduce you to it. This will be the last lesson I give you. After this, I won't have anything else to teach you."
Lucas got off the couch and walked over to his computer. Arthur was right behind him, excited and a little surprised of his agreement. Once on his desktop, he opened an application, a dictionary ? Then got to the search bar and entered some sort of alphanumeric code.
Suddenly, the contents of the page disappeared and were replaced by a black background presenting, a central and bigger search bar, a logo made up of three differently phased sinusoids – Green, red, blue – giving the impression of a horizontal helicoid, and between the two, written in white, "GENESIS".