
Pokemon: Alain Reborn

A man was reborn as Alain, the rival of Ash during the Kalos region. Watch as he rises above all others to become the greatest trainer of all time.

SovereignOfMany · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Sycamore Labs

Time flies by like crazy.

It's been 4 years since I started my studies here at Lumiose Trainer School. I was now in my last year here at this famed school. A lot has happened since the beginning of my time here in Lumiose City.

Now being 14, I have grown a little bit since I was 10. From 5'3 to 5'11, my growth in height from when I was 10 was pretty good.

Also, my social circle has been pretty tight. Me and my friend group, which was Grant, Korrina, and Clemont, have grown pretty close. It was a pretty cool group of future elite trainers.

Speaking of Clemont, my project, which was the "PokeScanner", had been pretty steady. Having spent 4 years on it, it was nearing completion. We were making 2 pairs, one for each of us.

As of now, the PokeScanner could read all 18 types, even the newly discovered Fairy Types. We have been spending some time this year testing it and working out some kinks with the PokeScanner.

Our Battle Tactics Teacher, the future Elite 4, Wikstorm was helping us test it by providing us with Pokemon of different types.

I was excited about the completion of the PokeScanner. It was a passion project for me, as it was a big part of my life for so long. To know it was coming to an end, it brought me great sadness.

Life in the school was about to end too, and soon, I will be a trainer, traversing the entirety of Kalos. I will be a strong trainer, and I know it.


I was in my last class of the day, Pokemon Biology. It was a boring and slow day, and I was just wishing to go home. Fortunately, there was something that made me fully awake.

The school's intercom was shot on and a voice spoke through it. " Can Alain Schneider please come to the Principal's office"?

All the people in the class looked at me confused, and I got up from my seat. What could the principal want at the end of school? I was not a troublemaker, that's for sure. I left my class and explored the hall, going to the principal's office.

After a couple of minutes, I managed to get to the Principal's office. I knocked on the door before getting permission to come in.

The principal of the Lumiose Trainer School, Mr. Mandigo was an old, and wise person. He usually comes to observe the class. I was on good terms with the man, as I was a student with good grades.

"Alain, you are finally here. Do not worry, you're not in trouble. It's quite the opposite", Mr. Mandigo said to me, directing me to sit across from him.

That lifted some worry off my chest. I sat down at the seat across from him. I then responded. "What do you mean by that, Mr.Mandigo".

"I mean you about to partake in something that is pretty exclusive you see", Mr.Mandigo said to me.

My eyes widened. What could he mean by that? I was now pretty intrigued by the conversation.

" Professor Sycamore has asked me for a volunteer for something he's working on", Mr.Mandigo said to me." Luckily, I nominated you for the position of his volunteer aide down at his lab".

My mouth went agape as I heard this. Being an aide at Professor Sycamore's lab? That's what the canon Alain has been doing. This was pretty crazy, to be honest.

"Don't get a heart attack now. You'll start this afternoon. I'll drive you there.", Mr.Mandigo continued saying.

I got out of my chair before thinking about something." Mr.Mandigo, why did you pick me out of everyone else". I wanted to know why I was the candidate he thought of.

He smiled at my question. "Sure there were better counting grades to pick from but you, Alain, have something else. You have an obsession. You're the one who loves Pokemon the most out of them. It was uncanny".

I smiled at the response. Pokemon was one of my favorite things, even in my old life. It just got amplified crazy when I could actually see, touch, and potentially catch and train them.

I left the office and went to my dorm, shifting out of my uniform for a more casual outfit. I then left my dorm, all before all the other students got dismissed from their last class.


My principal drove me out of campus and into the bustling streets of Lumiose City. It took 15 minutes but by then, I was in front of Sycamore's Lab, the main laboratory of Professor Augustine Sycamore.

"Don't embarrass me and my decision making Alain", Mr.Mandigo said to me, as we walked up to it. The man of the hour was already at the front waiting for us.

"So this is the person you decided on", the man known as Sycamore said to us, as we were now face to face with him.

Mr.Mandigo nodded, and Sycamore looked at me, before smiling." Hold on, you're the hyper-eager Alain kid from years ago. You have grown quite a bit". Professor Sycamore was still over me, at 6'3.

Sycamore invited us in. Once we were inside, I gaped at the lab. There were dozens of people in white lab coats around, simultaneously doing work. It was humongous, even on the inside.

"Let's talk in my office. Mr.Mandigo, your services are no longer necessary, you can leave", Professor Sycamore said with a chuckle.

"You're still the annoying student from back then, Augustine", Mr.Mandigo huffed and puffed as he walked out of the laboratory.

I and the Professor walked into his private office, and he shut the door behind him. He then sat on his desk, facing me.

"Alain, if you're half of the eager kid I met 4 years ago, you'll love what I'm asking you to do", Professor Sycamore said to me. "I'm all ears", I responded.

"I'm not going to let you in on the research task, I need to see your work ethic first. I'll just say, if you do everything correctly, you're looking at your sponsor for when you'll leave on your journey", He exclaimed to me.

I processed this information. A sponsor was an organization or person who funds a trainer's journey. The top talent is usually sponsored by Gyms, with the intent that they will be the future Gym Leaders. There were only a few trainers that got sponsored.

Being sponsored by the biggest professor will do wonders for me. I would have money, a starter Pokemon, items, and information only available to people like the Professor. It would certainly be a strong foundation, for sure.

" I promise Professor, you won't regret letting me walk in here! When do I start?", I announced to Sycamore.

He smiled."How about right now".


It was the start of a new year now in January and soon I'll be a trainer. That wasn't the biggest thing in my life. That would be my job as a Voluntary Aide here at Sycamore Labs.

I have been grinding lately during these last 4 months. My job here right now was just helping out all the other professors here with Sycamore.

It was also my job, given to me by Sycamore himself, to tend to the Pokemon inside his' indoor reserve. It was filled with Pokemon, all of which were left to me. It was a wonderful experience with these Pokemon at least.

I guess Sycamore has been impressed by my work ethic, as he called me one day when I was driven there by Mr.Mandigo.

When I walked in, Professor Sycamore had a serious look. " Alain, you're finally here. I'm a man of my word, so I'll let you in on the secret research task we're doing".

My eyes widened at this, and I smiled. Finally! I was wondering how many times I had to clean some Pokemon before he recognizes me. " I guess you came to your senses".

"Don't get too cocky now. Back to what I was saying, It's a good thing we're letting you in, as the whole research task kind of revolves around you", Professor Sycamore announced to me. "Do you know about Mega Evolution"?

"I heard about it on the internet. It's pretty big right now", I said back to Sycamore. Of course, I knew a lot of Mega Evolution, more than the average Joe. I couldn't say that though.

"Yeah, I know. The public is in a frenzy, and they are pretty misinformed by these phenomena occurring", Professor Sycamore, picking up a remote and turning on a projector that caste some pictures at the side of the room.

It was a picture of a Mega Gardevoir, in the hands of Diantha, the Kalos Champion. It flashed many pictures of Mega Evolution through various Pokemon, showing the before and after.

"And those who know about it, the League, and other researchers and trainers refused to say anything about it to the news outlets", Sycamore said.

" We can't keep the public in the dark forever. That's where you come in. You'll travel the region, going through every possible lead, to find Mega Stones for us here to study", Sycamore presented to me.

I was starstruck by the information being presented to me. So I would be on a mission collecting Mega Stones? Sign me up!

"That's a wonderful idea. You know, I'll need a starter Pokemon to do that though", I said to Sycamore. I wanted to push the idea of that a little further.

" Don't worry about that, I already have a buddy from the Kanto region working on that", Professor Sycamore responded, before putting his hand on my shoulder." Go back to school, your dismissed for the day".

I did what he instructed, leaving the lab and taking a walk back to Lumiose Trainer School. As I made it there to the campus, I went to my dorm only to see Korrina, Clemont, and Grant being there.

"Oh look who's here early. I wouldn't be surprised if they fired you", Korrina said to me, which got an audible laugh from Grant. Even Clemont chuckled at it, which was unusual. All three of them were playing cards in my room.

"I got a raise of some sort. Something you all haven't done and no Clemont, it can't be from your Dad's store.", I sat down with them. " How about you let me in the next game".

"Show off", Grant pouted, to which all the others agreed.

I was in such a good mood. I was part of an important mission, guaranteed a great starter Pokemon, and all around, life was good.


Long chapter, 1,802 words. Say thoughts on chapters in the comment, as I love reading them ngl.

His starter will be Charmander, just like Cannon. Didn't feel like changing it and it was a strong Pokemon. However, he won't have any of the other same Pokemon in canon.