
Pokemon: Aichi Sendou

Aichi Sendou a guy chosen by the gods not because of his circumstances but because of him meeting the gods so called “requirements". Has now been to the world of Pokemon in the humble area known to him as Twinleaf town. A new adventure for a person given another a chance in life, how will he grasp his fate? Let’s find out! ()()() No harem! Sinnoh Region! Dawn Supremacy! This will have no Update schedule as this is a fanfic I will be typing when I’m bored or when I can’t use my pc to make a Naruto chapter. I can’t write on my other fanfic without using a pc to search stuff up as I don’t want to get stuff wrong. But for a Pokemon fanfic I should be fine as I’ve been playing Pokemon since I was five. ()()()

Ruos · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

Ash’s Gym Battle (44)

—POV Brock—

"Ugh finally." I groan out. With my now tired body, I flop onto the bed in glee. My Pokemon is currently by my side and is starting to explore the small room.


Slightly moving my head sideways because of my lazyness, I remember that Aichi sent me a message from before. I'm not sure what this could be about, maybe he needs some dating sites.

'I thought Dawn and him were doing fine though.' I thought to myself. If he really needed some help though, I got him but I'm not sure if Dawn would appreciate it.

After quickly feeding Sudowoodo his dinner, I pull out my poke phone and check my messages.


<Aichi S: Hey Brock, I would like to make a deal with you which includes you winning a contest in the future. The fashion contest which includes dressing your Pokemon to look like a complete other one has a Pokemon egg I greatly desire. I wont tell you what the Pokemon is but will pay you handsomely. No pressure>


"Pokemon fashion show?" I say this in disbelief. Rechecking the message, I confirm that I'm not going crazy. It seems like he really wants the Pokemon egg and is willing to pay me for it.

I'm not sure how much he will actually pay me, but I won't mind giving him the egg either way. It's not like I'm not trying to find another member for my team anyways.

"I should check the details of the contest now." I murmur.

—POV Aichi—

"Totodile!" The big jawed Pokemon shouts as it hops around the training field. Dawn and I started to get a questioning look while Brock and Ash smirked.

"He's a bit hyper don't you think." Dawn says a bit weirded out while Piplup and I chime in, in agreement.

"At least he'll be able to dodge attacks." I joke. All of us started to laugh as we saw all of our Pokemons reactions to meeting a hyper active Pokemon for the first time.

"Totodile calm down!" Ash calls out. The jaw Pokemon ignoring its trainer, starts to run around while spinning Pikachu and Piplup around making them confused.

It tries to do the same with Chimchar but ends up getting smacked by a fist.


"You guys should warm up your guy's teams first before heading into the gym battle. Maybe a light spar with just dodges?" Brock tells Asha and I. Seeing no fault in his statement, I immediately agree with Ash soon after doing the same.

"I'll battle Ash while you get Dawn." Brock tells me with a wide grin.

'Sus.' I thought to myself.

After this we spent an hour warming up before the gym battle. While battling back to back wont be possible.

Roark should be able to heal his team up in an hour tops after battling Ash as he's going first. I don't mind going second as I can watch what Roark will do, though I am curious on what team Ash will use for his battle

"Is Totodile gonna be battling?" I asked Ash with a curious look. I wondered how "trained" Totodile really was, considering he has trained the guy beforehand he should be Ash's "strongest" Pokemon on hand. The reason I say this is because Pikachu always gets a little reset in skill for some reason.

"You'll have to wait and see." Ash says with a grin. Seeing his grin, both Dawn and I do an eye roll.

The crew and I walking through a familiar path, we spot a certain trainer talking to the same hippie I saw this morning.

It seems like Paul wanted to battle Roark but sadly for him I already booked two battles today.

"You guys are already booked?" Paul practically growls out with an annoyed voice. The hippie guy not giving two shits, just shrugs Paul off and tells him to come back sometime else.

Walking up to the entrance, Paul starts to exit the place in turn walking past us.

"Hey Pau-"

Ash tries to converse with Paul but the guy isn't having any of it and just keeps on walking.

"That guy has some nerve." Ash says with a dissatisfied look.

"Just ignore him, don't let your mentality go down the drain this early." I chime in. Ash realising that he is getting annoyed for no reason, calms himself down as we all entered the gym.

"I'll see you guys soon, message me when the battle starts." I hear Dawn call out as she walked towards where the toilets were.

"Sure!" Ash replies.

After this Ash signed in using his Pokedex and with this we all made our way towards the stands while Ash went to the battlefield.

While we were waiting for Roark to appear, I sense Dawn finally coming to sit with Brock and I.

*Tap* *Tap* *Tap*

Looking over to my left, I could see Dawn wearing a pink cheerleader outfit that matches her Buneary's dress. Next to the both of them, Piplup was waving his pom-poms around.

"Hey Dawn, you're looking great with that outfit on. The battle should start soon, the gym leader is already here" I tell her. Dawn hearing my words, gets a small blush on her face for a few seconds which doesn't go unnoticed by me.

Dawn not responding to my words, just silently takes a seat next to me while her Pokemon were conversing with Chimchar.

Before I could speak again though, I heard a voice from the battlefield down bellow the stands.

"Well look who we have here, quite the confident trainer I've got my eyes set on." Roark shouts in confidence. "Hopefully you're are strong as I think you are, you're Pokemon look well trained." He adds in the end making Ash get a wide grin.

"You bet they are, I'll be leaving this place with a badge in hand." Ash replies.

"Pika pika!" Pikachu chimes in while raising his fist into the air.

The referee seeing that the two were ready, started to speak.

"The battle between Ash from Pallet Town and Roark the Oreburgh gym leader will now commence! Each side will have three Pokemon and the battle will be over when all three of a persons Pokemon are unable to battle. In addition, only the challenger that substitute Pokemon!" The referee shouts in a clear and loud voice.

"Excuse me Dawn, I hope you don't mind if I ask but why are you wearing a cheerleading outfit?" Brock asks confused.

"You guys cheered me on when I was in the contest, so I will do the same. Of course it's also because my Pokemon and I helped Ash and Aichi train. They better win." She says with a glint in her eyes.

"Onix, go!" Roark shouts as he throws a Pokeball.


A huge rock snake could be seen manifesting out of a red hue, towering over the battlefield. Ash not getting discouraged, confidently sends out his Pikachu.

"Dear Arceus." Both Dawn and I murmur, facepalming at the choice. In the anime Pikachu did win this match up to my knowledge, but this isn't a show anymore.


[A/N: You guys want me to type out the fight scene between Roark and Ash's gym battle or just say the important stuff and get to the MC already?]