
Pokemon: Ace's Adventures!

Ace was an orphan.He worked as a part time worker to afford money to live.One day he was visited by truck-kun,then bam.He was infront of SKM,the author he reads some fanfic from.They discussed about his wishes and SKM decided to send him to the Pokemon world.Now join him in his quest to become a Pokemon master, along with finding love and happiness!

SarusakkuKM17 · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 13: Cerulean Gym Battle!

Ace took a deep breath as he and Serena entered the Cerulean City gym.When they entered,they saw a line for people to see the swimming show hosted by the sensational sisters.Ace and Serena waited in the lobby for the show to be over.Ace had asked if she wanted to go and see it as he didn't wanna go because he was strategizing because this is a real world so the Cerulean Gym leaders wouldn't be as pathetic as the original work.

Serena declined while thinking about why she would go and watch the show while there were many girls who were eyeing Ace but were not approaching due to her death glare.After an hour,the show was finally over as the duo went inside.As they walked inside and looked at the aquarium around them,they met with three women."Aww,who might you be,cutie~""Wanna get this big sisters autograph~""Ara Ara,you have a nice body."

Serena gritted her teeth as Daisy,lily and violet,the three sensational sisters, gushed over Ace,who blushed at their comments."I-I am here for the gym battle."He said as he composed himself."Okay~,we can have the battle,but if you lost,you have to go on a date with us~"Daisy said as Ace blushed again while Serena gave her death glare to the gym leaders who only laughed at her.

When they arrived at the gym battlefield, which consisted of a pool with many circlular pads which Pokemon can use to stand on the battlefield."Ace your have to win this."Serena said in a serious voice as she had her camera in her hand.Ace gave her a thumbs up as he stood on one of the pads. "You will battle all three of us in a one on one battle.How does that sound."Daisy asked as violet stood infront of Ace as his first opponent.Ace just nodded at Daisy as he entered his serious mode.

Our viewers saw Ace with Naruto,Kuzan and Zoro at his side,V.S the three sisters with three Pokeballs at their sides."Let the battle,begin!"The referee said as he shook his flags."Dewgong,let's perform!"Violet shouted as she sent out Dewgong."Naruto,it's showtime!"Serena was surprised that Ace was using Naruto from the start. "Dewgong, use aurora beam while swimming in the water to dodge incoming attacks."Violet said as she was going to use a hit and run tactic while attacking Frogadier with play rough or Aqua jet if he came inside the water as they will keep him busy in close and long range fight.

"Naruto,quick attack into rasengan."Ace commanded as Naruto dodged the incoming ice beams effortlessly as he used quick attack and arrived above the Dewgong who was going to go underwater after firing the ice beam.A rasengan appeared as he slamed it on Dewgong's head.The sensational sisters watched with shocked expressions as a whirlpool appeared on the field with the ground trembling.Once the whirlpool died down, Dewgong was seen uncounciois.

'I want to go to some other strong gyms. Strong as the sisters may be,they will not give me the fight i want Naruto to have.I will have to see if brocks father is any good.'Ace returned the disappointed Naruto as the referee declared Ace the winner."How did I lose so easily."violet muttered in a daze as she sat besides Daisy who looked at Ace with a calculative look while lily took the battlefield.Before lily could send her Pokemon,she saw Daisy giving her a :4' sign.

She raised her eyebrow, before she complied as she switched her Pokeball."Go,Gyarados!"

Ace narrowed his eyes at the roaring leviathan before him."Kuzan,it's showtime!"Kuzan appeared with a roar as well.The sister's were surprised by the crystal Onix but didn't comment as the battle was going on and they had also heard about a trainer having a crystal Onix which was ice/steel type,so it should be Ace."Gyarados,use dragon rage and surf!"Lily shouted as Gyarados fired blue flames at Kuzan while swinging his tail to send a wave of water towards him.

"Kuzan,meet it head on with ice beam,use iron tail to send your own wave to intersept the surf!"Kuzan clashed ice beam with Gyarados dragon rage while his iron tail sent a huge wave that stopped the surf attack from reaching him."Use aqua jet to coil around him and fire a ice ball Blizzard!"Kuzan was enveloped in water as he,with surprising speed,rushed at Gyarados and coiled around his body as he opened his mouth at Gyarados head."Oh no,use flamethrower and aqua jet!"Gyarados was also enveloped in water as the two Leviathans coiled around each other and dodged each other with amazing speeds.

Gyarados will throw flamethrower to clash with the ice balls Blizzard which is actually ice ball used with ice beams."Use brine and ice beam,now!"Ace shouted as his eyes glowed blue.Kuzan obeyed as he sent brine at Gyarados who appeared infront of him at the exact same time to launch a flamethrower. Brine stopped the flamethrower as Kuzan shot the ice beam, hitting Gyarados in the face!

"Oh no, Gyarados,use hurricane into fire blast!" Lily shouted as Gyarados flew in the air using the hurricane,and unleashed a fire blast at Kuzan.Kuzan roared in pain as the move was super effective,and the added winds of the hurricane also increased the damage. "Kuzan,he is comming,use the move we learnt yesterday,use it!"Kuzan opened his eyes with determination as he roared at the incoming Gyarados who was coming towards him due to the hurricane going out.When Gyarados was close enough,it was as if ice age has occurred as the entire battlefield was turned into ice with the Gyarados freezing over.

The sensational sisters watched as the ice broke and Gyarados came out,uncounciois. They looked at Ace as this guy was really a monster,not even the 4 pallet town natives they fought recently were this good for their second badge.Who would have thought this unique Onix will know Sheer cold!"It's my turn." Daisy said as she stood before ace with an intrigued smile.This guy was able to win against the 4th badge teams 'Ace pokemon' Gyarados,so she knew what type of Pokemon to use.If a trainer is exponentially good even if they had low badges,the gym leaders can choose other Pokemon instead of the badge format teams and can test the trainers while holding back to see if they can pass the test.

"Come out,Blastoise!"Daisy sent out the Ace of her team.Ace was shocked at the Pokemon she sent.More so was the object that was on Blastoise's hand that attracted his attention.

'A fucking final stage starter Pokemon with a mega stone!?Did i jinxed myself when I said I wanted to fight someone stronger then them.' He was sweating as he wondered if he will lose.Lily and violet were a little surprised by Daisy's choice but didn't comment as they knew why Daisy chose him.Serena looked at Ace worriedly as this Pokemon looked way stronger than the other ones.

"Blastoise vs Onix,begin!"The referee shouted as Ace went for the attack immediately."Kuzan,use rock tomb and stone edge!"Kuzan roared as he sent 20 boulders and many stone projectiles at Blastoise. "Blastoise,use dragon pulse to stop the attacks and use aura sphere to finish him off." Daisy said as Blastoise fired a dragon shaped purple energy blast from his cannon's that destroyed Kuzan's attack easily.Then a giant aura sphere appeared infront of Blastoise which he quickly sent towards Kuzan."Shit, Kuzan,try to block it with ice beam!"But it was too late,Kuzan tried to use ice beam,but the aura sphere appeared faster before he could attack, smashing on his head as he roared in agony before he collapsed on the ground.

"Kuzan!"Ace shouted as he ran towards Kuzan.He saw that Kuzan was uncounciois. He looked at Daisy who looked neutrally towards him,her flirty look gone.Then his eyes landed at Blastoise before he looked at Kuzan and smiled."You did a great job buddy."Ace thanked Kuzan as he returned him.He walked back towards his position as he took out another Pokeball."Zoro,i choose you!"Serena looked at Ace with concern as Ace and Zoro faced off against Daisy and Blastoise.Just how will Ace win this battle?

(Please give some power stones.)

(Find out next time on Pokemon: Ace's Adventures)