
Pokemon Academy Arts

Hector trained martial arts since his chilhood, once he died, he found himself on Kalos with a system, look after him on his new life. Disclaimer: I do not own Pokémon, I use the characters (some are mine) for my scenarios. The image used in the cover doesn't belong to me.

SoyNiir · Video Games
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10 Chs

Big Family

After a warm hug with my mother, she descended the stairs. While descending, still in her arms, I could see paintings and pictures covering the walls. Among them stood out an image: my parents with various Pokémon.

In the photo, my father Marco appears with a cheerful expression, prominent jaw, standing at 6 feet/1.90 meters, fair skin, well-defined physique with noticeably developed forearm muscles due to his profession, and... violet eyes? It seems he might have the Alexandria Syndrome. I had thought it was a myth in my previous world.

Next to him, my mother had an even happier expression on her beautiful face, with deep ruby-colored eyes that matched her long, beautiful hair reaching down to her shoulders. Two strands framed her ears, where she wore square-shaped glasses. The most notable feature was her figure, showing a bulge in her belly that she gently caressed with her right hand, while her left hand was intertwined with her husband's.

To the right of my mother, there was the presence of an enormous snake with a length of 30 feet/9.2 meters, formed from a rocky and metallic body. Two sharp spikes emerged from some of the rocks, and at the top, there was a huge head with a prominent and seemingly powerful jaw. This Pokémon was Steelix.

Next to Steelix, there was another steel powerhouse with a smiling face, Bastiodon. Finally, behind her, there was a small white Amargasaurus, with tiny blue crystals running through its body and yellow waves ending in white. This Aurorus was shiny!

Next to Marco, he had a Pokémon close to him, approximately less than half his size, a Slurpuff. On the opposite side, there was a Mawile, accompanied by a SLAKING!???

"Oh my god, this surprised me even more than the shine." It seems that, just like in the games, Slaking has a lazy attitude in the picture, while Slurpuff and Mawile seem to be fully animated.

Upon reaching the bottom of the stairs, we were greeted by the first floor of the house, with walls entirely brown and flower-shaped lamps hanging from the ceiling. On the right side of the first floor was the living room, full of children's toys and two black sofas next to an armchair covered with a blanket with the logo of a Pokéball. Meanwhile, in the upper left corner of the floor was a spacious orange kitchen with various machines I hadn't seen before. I recognized some, like the blender or the rice cooker, but the others seemed very advanced.

"Now that I think about it, the Pokémon world was much more technologically advanced. The existence of Pokémon facilitated numerous advances in various technological fields. 'System, what era am I in?'"

Meanwhile, my mother headed towards a metal door with a numerical panel next to it, located in the lower left part of the house.

"Master, ʕ ·ᴥ·ʔ⊃ The events of each generation happen with a separation period of 5 years and are influenced by their release dates.

For those with a new version, the new version will be used instead of the original version. Therefore, the events of 'Red Fire/Green Leaf' will happen first, followed by 'HeartGold/SoulSilver,' 'Black/White 2,' 'X/Y,' 'O/AS,' and finally 'Ultra Sun/Moon.' With your birth, the story of the first generation began a year ago."

"Do you mean that, at this moment, Red is beating the Team Rocket?"

"Nuh uh ʕథ౪థʔ, he already did. Now he's completing the Kanto Pokédex for Professor Oak as he prepares for the Kanto Pokémon League, 'The Star Cup,' which takes place every 5 years.

By the way, in human terms, you're on February 1st of the year 777 in the Arceus calendar. The next Star Cup will be held exactly in 3 years and 4 months."

Turning my gaze away from the system, I saw my mother enter a specific code on the door, '0201.' Who would have thought that the code was my date of birth? A beep from the door after entering the code made it slide horizontally to the opposite side of the panel.


In front of me was a large room, and in the farthest corners were two machines. Their base was square-shaped, with a silver rivet at their vertices. At the bottom, there was a cabin large enough to accommodate 10 people and half the height of my mother's Steelix, connected by a tube to an oval container at the top that displayed a screen. Something similar to the Pokémon reviving machine you can find in the Cinnabar Island laboratory, where the 7th badge of Kanto is located.

On the left side, there was a vast archaeological collection, ranging from Pokémon fossils and evolutionary stones to others in a muted rainbow color, several sparkling gems, and maps of all the regions I've played in. But, to be honest, there are places that differ from my knowledge; "I'll ask the system about them later."

On the other side of the room, on a striking red carpet, there was a large table with various documents spread out. Not far from the table, there were large digital screens on the walls displaying images of ruins and excavations.

'Impressive, it seems that being a renowned archaeologist is not just for show.'

Behind the table, there was a small wooden baby chair with a tray attached to the armrests, forming a place to eat. My mother placed me in it with a smile while looking at me and said, "Vito, this place is my secret spot. This is where mom investigates everything related to Pokémon, and, more importantly..."

'To learn the language, I'll try to combine the words she says with a translation to relate and adapt them.' I thought as I observed Bella's words without understanding. "System, I assume you have a translation function."

Words appeared that intervened between our gazes and helped me decipher the situation. As I understood more of the context, a small triumphant smile that went unnoticed began to appear on my lips. However, in the blink of an eye, my mother's face went from a casual expression to a serious one, and her eyes became as sharp as Durant's.

With the most serious expression a baby can have, I imitated her to see what she would say, only to be met with her surprised gaze. A second later, she pressed her lips with her hands to prevent a smile from escaping.

*pfft* "HAHAHAHAHA" -while trying to cover her mouth.

A bit extensive, I know. It's just to help the reader understand the environment in which Vito is.

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