
Pokemon: A New Journey Begins

Michael wakes up in the body of Ash Ketchum. Join his journey as he navigates through the exciting world of pokemon.

Shadow_Myst · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: A New Journey Begins

The morning sun peeked through the curtains, casting a warm glow over the small bedroom in Pallet Town. In the corner, an alarm clock ticked away, its shrill beeping attempting to rouse its owner from slumber. But today, it seemed fate had other plans.

Ash Ketchum stirred from his sleep, his messy black hair tousled from a night of dreams. As his hand fumbled for the snooze button on his alarm clock, he inadvertently knocked it off the bedside table. With a clatter, the clock hit the floor, its plastic casing cracking upon impact. Ash groaned, realizing he had once again slept through his alarm.

Meanwhile, in a realm far beyond Ash's comprehension, a man named Michael found himself in an inexplicable predicament. One moment he was in his own world, the next he was thrust into the body of a young boy named Ash Ketchum. Michael blinked, trying to make sense of his surroundings. He could feel Ash's memories flooding into his mind, intermingling with his own.

"Pokemon... I'm in the world of Pokemon," Michael muttered, his voice now sharing the same timbre as Ash's.

As Michael grappled with this newfound reality, he stumbled out of bed, his movements awkward as he adjusted to Ash's body. Glancing around the room, he spotted a familiar red and white cap hanging from a hook on the wall. Without hesitation, he snatched it up and placed it on his head, a sense of determination coursing through him.

With a burst of energy, Michael rushed out of the house, the door slamming shut behind him. As he made his way down the familiar streets of Pallet Town, he couldn't shake the feeling of excitement mixed with trepidation. He was about to embark on a journey unlike any other, one that would test his courage, strength, and bonds of friendship.

It wasn't long before Michael encountered another resident of Pallet Town, a boy with spiky brown hair and an air of confidence that bordered on arrogance. Gary Oak, grandson of the esteemed Pokemon Professor Oak, sauntered up to Michael with a smirk playing on his lips.

"Well, well, if it isn't the late riser, Ash Ketchum," Gary taunted, his tone dripping with superiority. "I heard today's the day you finally become a Pokemon Trainer. But I wouldn't get your hopes up too high. After all, you're nothing compared to me."

Michael bristled at Gary's words, his fists clenching at his sides. He may have been inhabiting Ash's body, but he refused to let anyone belittle him. Drawing upon the memories of countless Pokemon battles watched from his previous life, Michael squared his shoulders and met Gary's gaze head-on.

"You might be Professor Oak's grandson, Gary, but that doesn't give you the right to look down on others," Michael retorted, his voice firm with conviction. "I may be starting late, but I'll prove that I have what it takes to be a great Pokemon Trainer."

Gary's smirk faltered for a brief moment, taken aback by Michael's unexpected display of confidence. But then, as quickly as it had vanished, it returned with renewed vigor.

"We'll see about that, Ash," Gary replied, his competitive spirit reignited. "But first, let me show you something."

With a flick of his wrist, Gary led Michael to the outskirts of Pallet Town, where rows of empty Pokeballs lined the shelves of Professor Oak's laboratory. Michael's heart sank as he realized the significance of their absence.

"Where are all the Pokemon?" Michael asked, his voice tinged with concern.

Gary shrugged nonchalantly, though Michael could detect a hint of disappointment in his eyes.

"It seems they've all been taken by other Trainers already," Gary explained. "Looks like you missed your chance, Ash."

But Michael refused to be deterred. With a newfound determination burning within him, he vowed to set out on his journey regardless of the obstacles that lay ahead. For he knew that true strength came not from the Pokemon by his side, but from the bonds he forged along the way.

And so, with his trusty cap pulled low over his brow and his resolve as strong as steel, Michael took his first steps into the wide world of Pokemon, ready to face whatever challenges awaited him on his path to greatness.

As Ash made his way to Professor Oak's laboratory, excitement and nervousness churned in his stomach. This was the moment he had been waiting for – the chance to choose his very first Pokémon companion. With each step, he rehearsed his speech in his mind, determined to make a good impression on the esteemed Professor.

Upon reaching the laboratory, Ash was greeted by the sight of countless Poké Balls lining the shelves, each one containing a potential partner for his journey. Professor Oak stood at the center of the room, his weathered face illuminated by a warm smile.

"Ah, Ash Ketchum! I've been expecting you," Professor Oak greeted, his voice carrying a tone of familiarity. "Are you ready to choose your very first Pokémon?"

Ash nodded eagerly, his heart pounding with anticipation. But as he scanned the room, his eyes fell upon a Pikachu nestled in the corner, its cheeks crackling with electricity. Unlike the other Pokémon, this Pikachu seemed mischievous and defiant, refusing to be contained within its Poké Ball.

"That Pikachu there has been causing quite a ruckus," Professor Oak explained, gesturing towards the electric mouse Pokémon. "It seems to have taken a liking to you, Ash. Perhaps it's fate that brought you two together."

With a hesitant nod, Ash approached the Pikachu, extending a hand in friendship. But to his surprise, the Pikachu merely scoffed and turned away, its ears twitching with irritation.

Undeterred, Ash knew he had no choice but to take the unruly Pikachu under his wing. With a heavy sigh, he fashioned a makeshift leash from a length of rope, determined to keep the stubborn Pokémon in line.

And so, with Pikachu reluctantly in tow, Ash set off on his journey towards Viridian Forest. The dense foliage loomed ahead like a green sea, its towering trees casting dappled shadows upon the forest floor.

As Ash ventured deeper into the forest, the air grew thick with humidity, the chirping of Bug-type Pokémon filling the air. The lush greenery enveloped him like a comforting embrace, the earthy scent of moss and pine mingling with the sweet fragrance of wildflowers.

But amidst the tranquil beauty of the forest, Ash remained focused on his mission – to find a Pokémon worthy of joining him on his journey. With Pikachu still sulking at his side, Ash scanned the treetops, searching for a worthy opponent.

It wasn't long before he spotted a lone Pidgey perched atop a nearby branch, its feathers ruffled by the gentle breeze. With a determined gleam in his eye, Ash reached for his Poké Ball, ready to seize the opportunity before him.

With a swift motion, Ash hurled the Poké Ball towards the Pidgey, the red and white sphere engulfing the bird Pokémon in a flash of light. A tense moment passed before the ball fell still, signaling Ash's success.

As he retrieved the Poké Ball from the forest floor, Ash couldn't help but feel a surge of pride. With Pikachu by his side and Pidgey in his grasp, he knew that his journey had only just begun. And with each new challenge that lay ahead, Ash was ready to face it head-on, fueled by his determination to become the greatest Pokémon Trainer the world had ever seen.