
Pokemon: A New Adventure Of Ash

Our protagonist reincarnates as Ash before he leaves in his travell around the regions, but in this world the trainer need to have 16 years to have an adventure not 10, follow a new Ash and Pikachu in their adventures with the objetive to be the best pokemon trainer ever. A new World full of pokemon from all regions, new and old girls to conquer, new adventures and new pokemon. Warning: Except Pikachu, the original team of Ash in Kanto won't be here, except Charmander, i won't follow the anime, Ash will have new adventures, in this fic, there will be sex but i have no plan to do explicit content for the moment. All the chapter are fixed so don't worry. Here my discord's server: https://discord.gg/wwmSVJSw

Bloodnight · Anime & Comics
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151 Chs


In the previous chapter we see how Ash has an epic battle against e-Nigma impressing all his viewers with his incredible combat tactics and strong Pokémon, especially Latias, luckily, e-Nigma decided to pixelate him, so he was not recognized at all, so the craziest fans and collectors of rare Pokémon would not harass him, now, after a pleasant stay in Paldea, they are back in Kanto, where they will try to challenge Sabrina again for her sixth gym badge.


With Ash.

As soon as we got on the plane and sat down, the girls decided to sleep for a while, it was still morning and surely after finishing the trip we would go directly to the gym, so we would expect some pretty hard battles, so they decided to sleep to recover energy, even Latias fell asleep next to me and Pikachu on my lap.

The truth is that I could not sleep, I was expectant of my battle against Sabrina, I wondered all the time if she would accept our challenge or not and if not, how to convince her otherwise, we need her medal to get the 8 gym medals, will there be any way to force her even if she does not want to? Those kinds of questions were constantly on my mind.

"Can't you sleep?"- someone asked suddenly.

It was Nancy who until recently slept on my other side, leaning on my shoulder.

"No... I'm still thinking about Sabrina, i wonder if she accept our challenge" - I nodded.

"I was also thinking even during our stay in Paldea and came to a conclusion" – Nancy said.

"What conclusion?" – I asked.

"That everything will be solve, so don't worry about that" - she replied.

"Haa... Maybe you're right" - I sighed.

"Instead of that, now I'm more interested in how you were able to seduce a world-famous streamer in just 3 days" - Nancy said with a smile.

"What do you want with seducing? I literally did absolutely nothing" - I said.

"You're right and that's precisely what worries me, do you have a natural talent for seducing beautiful women?" - asked Nancy.

"Maybe you are misinterpreting this situation, it is not possible that e-Nigma has some kind of romantic interest in me" – I denied.

And that was my real thought, in fact, I wasn't very interested in it, of course I liked it, but not enough to flirt with it.

"Do you think so? Well, let's review the facts, let's see, she gave you her phone, she invited you back to another stay in Paldea, she gave you a kiss on the cheek when she was streaming and also asked you to call her from time to time so that you could tell her your adventures, do I need to continue?" – asked Nancy.

"Although your arguments make all the sense in the world, I admit that the phone and the call is something suspicious, but the rest I think is normal and the kiss ... It was simply a prize for winning the match" – I excused myself.

"Sometimes you're a little dense, you know? Anyway I won't interfere, you know what I think that e-Nigma is a great woman" - Nancy said.

"Nancy... you know that I..." – I tried to say.

But before he could say more, he put his finger on my lips.

"No need to say more, I accepted this whole situation because I knew this was going to happen, you are a man who will be well known all over the world, just like me, Verity, Leaf and even Wendy and Koharu, plus you know that behind a great man there is always a great woman, well, women in this case" - Nancy explained.

"It could also be that behind a woman there is always a great man" - I said.

"Women in this case, but yes, that's why, I don't mind you having more women as long as they're all good people and you and she really love each other" - Nancy said.

"I love you Nancy and I will love you forever" – I said seriously.

"I love you too and even death will be unable to separate us" - Nancy said.

And then we kissed.


In Kanto.

We had arrived well rested in Saffron City and with a lot of energy.

"Ready for a gym battle?" – I asked with joy.

"Yes!" – they all said.

Even Koharu, although she was not a challenger, did like to watch the battles.

That said, our first stop was not the gym but the Pokémon Center, we were very hungry, so we decided to eat first and fight later.

Once picked up the food and food at the picnic, which was nice because the day was really good, with some clouds, but the temperature was pleasant and it was one of those days when you preferred to be outside walking or drinking something inside your house.

Back to topic, after a nice meal, we went straight to the Pokémon gym with the intention of challenging Sabrina and this time we wouldn't take no for an answer.

"It's you, this is great, you were already asking me when you would come!" – said the referee when he saw us.

"Good afternoon, as we said before, we are back for a battle and we will not take no for an answer, we need that badge yes or yes" – I said seriously.

"Well of course yes, I was talking to Sabrina, come with me!" – nodded the referee.

Then he guided us to the battlefield which did not differ in appearance from the rest.

There, there was Sabrina, sitting in the stands, as if she already knew we were coming today.

"So you're back" - Sabrina said dryly.

"Yes and this time we want our battle yes or yes" - Nancy nodded.

"Personally I still do not see you prepared, as you know, I have powers and I can predict certain things, and no matter how hard I try I can not find a future where you will win this fight, but still, Jay made me understand that, as a gym leader, I am obliged to accept the fight of a challenger, so I will not refuse to fight, but as advice, I already warn you in advance that you will not win, do you want to try or come back later? I personally advise the latter one" - said Sabrina.

"The future can always be changed, today we will not leave here without the badge" – I said.

"Exactly, who says the future is written? The future depends on what you do, it's not written anywhere" - Nancy nodded.

"In addition we forge our destiny" - Verity agreed.

"Exactly" - Koharu added.

Pikachu and Latias also nodded.

"I see they're going to give in... okay, let's fight and please, if you want to have any chance you will have to use your best Pokémon, do not try to hide your unique and legendary Pokémon from me, as I said I know certain things about the future, but do not worry, nobody here will reveal anything" – said Sabrina.

This woman... anyway I'm glad it's so, why do you think that? If you're arrogant enough to ensure we'll lose insurance, then you don't know who you're messing with.

Then, without saying much more and after a few encouragements from the girls, we both put ourselves in our respective positions.

"The rules are simple, it will be a 3 vs 3 battle, whoever weaken the opponent's Pokémon first, will be the winner, you can start!" – said Jay.

"Mr. Mime, I choose you!" - said Sabrina.

And out of the Pokéball came a Mr. Mime doing cuddles and gestures.

"It's your turn, Meloetta I choose you!" – and that was me.

Meloetta came out and greeted me, after returning the greeting she fixed her gaze on Mr. Mime.

"Psychic type versus Psychic type, I wonder if there's any reason for that" - Sabrina said.

"Who knows and now... let's start, Meloetta use Shadow Ball!"

Meloetta quickly formed a Shadow Ball and threw it at Mr. Mime.

"Useless, use Light Screen"

Mr. Mime formed a small pink screen in front of him.

Upon impacting the Shadow Ball on it, its size was immediately reduced to half of what it was and barely affected Mr. Mime.

"He has Light Screen!" – I exclaimed.

"That's right, do you think you are the first trainer to use ghost attacks against me? I already said you'll lose, Mr. Mime use Shadow Ball you too!"

Mr. Mime quickly formed a Shadow Ball and threw it at me from his position.

"Dodge it and use Shadow Ball again, but this time throw it on one side!"

Meloetta dodged the attack easily and placed herself at a point where the Light Screen did not protect Mr. Mime.


Meloetta launched a Shadow Ball in that direction.

"Absurd" – said Sabrina.

I soon discovered the reason for those words, Mr. Mime did not even move to dodge the attack, but stayed in place and just as it was about to impact, the Light Screen moved and automatically considerably reduced the power of Meloetta's attack until practically no damage.

"Meloetta, keep using Shadow Ball, I refuse to believe that the Light Screen can hold much longer!"

And it was true, in video games, the screens lasted 5 turns maximum, I don't know how it works in real life, but I guess it will last a specific time, my plan is to hold on until it disappears, otherwise...

"Now, use Sucker Punch!"

"What?" – I said.

Mr. Mime who so far did not move, quickly delivered a black punch on Meloetta that sent him flying, damn, he actually knows Sucker Punch.

"Are you okay Meloetta?!" – I said nervously.

"Melo!" – Meloetta nodded.

"I already told you, you are still in time to give up, you can't beat me" – Sabrina said.

"Do you think so? Then we will see them, Meloetta, use Relic Song!"

"What?" - said Sabrina confused.

Great, that little mistake gave Meloetta time to change to her other form and although the Relic Song did practically no damage to Mr. Mime, we are still accumulating damage, which is also essential in combat.

"Do you know that you are facing a Fight Type Pokémon against my Psychic and Fairy Pokémon? You clearly have the disadvantage" - Sabrina said.

"Do you think so? We'll see, Meloetta uses Close Combat!"

Meloetta quickly approached Mr. Mime.

"It won't work, Mr. Mime uses Reflect"

And another screen appeared in front of Mr. Mime, but that was just what I wanted.

"Go ahead Meloetta, with all your strength!"

Meloetta used Close Combat not in Mr. Mime, but on both screens.

In the video game, the attack named as Brick Break attack could break the screens, I know this is not the video game but real life, is there a reason why Close Combat can't work here?

"It won't work" - Sabrina said.

"We'll see, Close Combat at full power!"

Meloetta kept hitting the first screen hard until, at last, cracks appeared and soon after it broke like glass.

"Impossible!" - exclaimed Sabrina.

"No, it's not, keep beating, and when you break it use Relic Song!"

Since Meloetta already knew how much force to use to break the screen, the second one broke right away.

"Use Shadow Ball and take her away from you!"

But it was too late, he had been slow to react and that is a fatal flaw, so this time Relic Song hit Mr. Mime squarely sending him flying.

Meloetta had already switched to her other form so it was time for the counterattack.

"Meloetta let's finish him off, use Shadow Ball while running straight to him!"

Meloetta started running while carrying a Shadow Ball in her hands.

"Use Light Screen and then Shadow Ball!"

But it was impossible, so I wanted Meloetta to run towards him charging her attack instead of on the spot, so as not to give her time to charge her attack.

"Forget the Light Screen and use Shadow Ball!"

A Shadow Ball formed in Mr. Mime's hands, but Meloetta was already in front of him and launched a Shadow Ball that hit Mr. Mime squarely, weakening him.

"Mr. Mime can't fight anymore, Meloetta is the winner!"

"Well done Meloetta!" – I exclaimed with a smile.