
Pokemon: A New Adventure Of Ash

Our protagonist reincarnates as Ash before he leaves in his travell around the regions, but in this world the trainer need to have 16 years to have an adventure not 10, follow a new Ash and Pikachu in their adventures with the objetive to be the best pokemon trainer ever. A new World full of pokemon from all regions, new and old girls to conquer, new adventures and new pokemon. Warning: Except Pikachu, the original team of Ash in Kanto won't be here, except Charmander, i won't follow the anime, Ash will have new adventures, in this fic, there will be sex but i have no plan to do explicit content for the moment. All the chapter are fixed so don't worry. Here my discord's server: https://discord.gg/wwmSVJSw

Bloodnight · Anime & Comics
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151 Chs


In the previous chapter we see how our heroes Ash and Selene get their first Pokémon in the Alola region, Selene chooses Litten while Ash is chosen by both, Rowlet and Popplio, normally you can only choose a starter but Professor Kukui gave Popplio then everyone went to enjoy the beach where they enjoyed the water to the fullest, but now everyone is too tired to dive, so Ash promised to go with Lana who was very excited.


With Ash.

We quickly picked up Professor Kukui's breathings, do you remember that these same devices appeared in the anime? Well, these are similar but different, how are they different? These not only covered the mouth but also the face allowing you to talk underwater as the professor said or so I think.

Anyway, after taking the masks, Lana and I put them on and went straight into the water.

As we were not going to go very far we did not need a boat and since the others were not to dive with us, we decide not to go so far and tomorrow we would go further with everyone.

Little by little we went into the sea until finally there was a little depth and I could observe the depths of the sea, in my previous world I never did scuba diving so the memories I have of the seabed are from movies, series, photos, documentaries, etc. So seeing it in real life and in the Pokémon world made me marvellous at what I saw.

I saw a lot of Pokémon diving in packs, I could appreciate Horsea, Magikarp, Finneon, Lumineon, Luvdisc, Wishiwashi, Tentacool, etc. But not only could I appreciate the dozens and dozens of Pokémon that swam on the seabed, there were also all kinds of algae, coral reefs, it was like a movie.

"Is it beautiful isn't it?" – Lana asked me as we dived.

I must say that i heard her better than I thought, it was not heard completely well but I could understand Lana without problems.

"It certainly is" – I nodded.

"Come on, let's keep observing the wonder that is the ocean, I will show you my favorite area, you will love it" – smiled Lana.

I nodded and started to follow Lana who swam very fluently, I would say that she could be a professional swimmer if she put her mind to it.

We continued diving until we reached what is the most beautiful landscape I saw so far, not only because of the large number of Pokémon that could be seen, some were sleeping, others eating, I do not know how to describe it but it was many times more beautiful than before, just imagine it because describing it would be extremely difficult.

"Do you like it?" asked Lana.

"It's impressive" – I nodded.

Then we both sat on a rock, side by side.

"Do you know why I like the sea so much?" - asked Lana.

"I can understand it but I guess everyone has their own reasons and now I'm curious about yours" - I said.

"I like the sea so much because looking at it is so incredible, it is huge, gigantic, mysterious and there are so many Pokémon, so many wonderful Pokémon that inhabit it, seeing this makes me think that we do not know anything about the sea, that's why I love it, the first time I submerged I already decided what I want to be, I want to travel around the world and know the seas of the whole planet, I want to see the wonders that this world has to offer and make friends with all the Water-type Pokémon, that's my dream" - Lana explained.

A dreamer.

"It's a good dream and I'm sure you'll fulfill it, I have no doubt about that" - I said with a smile.

"Thank you and if not too much to ask, why did you decide to become a Pokémon trainer?" - she asked.

"It is a good question, although the answer is simple I will tell you, I love Pokémon, since I have use of reason I was fascinated with them and I have always tried to learn more about them, how they live, their behavior in nature and especially how humans and Pokémon can get along so well, watching the Pokémon battles on television I felt an emotion that I never felt, that's why and because of my love for Pokémon from that moment I decided that I would be the best trainer in the world, the No. 1 in the world" - I answered.

Although the original Ash probably had similar reasons, I have described what I felt in my previous world when I saw Pokémon for the first time, I do not know how to say it but the first chapter of Pokémon made me feel euphoric and since then I became a diehard fan, I bought all the games and only bought the consoles to play them, of course I watch many anime but none I liked as much as Pokémon, my passion since I was a child and that's why I appreciate the one who gave me the opportunity to reincarnate in this world because I literally fulfilled one of my dreams, now there is only the other, to be the best Pokémon trainer of all time but I will take my own path, I will not follow Ash's footsteps because that would be copying someone, it would not be you but someone else or at least that's what I think.

"It's a great motive and I also wish you all the luck in the world so you can fulfill it" - Lana said with a smile.

And so we stayed for a long time, there was a subtle atmosphere between us and little by little we got closer but at that moment something or rather someone interrupted our moment.

"ZEN!" - he shouted.

We both woke up from the trance and looked in the direction the scream was coming from.

"What's that?" - asked Lana in surprise.

"I don't know, let's go and see" - I said as I stood up from the stone.

We both nodded and swam to the place where the scream came from and when we saw what it was we were surprised.

There was a group of Mareanie, specifically about 4 who were surrounding a group of 4 Corsola who were shaking while in the middle there was a small dolphin trying to protect the Corsola.

"That's it...!" – Lana said in surprise.

"They are a group of Mareanie and Corsola, as for the little Dolphin I don't know if it is a Finizen or a Palafin, I will consult it" - i said.

I quickly swam to the surface with Lana and took the Rotom Dex out of my swimsuit pocket and yes, the Rotom Dex were water resistant and wouldn't spoil no matter how wet it, advantages of technology.

"Let's see what kind of Pokémon they were..." – I said, pointing to the little dolphin that could barely be seen from the surface.

"Finizen, it's the pre-evolved form of Palafin, if you want to know more information catch it!" – that was the Rotom Dex.

"A Finizen but I thought that Pokémon was originally from the Paldea region! What are he doing in Alola waters?" – asked Lana.

"Now we'd better worry because those Mareanie and Corsola" - I said.

"You're right" - Lana nodded.

"Supposition: The Mareanie could be hunting the Corsola since they are their natural predators!" – said the Rotom Dex.

I see, sometimes even this world has its negative side, I guess this is nature.

"What are we going to do Ash? We can't let them hunt them" - Lana said frightened.

"We'll do one thing, you'll go to the beach and bring Manaphy, my Popplio and yours here to help us" - I said seriously.

"What will you do meanwhile?" - asked Lana worriedly.

"I'll help Finizen until you arrive" - I said.

"Okay, but please don't get hurt!" - said Lana worriedly.

"Don't worry, I won't" - I nodded.

Then I dived while Lana swam hurriedly to shore.

I quickly got next to the Finizen who frowned upon me and looked at me threateningly, apparently he was very determined to help those Corsola.

"Don't worry, I'll help you battle those Mareanie, plus reinforcements will arrive in a short time, we just have to hold on" - I said.

The Finizen looked at me and nodded.

"Well, then let's confuse them!" – I said.

Finizen nodded.

We quickly moved and tried to attract the attention of the Mareanie who were quite angry to see that they could not hunt their prey in peace.

The Maraarenes started attacking us while Finizen and I dodged all attacks.

"Finizen if we want to wipe them all out we will have to cooperate!" – I said.

Finizen glanced at me and then nodded.

"Finizen use Acrobatics against that Mareanie!"

Apparently there was a Mareanie who try to catch the Corsola while we was battle with the others, but what he does not know is that I noticed.

Finizen quickly went towards that Mareanie and hit him hard sending him away from there.

Seeing that his partner was being attacked, the rest of Mareanie became enraged and began to attack left and right.

"Dodge it and finish with everyone using Zen Headbutt!"

With a quick move, Finizen dodged the attacks of all the Mareanie and hit a strong attack on each of them leaving them too weak to continue attacking.

"Well done Finizen, I think this has taught them a lesson!" – I said with a smile.

But suddenly, the Mareanie began to squeal and from a nearby reef came their evolved form, a Toxapex.

"So they had a boss, it doesn't matter, we'll protect those Corsola no matter what happens!" – I said.

"Zen!" - Finizen nodded.

But we soon realized that the Toxapex was too powerful, Finizen alone was not enough to defeat it.

"Use Zen Headbutt!"

Finizen quickly headed towards Toxapex, but it simply protected itself.

"Baneful Bunker!" – I said in surprise.

It seems that this Toxapex is tough but we will not give up, we cannot allow them to hunt those poor Corsola.

We were a little doubtful of what to do, Toxapex was quite strong and the Mareanie were slowly recovering, at this rate they would recover in no time and we couldn't stop them all.

But as if the god Arceus was seeing me, suddenly, a huge jet of pressurized water shot out towards the Toxapex making it back by the blow.

"The reinforcements are here!" – said Lana who apparently had already arrived with the reinforcements.

"Ha, then it's time to end all this, you won't bother those Corsola anymore, Manaphy use Shadow Ball, Popplio use Bubble Beam!"

"You too Popplio use Bubble Beam against those Mareanie!"

The Toxapex seemed to recover from its daze and tried to defend itself, but Manaphy and I have trained for months, how couldn't we win against a wild Toxapex? So naturally the Shadow Ball hit its target, crashing it into nearby rocks.

Meanwhile, the two Popplio and Finizen took care of the Mareanie who were now completely exhausted.

"Pex!" - exclaimed the angry Toxapex.

"Get out of here bullies!" - said Lana angrily.

"We're letting you go without hurting you anymore, get out of here and don't disturb the Corsola" - I nodded.

The Toxapex and the Mareanie seemed to doubt my words and those of Lana, but seeing that there were 4 Pokémon and that one of them could shoot him down without problem, they decided to leave and leave the Corsola alone.

"We did it!" - exclaimed Lana giving me a hug.

We both hugged for a few seconds until unfortunately we separated, I was already used to hugs but apparently for Lana it was her first time hugging a man because she blushed a lot.

"Well, you can leave in peace if you want" - I said with a smile.

"Sola!" – said the Corsola.

Then they swam around us a few times, surely it was their way of thanking us and then they left.

"Well, it's time for us to leave too, it's been a pleasure Finizen" – I said.

Finizen nodded and then we left the place.

Although I didn't notice that Finizen was watching us intently as we left.


Already on the shore.

"Then just when Ash and Finizen were in problemas, I showed up with the reinforcements and made them leave scared!" – Lana exclaimed proudly.

"It's incredible, I can't believe that in such a short time you have lived such an adventure!" – exclaimed Mallow in surprise.

"Brother is the best in the world!" - said Molly, hugging me.

"You seem to have a magnet for problem Ash" - said the professor with a smile.

"Maybe but since I can't stop it, at least I try to solve them" - I nodded as I shrugged.

"Anyway, I think your victory should be celebrated, how about a barbecue?" – suggested Lillie.

"Yes!" – we all said.

But at that moment, something came out of the water surprising us.