After his successful win at the Cerulean Gym. Altro and Celeste decided to stay in Cerulean City for one day and continue their journey the next day.
Currently, Altro and his Pokemon were taking a break after today's gym battle and watching Celeste train her Pokemon in the private training field she booked.
'Musy be nice to have money.' Altro thought, while seeing Celeste train her Pokemon enthusiastically.
"Pidgey, your wings need to be trained a lot. Bellsprout, continue using Vine whip on the target."
'As always, when it's related to training or battle. Her whole persona changes.' thought Altro while rubbing Mew's hair.
Mew also got a lot accustomed to transforming into Ralts. So she has no problem staying in that form. But Altro still lets her revert in private.
"Fine, fine in the next gym match. I'll let you go. Good enough."
*Pika~* (Yay~)
Pikachu smiled in satisfaction.
Celeste continued training her Pokemon until lunch.
In the cafeteria.
"Where are we going next, Altro?" After staying with Altro these days, Celeste has opened up to him a lot.
"I plan to go to Vermillion City. For my next badge."
"I see." Nodding her head, Celeste didn't further question him.
Altro is also quite comfortable with Celeste as his companion. She is not annoying, never goes out of line questioning him, doesn't make unnecessary demands or oppose his decision, and at most just gives suggestions.
"I believe Pidgey is about to evolve. Altro, can you help Bellsprout learn Energy Balls." While chewing down on her food, Celeste asked Altro.
"Sure," Altro took another bite of Caramelized Slowpoke Tail. 'It's so soft and sweet. Delicious.'
After their lunch, both of them separated for a while to deal with their stuff. Altro didn't probe Celeste, nor did she.
Altro started searching for any information regarding the existence of the Cerulean cave. 'If Red exists, there's a possibility that Cerulean cave must exist too.'
Unfortunately, he couldn't find any information.
In the evening, Celeste and Altro met up, had dinner, and went back to their rooms.
The next morning, Altro and Celeste set off to Vermilion City. There are different ways to go to Vermilion City. But the path they chose was the shortest one crossing the forest.
Altro's route was different from the one Ash chose, so he might reach Vermilion City before him. Not to mention, Ash also had several adventures on his way. 'Ash will also get all three Royal starters soon.'
"What a lush green forest," Altro uttered. Celeste also nodded with a smile.
They came across many bugs and grass-type Pokemon in the forest.
Ralts pointed in a direction.
"Oh, a berry tree." Altro saw the berries hanging in the tree as a Rattata was eating sitting there. Rattata saw that the humans had no interest in disturbing him, so he didn't care either and focused on eating.
"Wow, Altro, these berries look so good," Celeste mumbled.
"Yes, they look just like the ones in my yard."
When Celeste heard this, she said in amazement. "You have Berry trees in your yard, amazing."
"Yes, back in Pallet Town- " As if something came to his mind, Altro stopped talking.
'Damn, how could I forget? Nobody's there taking care of my yard.' He facepalmed. 'So troublesome.'
Altro decided to catch some Pokemon to take care of his yard. He had no intention of using them in his main fighting team, but for auxiliary purposes. 'Even if they will not be on my main team, they should at least be strong enough to take care of my yard.'
While walking or training his Pokemon, Altro kept using Psychic to search for a suitable Pokemon for him.
After some training, Celeste's Pidgey also evolved into a wonderful Pidgeotto entering intermediate rank.
While Altro was still searching for a Pokemon for himself, night arrived.
Setting up their separate tents, Altro and Celeste went to sleep. As usual, our hard-working Haunter practiced under the moonlight while keeping a guard with Eevee by his side.
The Next day, after a sumptuous breakfast prepared by Altro, they set off again.
"This forest is big. Fortunately, we haven't encountered any strong Pokemon," Celeste mumbled beside Altro.
"After all, we are keeping a distance from the inner forest while walking. So the chances of encountering strong Pokemon is less." Altro replied, while thinking. 'If I had a bicycle, traveling via road would have been better. But I'd rather not waste money on that for now.'
Suddenly, Altro noticed something with his psychic.
*Screech* a sound came from the northwest direction.
Altro and Celeste nodded, meeting their eyes. When they reached the location, they came across an interesting scene.
A Beedrill and a Pidgey were fighting against a flock of Spearows. But obviously, they were outnumbered and at a disadvantage.
Altro used his powers to check their data and was surprised. Although their levels were low, their abilities were good. The Beedrill had a hidden Sniper ability and Pidgey had Keen Eyes and a hidden ability Big Pecks.
"Ralts, use Psychic to take Beedrill and Pidgey out from there. Then use Thunderbolt to deal with those Spearows."
She did as she was told and successfully saved them.
"Good Job." Altro rubbed her head dotingly.
'They are wounded, but it's nothing too serious.' After checking the injuries of unconscious Beedrill and Pidgey. Altro caught them in his Pokeballs, then healed them with potions. 'I should teach a healing skill to Mew.'
Waiting for them to wake up, Altro and Celeste decided to leave the area because the commotion here may attract stronger Pokemon from the forest.
As for the flock of unconscious Spearows, no one cared.
Name - Beedrill (Shiny)
Type - Bug/Poison
Rank - Junior (Level - 15)
Ability - Swarm (Hidden - Sniper)
Moves - String Shot, Poison Sting, Bug Bite, Fury Cutter, Focus Energy, X-Scissor
Name - Pidgey
Type - Normal/Flying
Rank - Junior (Level - 14)
Ability - Keen Eyes (Hidden - Big Pecks)
Moves - Tackle, Sand Attack, Gust, Quick Attack, Whirlwind
Egg Moves - Air Slash
A.N. - I am very happy to see that you guys are enjoying the story.
If you guys are interested in making your own Pokemon team with a character that I can introduce as opponents for the protagonists (Altro, Ash, Red, Gary, Green, Blue, Celeste) in the story then leave a comment. With the character's name and the team you want. Of course, it has to be from the Kanto region preferably.
It's just a simple thought. Only if you guys are interested.
I went to my relative's house today. Was very bored so ended up writing a chapter.