
Pokemon: A Legendary Journey

What if one day you were suddenly thrown into the world of Pokemon, sounds fun right? well it's far from that, our main character "Jayden" was transmigrated into this world of bizarre elemental creatures. Watch as he grows to become the strongest, while also surviving in this world. (this story won't follow the Pokemon plot,meaning ash and all the other characters won't be here, I'll be making my own characters for this story, but the Pokemon we all know and love will still be here of course) join da Patreon if you want early chapters I have already written (P)(A)(T)(R)(E)(O)(N) Patreon.com/EternalKings planning to stockpile atleast 10 early chapters over there discord https://discord.gg/KB95R2Sq8a --- none of the characters were created by me, except for the protagonist and any Oc 200 stones: 1 extra chapter 400 stones: 2 extra chapters daily 600 stones: 3 extra chapters daily 800 stones: 4 chapters daily 1000 stones: 5 chapters daily

EternalKings · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

21: The worst way to catch a Pokemon.

Jayden laid on his bed while playing around on his rotom phone.

it's been a few days since he came to this world, and he was definitely enjoying his time currently.

seeing so many powerful Pokemon up-close, it was a sight he would never get back on earth, especially not realistically.

Jayden still had a few more days before he went back home to prepare for the trip to cinnabar island.

these past couple of days he has been training near cerulean city with his Pokemon, every time they encountered powerful Pokemon he would take turns having all three of his Pokemon fight in battles.

they had all gained some decent levels due to this training.


the next day Jayden got up and prepared to go outside, while sitting on top of his usual bike he left Cerulean city and moved towards the Mt. Moon area.

of course he wasn't here for fossils, Jayden wanted to look for a strong ground type Pokemon to add to his team.

this was his plan for the whole day.

he had held off the new Pokemon capturing idea for a while now, he definitely needed to catch a ground type before his trip to cinnabar island.

Jayden and raboot stood stop a remote hill.

after gaining aura, Jayden had gotten a more thorough understanding of the ability, it had many uses.

for example, massaging pokemon with aura seemed to calm them down, Jayden could now communicate with certain non-hostile pokemon like weedle's, and he could also sense the world around him, almost as if nothing could escape his "eyes".

using the aura ability, Jayden watched everything going on in this rocky environment, from the gathering of digletts and the running of Nidorinos, was "felt" by Jayden.

"something's telling me there is a powerful Pokemon around here buddy" Jayden said and looked down at raboot who was also watching the area expressionlessly.

a rumbling sound soon entered their ear's.

Jayden immediately located the source and realized, it was a large group of rhyhorn's rushing through the route.

what caught his eye was the large rhydon that stood in the middle, almost like their king.

Jayden wanted to catch the rhydon, but he decided to forget it.

not only was it definitely over level 42, it was surrounded by tons of rhyhorn's who would probably risk their life for it.

"then I guess I'll just catch one of the rhyhorns" Jayden thought before smiling deviously.

he pulled out his phone and began doing some information gathering.

after a little while he came up with a plan that would work.


after a little while the herd of Rhyhorn being led by a rhydon calmed down and began to feed on the grass around them.

the rhydon in particular fell asleep after eating a little bit, while the rhyhorn's roamed around still eating.

according to his rotom phone, rhyhorn's weren't really aggressive unless they were agitated, meaning as long as he went up to one of them calmly, nothing would really happen.

Jayden began to think of which Rhyhorn to go for, since there were around a dozen of them moving about.

"ah that's right, Aura" Jayden suddenly thought.

aura allowed him to feel the powerful presence of Pokemon, meaning he could easily find the strongest of this herd apart from the rhydon.

Jayden put his plan on hold for a bit before searching through his inventory, he had many Pokemon food which the rhyhorns would find way more interesting than the plain grass.

after gathering some berries and having raboot hold them, Jayden began using aura.

a spiritual energy enveloped his whole being before sweeping across the area, reaching the herd of rhyhorn's.

many aura's were felt by Jayden, excluding the strongest one which came from the sleeping rhydon, the rest had similar aura's.

"there" Jayden said and his eyes landed on a smaller Rhyhorn.

although it wasn't the strongest out of the herd, his mind was telling him "this was the one"

the young Rhyhorn gave him a strange feeling, as if it was special in one way or the other.


Jayden stood Infront of the young Rhyhorn, and slowly caressed it's hard nearly metallic gray back that was like a shell.

the little Rhyhorn ignored him and continued eating the grass around it, it seemed to enjoy it very much.

Jayden became bolder since the herd was pretty much spread around the area, even if he slapped this little Rhyhorn unconscious and ran off with it, they probably wouldn't even notice.


that was exactly what he was planning to do.

Jayden started by getting closer to the little Rhyhorn and slowly feeding it berries.

the small Rhyhorn made some sounds to express it's thankfulness to Jayden, but little did it know that things were actually going to get a little wild.


Jayden shouted.

A huge Gyarados dashed out of between the trees and slithered towards the young Rhyhorn before slapping it unconscious in one hit.

Gyarados was a monster in size, it's unnatural appearance shocked the herd of rhyhorn's even alerting the rhydon.

Jayden threw out a PokeBall immediately and picked it up before running off aftering returning Gyarados.

he didn't even dare look back.

a bike materialized in front of him before he started crazily pedaling away.

"HOLY SH*T" jayden cursed, with one look behind him he could see a large cloud of dirt rising into the sky.

this was caused by the angry herd behind him.

"is it that serious? I only stole a little Rhyhorn, leave me alone" Jayden thought while sweating profusely.

he was pedaling with all his strength.


the herd was still behind him.

even tree's that stood in their way were blown into bits immediately like they were pencils.

"F*CK, it's that fast?" Jayden's eyes popped out when he noticed the rhydon sprinting towards him with a bloodthirsty look.

"go Pidgeotto" Jayden sent out Pidgeotto to distract the herd.

afterall Pidgeotto could fly, it had the advantage right, even thought Pidgeotto couldn't really do anything to the rhydon who was built like a literal tank.

Jayden continued pedaling without looking back, Pidgeotto would be able to find it's way back to him so he wasn't worried.

rhydon released a roar towards Pidgeotto when it saw the bird flying above its herd.

Rhydon raised a leg before slamming it down on the ground.

the earth all around cracked and even the air seemed to shake uncontrollably.

Jayden watched this in horror, had he perhaps taken the rhydon's son?

for it to be so mad, even the herd behind it weren't as bloodthirsty and aggresive.

I will need everyone to review the novel for me so I can on the rankings.

EternalKingscreators' thoughts