
19: Trouble Arises

Jayden decided to check his status screen unconsciously.


Host: Jayden

Age: 18

Aura: Low

Gym badges: 2 (Kanto)

-Rock, Water,

Aura had really appeared.

Jayden felt as if he came stronger, not physically but mentally and spiritually, almost as if he could connect with the world on a spiritual level.

Jayden had no idea on how to use aura just yet so he decided to leave it alone and do some research for now.

the sun was still bright and put above the starry sky.

Jayden left the Cerulean city gym area and arrived back at the hotel that he had booked.

his new course of action was to train his Pokemon for a week and also catch a new Pokemon, preferably a strong ground type for the next gym.

Little did Jayden know, he had a little game around the circles of beginner pokemon trainers.

his battle against forest had been recorded and posted online many times, what caught people's attention the most was the golden Magikarp which had become a colossal red Gyarados in the midst of battle.

the video had gained views from trainers all over pewter city, of course they respected Jayden's strength during his first gym battle but that was it.

a little fame didn't mean Jayden was the strongest after all.


looking at his computer, Jayden looked at a list of potential ground type Pokemon that he could possibly catch for his 4th team member.

he created a list of potential pokemon, Sandshrew, Nidorino, Nidorina, dugtrio, etc.

it was a hard choice since all of these pokemon had strong advantages.

for example, although dugtrio was small and didn't have much power, it's speed was astonishing even for pokemon above their usual levels.

Jayden had also looked up information on the best training spots around Cerulean city, he needed powerful Pokemon to satisfy his Pokemon's growing powers.


it was around 7 pm, the sun had long since set and the moon shone it's ethereal light over the Kanto region.

inside a small forest beside cerulean city and near Mt. Moon.

Jayden and raboot had started setting up their tent, Jayden decided to spend the night outside for the first time ever.

After all, as a trainer, he needed to get used to sleeping outside.

While they were setting up tents, raboot's ears twitched before it looked into the distance.

due to being able to use aura, Jayden was able to communicate with his Pokemon now, almost as if they were talking to him.

"what is it buddy? Have you heard something?" Jayden asked and stopped what he was doing immediately.

Raboot released a cry and then pointed towards Jayden and then another direction.

"someone is coming here?"

Jayden frowned, after all, it was so dark.

raboot hopped in front of Jayden and prepared for battle.

"raboot don't attack till I say so" Jayden said softly.


the sounds of leaves rustling and panting was finally heard by Jayden after a while.

two figures appeared from the bushes, Jayden realized that it was a duo of a young man and woman, both around his age.

the duo looked at Jayden with some skepticism before calming down after a while.

"you need to leave here immediately, some team rocket grunts have injured both of our pokemon and are chasing after us right now" the man said while panting heavily, he was about to continue running but the girl behind him tripped over a tree root and fell down.

her face and her outfit became muddied and she grunted in slight pain.

"f*CK" the young man turned around and hurried to pick her up.

"it's ok, I'm here hold on"

he said.

Jayden was about to step up and help untill a group of three people jumped out of the bushes.

"hahah, Look we found another one, these two actually led us to another one" a team rocket grunt member with blonde hair laughed hysterically.

the other two laughed along barbarically while standing behind him.

"I'll give you everything, just please let him go, he has nothing to do with this" the young man said.

after sitting up, the young girl hid behind the man, she was scared of these three people.

"oh?, what if we don't want your shit, wouldn't it be better to kill all three of you right now and take your pokemon?"

a team rocket grunt said, she was a girl with a devilish smile, she pulled out a PokeBall and licked it maliciously.

the young man and girl both cursed inwardly but didn't continue talking, they already had their pokemon defeated, what else could they possibly do.

"boss, look at the new guy, his Pokemon doesn't seem to be from kanto, let's catch it and sell it, we will be rich" the last grunt said while looking at the blonde haired grunt.

"your right" their "leader" said.

"you there, give up your pokemon or be ready to get sent off into the stars like a rocket" the blonde haired man said before striking a zesty pose, followed by the two Brain dead individuals behind him.

Jayden looked at them in amusement.

"oh? and what if I don't want to give up my Pokemon?" he asked with a smile, stepping in front of the two trainers and then facing the group of team rocket grunts.

"are you dumb? I just said get ready to be sen-"

before the blonde haired man could finish his sentence he froze on the spot.

raboot stood in front of Jayden, his eyes blazing with a powerful aura.

"am I intimidated by this little kid?" the team rocket grunt leader thought before getting angry and gnashing his teeth.

"F*CK, you don't know what's good for you" he said before motioning towards the two lackeys behind him.

"go koffing"

"come out, Seviper"

"hehe, ursaring, come out"

three pokemon appeared in front of the team rocket grunts.

their levels of power ranged from 13-17.

the strongest was definitely the ursaring which belonged to the blonde haired grunt.

Jayden watched this before looking at raboot.

"think you can handle them buddy?"

raboot raised a fist and released a cry excitedly, Jayden could tell it was excited for the battle.

"he is only using one pokemon?"

the two trainers behind him both thought at the same time, they suddenly felt like all hope was lost, they would definitely get captured by team rocket tonight.

Although they had already informed the police about this through their rotom phone, but, the officer Jenny police station was always late everytime, so they still had no hope of escaping this danger if they got caught.