
Chapter 36: The Prism Scale Business

The morning sun cast a shimmering glow across the surface of the large pool in the Vortex family's backyard, where a dozen Milotic gracefully swam in lazy circles. Gladion sat at the edge, dangling his feet in the water while reviewing the latest sales figures for their prism scale business.

Each Prism scale was sold at 20K Pokedollars. There were 13 milotics including Mystique. They shed 5-6 scales every month. That was 1.5 million poke dollars per month.

Prism scale would have been worth 30k Pokedollars but with the bulk of prism scales that the Vortex family was producing, they had to reduce the price of selling it.

A satisfied smile crossed his face as he watched one of the Milotic brush against his toes affectionately.

"Who would've thought," he mused aloud, "that a single Feebas would turn into all of this?"

The journey from that first Feebas to their current operation had been nothing short of remarkable. After successfully evolving his own Feebas into Milotic, Gladion had convinced his parents to attempt catching more.

With his father Ben's expertise as a Pokémon breeder and their family Chansey's nurturing abilities, they had managed to catch and evolve a dozen out of thirty Feebas – a success rate that had surprised even Gladion. Convincing them that they were beautiful in their own right was a tough job after all. The remaining Feebas were sent back to the Sea.

"The paperwork alone nearly drove me crazy," Ben commented as he approached, carrying a bucket of specialized Pokémon food. "But having a breeder's license made everything legitimate. Still can't believe how many people tried to figure out our 'secret breeding program' for Milotic."

Gladion chuckled, remembering the various attempts by competitors and collectors to uncover their methods. Nobody suspected that the magnificent Milotic evolved from the humble Feebas – a fact that still amazed him about this world. The knowledge from his previous life had given them a unique advantage in the market.

"Speaking of which," Ben continued, "we had another attempt at breaking in last night. Two trainers with electric-types thought they could slip past our security."

"Let me guess – Mom's Houndoom and Arcanine gave them a warm welcome?"

"Actually, it was your grandfather's Venusaur this time. His Sleep Powder is still as effective as ever." Ben smiled sadly, remembering his late father. "Arcanine found them snoring in the bushes. Officer Jenny was quite amused when she came to pick them up."

The security around their property had become necessarily robust over the years. Between the valuable Eevees that Ben bred and now their Milotic collection, they'd become a tempting target for thieves. But between Erza's status as one of Kanto's strongest Ace trainers, her fearsome fire-type Pokémon, and the legacy of protection left by War veteran Maren's Pokémon, their home had become practically impenetrable.

"How are the scales coming along?" Gladion asked, changing the subject to their primary business.

"Right on schedule. Each Milotic sheds about five to six prism scales monthly. We're careful not to push them – keeping them happy and healthy is our priority." Ben pulled out a small ledger.

"The jewelers are practically fighting over our supply contracts. These scales are worth their weight in gold, especially since we're the only reliable source in Kanto."

Gladion nodded, pride swelling in his chest. Their monopoly on prism scales had created a lucrative business, one that had started from his other life knowledge and grown into a family enterprise.

The scales' beautiful, ethereal shimmer made them highly sought after in jewelry making, and their rarity only increased their value.

"Your mother and I have been talking," Ben said, sitting down beside his son. "Since this whole business started with your insight and hard work, we think it's only fair that a significant portion of the profits goes toward your and Gwen's upcoming journey."

Gladion's eyes widened. "Really? But I thought you said we needed to learn the value of managing basic supplies..."

"Oh, you'll still need to learn resource management," Ben laughed. "But there's no reason you can't start your journey with quality equipment. We're thinking new camping gear, better Pokéballs, maybe even some TMs..."

"Dad, that's... thank you." Gladion felt a surge of emotion, remembering how his parents had initially planned to provide just the basics to teach them responsibility.

"Don't thank me yet," Ben grinned. "Your mother's already planning a shopping trip that will probably be more exhausting than a gym battle."

Gwen who had heard it walked towards them "I don't think that I deserve the money since this was Gladion's idea and all. I would get my supplies from my own money when I win the League."

Gladion shook his head "Nah, Since we are family, we share things and besides it wouldn't be fun to beat you in the league if we don't start on an equal footing."

"Gladi....." Gwen mumbled before giving her brother a hug. And before she could say anything else,Their conversation was interrupted by a commotion at the pool.

One of the remaining Feebas was evolving right before their eyes.

"Perfect timing," Ben said, reaching for a special net designed to collect the scales without damaging them. "Want to help? We can talk about what supplies you're thinking of getting for your journey."

As they carefully gathered the iridescent scales, Gladion couldn't help but marvel at how his knowledge of Feebas's evolution had cascaded into such a successful venture. The business had not only provided financial security but had also brought the family closer together, working toward a common goal.

'This is just the start of me being rich. I have so many more business ventures in mind. But for most of that would need me to become a gym leader to get tax benefits.' Gladion shivered at the thought of the income tax department, they were feared even in this world.

Later that evening, during dinner, Erza spread out a map of Kanto on the table. "Now that we can afford better equipment, we should plan your route more strategically," she said, pointing out various locations. "Quality camping gear means you can take some of the more challenging routes between cities, which often have better training opportunities."

Gwen, who had been unusually quiet, finally spoke up. "But we're still starting with the same amount of money for daily expenses, right? To learn budgeting?"

"That's right," Erza confirmed. "The better equipment is to keep you safe and give you more options, not to make your journey easier. You'll still need to learn how to manage your resources carefully."

Gladion nodded, already making mental notes about potential purchases. High-quality Pokéballs would be essential – perhaps even some special ones for specific catching situations. A good tent that could withstand various weather conditions, proper medical supplies for both humans and Pokémon, and maybe some TMs to give his team more versatility...

"Just remember," Ben added, noticing Gladion's thoughtful expression, "all the fancy gear in the world can't replace good training and strong bonds with your Pokémon."

"I know, Dad," Gladion replied, smiling as he thought of his team. "The equipment is just tools – it's how we use them that matters."

As the family continued their planning session, Gladion felt a deep sense of gratitude. What had started as a secret project with a single Feebas had grown into something that would give both him and his sister a significant advantage at the start of their journey. More importantly, it had proven that his knowledge from his previous life, when applied carefully and ethically, could benefit not just himself but his entire family.

Outside, under the stars, the Milotic continued their graceful dance in the pool, their scales occasionally catching the moonlight and sending prismatic reflections across the water's surface. The sight reminded Gladion that in this world, beauty and value often came from the most unexpected sources – much like a humble ugly Feebas transforming into a magnificent Milotic.

-------Author Notes-------

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[No Space]