
Chapter 35: Introducing Squirtle and New Rivalry

The afternoon sun cast long shadows across the Vortex family's sprawling backyard as Gladion gathered his Pokémon for an important introduction.

Guy was doing his usual training routine, Mystique lounged elegantly by her personal pool, occasionally spraying water at Nyx, who was practicing her agility by dodging the streams.

Colossus hovered in the air silently

"Everyone," Gladion called out, holding up a Poké Ball. "I'd like you to meet our newest family member."

His Pokémon gathered around, curiosity evident in their expressions. With a flash of red light, Squirtle materialized before them, standing proud despite being significantly smaller than most of his new teammates.

"This is Squirtle," Gladion announced, kneeling beside the Water-type. "And I think I have the perfect name for you – Hydros."

The Squirtle – now Hydros – tilted his head questioningly.

"In ancient languages, 'Hydros' relates to water and power," Gladion explained, drawing on knowledge from his previous life. "It's a name that represents not just what you are, but what you'll become. A master of water, wielding incredible power."

Hydros's eyes lit up at this explanation, and he struck a pose that made Gladion wonder if he'd somehow ended up with another dramatic Pokémon. Guy immediately approved, giving a thumbs-up that would have made his namesake proud.

[YOSH! ANOTHER YOUTHFUL SPIRIT JOINS OUR TEAM!] Guy declared in Pokéspeak, though Gladion could get the general meaning through his psychic abilities.

(A/N: Words in this [ ] means that it is being spoken in Pokemon language)

Mystique slithered closer, gracefully lowering her head to Hydros's level. [Welcome, little one. I look forward to helping you master your Water-type moves.]

Nyx bounded over excitedly. [Finally! Someone closer to my size! Want to race?]

Colossus merely nodded in acknowledgment, but Gladion could sense approval radiating from the Pupitar.

Meanwhile, in another part of the same yard, Gwen was introducing her new Bulbasaur to their grandfather's old Venusaur. The massive Grass-type had been dozing in the sun but opened one eye with interest as the small Bulbasaur approached.

The elderly Venusaur rumbled a greeting, his voice carrying years of wisdom.

[ Ah, another seed to nurture. Come closer, young one.]

Gwen's Bulbasaur approached cautiously, then broke into a wide smile as Venusaur gently patted him with a vine. The two immediately launched into a discussion about Grass-type techniques, with Venusaur offering grandfatherly advice.

"Looks like they're getting along well," Gwen commented to her brother who was now besides her along with his team as they watched their Pokémon interact.

"Yeah," Gladion agreed. "Though I have to say, Hydros seems to have inherited Guy's flair for dramatics."

As if to prove his point, Hydros was now striking various poses while Guy enthusiastically praised his "YOUTHFUL SPIRIT!" Mystique watched with elegant amusement while Nyx rolled her eyes in a remarkably human gesture.

"Speaking of dramatics," Gwen grinned, "want to share our dreams with them?"

Gladion nodded, gathering everyone's attention. "Everyone, Gwen and I have big dreams. We're going to become the strongest trainers in the world!"

[And I'm going to be the one to help Gwen achieve that first!] Bulbasaur suddenly declared, puffing up his chest.

Hydros's head snapped around so fast his shell almost spun. [Oh? Is that so? Clearly, you haven't considered that Gladion and I will be claiming that title!]

Gwen looked at her Gengar to translate what the Pokemon were speaking since she could understand Ghost type Pokemon pretty easily.

[Ha! A mere Water-type thinks they can outdo the mighty power of nature?]Bulbasaur retorted, the bulb on his back quivering with indignation.

[ At least I don't have to photosynthesize to keep my energy up!]Hydros shot back, crossing his tiny arms.

[Oh yeah? Well, at least I don't need to hide in my shell when things get tough!]

[That's rich coming from someone who literally carries their bed on their back!]

The two starters began circling each other, trading increasingly creative insults while their respective trainers watched with a mix of amusement and exasperation.

'It looks like that they are already rivals in making.' Gladion thought

[My trainer got first place in the exams!] Hydros declared proudly.

[Well, my trainer has ghost powers!] Bulbasaur countered.

[Mine has psychic abilities!]

[Mine can turn invisible!]

[Mine can teleport!]

Guy watched the exchange with tears of joy streaming down his face.


Mystique sighed elegantly. [Are all young ones this energetic these days?]

Nyx bounced excitedly between the arguing starters. [Fight! Fight! Fight!]

Colossus remained silent but somehow managed to radiate an aura of both amusement and second-hand embarrassment.

The argument was escalating, with Hydros and Bulbasaur now pressing their foreheads together in a classic standoff pose.

[Water beats Grass in style points!] Hydros declared.

[Grass beats Water in actual battles!]Bulbasaur retorted.

[Oh yeah? Want to test that theory?]

[Bring it on, shell-head!]

[Growing a flower doesn't make you tough, leaf-face!]

Gladion and Gwen had started their own parallel argument, each backing their respective starter's claims.

"Actually, Water-types have better overall coverage options!" Gladion stated.

"But Grass-types have better status moves and sustainability!" Gwen countered.

"Blastoise has better defense stats!"

"Venusaur has better support capabilities!"

The argument was reaching new heights when suddenly...


One word. That's all it took. Everyone froze as Erza's commanding presence filled the backyard. Their mother stood there, arms crossed, one eyebrow raised, with her Arcanine and Houndoom flanking her with matching expressions of parental disapproval.

The silence was deafening.

"Are we perhaps forgetting that we're all family here?" Erza's voice carried that special mom-tone that could stop a rampaging Gyarados in its tracks.

Hydros and Bulbasaur immediately separated, looking sheepish. Gladion and Gwen found the ground suddenly very interesting.

Erza looked at the two Pokemon "You both can help your respective trainers reach the league stage and then if Gladion and Gwen face each other, You both can have a go at each other."

To which both the Pokemon nodded eagerly.

"Now then," Erza continued, her stern expression melting into a warm smile, "who's hungry? Chansey's prepared a welcome feast for our new family members."

The tension immediately evaporated as everyone perked up at the mention of food.

As they headed inside, Hydros and Bulbasaur walked side by side, their earlier argument seemingly forgotten.

[I still say Water-types are cooler,]Hydros mumbled.

[Keep dreaming, shell-head,]Bulbasaur replied with a grin.

Watching them, Gladion couldn't help but smile. It seemed some rivalries were just meant to be – whether between trainers or Pokémon. But at the end of the day, they were all family, bound together by their shared dreams and adventures to come.

As they gathered around the table, Chansey serving her famous berry cuisine, Gladion looked at his growing team. Guy was enthusiastically complimenting the food, Nyx was trying to sneak extra portions while no one was looking, Colossus was somehow managing to eat despite lacking a visible mouth, and Hydros was engaged in an eating contest with Bulbasaur to prove which starter had the bigger appetite.

Yes, his team might be a bit eccentric, but he wouldn't have it any other way. After all, in both this life and his previous one, he knew that the best families were the ones that embraced their quirks and supported each other's dreams – even if they occasionally needed mom's stern glare to remember it.

--------Author Notes-------

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[No Space]