
Chapter 10: Awakening

The morning sun had barely peeked over the horizon when the Vortex household erupted into chaos.

"Ahhhhhh, Why does it hurt so much?"

Six-year-old Gladion sat bolt upright in bed, his scream piercing the early morning quiet. At the same moment, in the room next door, his twin sister Gwen fell through her mattress, landing with a thud in the room below.

Gladion clutched his head, tears streaming down his face. The pain was excruciating, like someone had taken a jackhammer to his skull. But worse than the pain was the noise - a cacophony of voices, thoughts, and emotions that weren't his own bombarded his mind.

"Make it stop!" he wailed, squeezing his eyes shut.

As if responding to his distress, objects around his room began to float. Books flew off shelves, clothes rose from the floor, and his alarm clock spun in midair before smashing against the wall.

Erza and Ben burst into the room, their faces etched with concern. "Gladion! What's wrong?" Erza cried, rushing to her son's side.

"The voices!" Gladion sobbed. "They're so loud!"

Ben looked around the room in astonishment. "How is this happening?"

Before anyone could respond, Gwen's head popped up through the floor, her body following as she floated upwards. "Mom! Dad! I fell through my bed!" she exclaimed, her eyes wide with a mix of fear and excitement.

Erza and Ben exchanged a knowing look. "Oh, Seriously at 6 years old and without any previous training?" Erza whispered. "We need to call Dad."

As Ben ran to contact Grandpa Maren, Erza tried to calm the twins. "It's okay, sweethearts. You're going to be fine. This is... normal."

"Normal?!" Gladion cried incredulously, wincing as a lamp whizzed past his head. "How is this normal?"

Meanwhile, Gwen was experimenting with her new ability, sticking her arm through the wall and giggling. "Look, Mom! I'm like a ghost!"

"Yes, dear, that's wonderful," Erza said distractedly. "Now, can you please try to stay solid? We don't want you falling through the floor again."

Just then, Gwen's concentration slipped, and she sank halfway through the floor. "Oops," she said, looking sheepish as she dangled there, upper body in Gladion's room, lower body in the living room below.

Despite his pain, Gladion couldn't help but laugh at the sight of his sister's predicament. The moment of mirth seemed to calm his powers somewhat, and the flying objects began to settle.

Ben returned, slightly out of breath. "Dad's on his way. He said to keep them calm and... duck if necessary."

The next hour was a whirlwind of activity. Gladion tried to ignore all the lpud voices in head but it was still quite painful. Gwen, for her part, seemed to be enjoying her new ghostly abilities a bit too much, popping in and out of walls and giggling at her family's startled reactions.

"Gwen, please stop trying to scare Mr.Mime" Erza sighed as their house Pokemon maid shrieked and bolted after Gwen's head appeared suddenly from the ceiling.

"But Mom, it's so fun!" Gwen protested, her body slowly sinking through the ceiling until only her feet remained visible.

Gladion, meanwhile, was attempting to eat breakfast, but whenever he thought about lifting the spoon with his hand, his newfound telekinesis had other ideas. Every time he tried to lift his spoon, it would shoot across the room, splattering cereal everywhere.

"I'm never going to eat again," he moaned, resting his forehead on the table. But he was still internally excited about what was happening to him. He would have jumped in excitement for having superpowers if not for the constant pain in his head.

'I am a fucking psychic! Yahooo! Ah oooo, Oh damn it, why are the Sandshrews so loud in the morning?'

"Now, now," Ben said, patting his son's back while dodging a flying banana. "I'm sure you'll get the hang of it soon."

Just then, the front door burst open, and in strode Grandpa Maren, his impressive frame filling the doorway. Despite his advanced age, he moved with the vigor of a man half his years.

He looked at the mess around the house.

"I left the house for just a day to meet my old war buddies and this is what happens. Alright, where are my super-powered grandkids?" he boomed, a twinkle in his eye.

"Grandpa!" the twins cried in unison. Gwen, in her excitement, accidentally phased through her chair and got stuck halfway in the floor again.

Maren chuckled, helping Gwen up. "Looks like we've got a regular Gengar in the making here."

He turned to Gladion, who was trying to hide behind a floating cushion. "And you, my boy. Giving Alakazam a run for their money, aren't you?"

Gladion lowered the cushion, his eyes wide. "You know what's happening to us?"

He knew that he awakened his Psychic powers somehow but how did he awaken them all of a sudden? And why did he and Gwen awaken their powers at the same time? And why did he even have Psychic powers even though he did not have a Psychic team yet and even his parents doesn't seem to have Psychic powers.

"Of course I do," Maren said, settling into a chair that creaked under his muscular frame. "It's time I told you about the special gift in our family line - Pokémon-type auras. Well while everyone have the access to this gift, they need to train to awaken them and train for years on end for this."

For the next hour, Maren explained the concept of auras to the rapt twins and their parents. He described how certain humans could develop abilities similar to Pokémon, manifesting in various ways based on the type of aura they possessed.

When Ben asked why he did not have such a aura, Maren snorted and said that he did not have the passion to become a Pokemon trainer and thus awakening the aura.

"You, Gladion," Maren said, pointing to the boy who was now managing to levitate his spoon with some control, "have a Psychic aura. It gives you mental abilities like telepathy and telekinesis. With practice, you'll even be able to understand Pokémon thoughts. And well judging from your Psychic powers, you are a very high grade psychic, You would likely be able to use advanced psychic powers in future with training like Teleportation and future sight."

Gladion's eyes lit up at this prospect, momentarily forgetting the earlier pain.

"And you, little Gwen," Maren continued, addressing the girl who was experimentally poking her arm through the table, "have a Ghost aura. You can become intangible, invisible, and sense spiritual energies."

"Cool!" Gwen exclaimed, promptly turning invisible and giggling as everyone looked around in confusion.

Maren went on to describe other types of auras:

"There's the Fighting aura, which enhances physical strength and combat instincts. Fire auras grant heat resistance. Water auras allow for staying in water for a large amount of time without breathing."

The twins listened in awe as their grandfather continued.

"Grass auras help in growing plants quickly and accelerate healing. Ice auras provide cold resistance. And Dragon auras offer increased strength and some sort of pressure that could make people pee in fright. "

"Can someone have more than one aura?" Gladion asked, his analytical mind already racing with possibilities.

Maren shook his head. "It's extremely rare, but not unheard of. Most people only manifest one type if they manifest any at all. Not that you two squirts would need another aura. Psychic powers and ghost powers are in the top four aura powers one could have along with fighting and dragon auras."

"Is that why Mom is so good with Fire Pokémon?" Gwen piped up, reappearing suddenly and startling everyone.

Erza smiled. "That's right, sweetie. I have a Fire aura. It's part of what makes me such a strong Fire-type trainer. Unlike you, I had to train with my Pokemon and make a true bond with them to awaken it. Another thing you should remember is if you have the same aura as your Pokemon type, you can help enhance their strength temporarily in a fight by sharing the aura between each other through your bonds."

"What about you, Grandpa?" Gladion asked, leaning forward eagerly. He was pretty sure that his grandpa has ground type aura.

Maren's eyes twinkled mysteriously. "Ah, well, that's a story for another day. For now, let's focus on getting you two in control of your abilities."

The rest of the day was spent in intensive training. Maren guided Gladion through mental exercises to control his psychic outbursts, teaching him to create a mental "room" where he could store the excess psychic energy.

"Imagine a door," Maren instructed. "When the voices get too loud, or you feel your power building up, picture yourself putting it all behind that door."

Gladion screwed up his face in concentration. Slowly, the constant chatter in his head began to dim, and the objects floating around him settled gently to the ground.

"I did it!" he exclaimed, then winced as his excitement caused a nearby vase to wobble.

"Excellent work, my boy," Maren praised. "Remember, control is key. Your mind is a powerful tool, but it needs discipline."

Meanwhile, Gwen was learning to control her intangibility. Maren had her practice phasing through a hula hoop, gradually increasing the speed.

"Focus on the feeling of solidity," he advised. "Your body knows how to be solid. You're just teaching it a new trick."

Gwen nodded, her face scrunched in determination as she passed through the hoop without getting stuck.

As the sun began to set, both twins were exhausted but exhilarated. They had a long way to go, but they'd made significant progress in just one day.

"Remember," Maren said as he prepared to leave, "these abilities are a gift, but they also come with great responsibility. You must learn to control them, not let them control you."

The twins nodded solemnly, but their eyes shone with excitement at the prospects their new powers offered.

That night, as Erza tucked them into bed, Gladion asked sleepily, "Mom, do you think we'll be strong trainers like you someday?"

Erza smiled, brushing his hair back. "With these gifts and your determination? I think you'll be even stronger."

As she turned out the light, Gwen's voice piped up from the darkness. "Mom? I promise I won't use my powers to sneak cookies."

Erza chuckled. "I appreciate that, sweetie. Goodnight, you two. Sweet dreams."

As she closed the door, Erza couldn't help but feel a mix of pride and concern. Her children were embarking on an incredible journey, one filled with both wonders and challenges. But as she looked at Ben, who was waiting in the hallway with a supportive smile, she knew that whatever came their way, they would face it as a family.

Little did they know, this was just the beginning of an adventure that would change not just their lives, but the entire world of Pokémon, all because of a certain reincarnated Psychic boy who was currently trying to steal a choco chip cookies using his psychic powers.

--------Author Note-------

Y'all can now read 12 extra chapters on my pat*reon.

https://pat reon.com/mrmime24

[No Space]