
Pokemon- World's 'Strongest' Trainer

[Warning BTW! If you read the reviews before reading, you'll get basically Fake News. One of them is basically 'I dont understand english so the book is bad' so! Just give it a try, if you don't like it, you don't like it. But the reviews are misleading.] A classic Pokemon story with a System. I want Opinions on the story quality, direction, and writing for battles or otherwise. Nobody in the Discord wants to do it, so you lucky fellows will have to do! After beating Radical Red Hardcore Nuzlocke without losing a single Pokemon, Ace was rebirthed in the Pokemon world with a System! Are you sick and tired of everyone and their mother having a Lucario? Grossed out by the borderline Bestiality between Trainers and Gardevoir? Looking for something fresh with Pokemon that are rarely used?! Then this is probably for you! (Uses Radical Red Abilities, they're explained anyway so don't worry about it.)

AgentMonke · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
153 Chs


Elesa strode in, "Hold on! If you punish my Darling, you have to punish me too!" Everyone looked back and Ace froze, his scalp went numb as he looked at Elesa's bump, "You're pregnant?!"

Elesa smiled at him, letting out a breath, "Stupid guy, I've been trying to tell you for months." Ace was dumbfounded, she walked in front of him, "A bunch of garbage, who cares about whether they live or die, anyway? Plus, my Darling, the hero, came from Sinnoh to punish evil! Your own so-called Champion was probably taking a coffee break in her trailer, right?"

Elesa sneered at Diantha, "When is your movie coming out? I want to see the 'Hero' Diantha on the screen. Since you can't fucking do it in real life, obviously! Look at yourself in the mirror and then think about if you can even compete with my Darling! You fake ass bitch!"

Everyone's foreheads had black lines.

Ace pulled Elesa back gently, saying seriously, "Can you stop talking? Do you know you're pregnant? If you get too excited, it's not good for the baby!" Elesa struggled, "No! I don't want my baby to not have a father! If you go to jail or whatever, then they'll have to send me too!"

Old Jenny's lips twitched and Sycamore held his chest, sighing, "What a beautiful romance!" Cynthia gave Elesa a thumbs up, the heavy atmosphere was gone now…

Old Jenny coughed and continued, "We will consider the flaws of the Kalos Champion at a later time." Diantha was stunned, "But-" Old Jenny glared at her, "What they say has merit! If you did what you were supposed to do, how could Team Flare walk out in the open? I'm not saying that Ace's Pokemon would've lived because I don't know. But in this incident, your negligence is also a part of the blame!"

Diantha was silenced instantly with an ugly expression.

Siebold interceded, "We can talk about this later." he turned back the focus, "In the first place, this was never a criminal hearing. If Ace hadn't mentioned it, we wouldn't know. That being said, the important information is on the table. Malva was a mole in the League. How do we progress from here?"

Drasna hummed and smiled, "I would also like to know. Should we be preparing for a counter-attack?" Wikstrom snorted, "Impossible. Retaliating now would expose their location to us. What we need to do now is find Malva." Drasna and Siebold looked at him as he nodded with his arms crossed, "Once we find Malva, we can move forward. Interrogate her crimes… If they're not as severe as believed, I'm sure we can get her to be our mole instead."

He paused and added, "If not a mole, then at least an informant." he looked at Ace, "Your actions are highly unnecessary and severe. However, I understand your feelings. In your place, I don't know what I would've done, but it would most likely have the same order of magnitude."

Elesa snorted, "Don't compare yourself to my Darling, okay Starhead?!" Wikstrom's lips twitched and Ace rubbed Elesa's back, "Just shut up for now." Elesa pouted at him and he rubbed her head gently, looking at Old Jenny.

Old Jenny hummed and said, "That's all fine and dandy. However, I'm more concerned about the crime." Elesa opened her mouth and Ace covered it as Old Jenny looked at him, nodding slightly, speaking again, "You were too reckless and cruel in the video. If everyone can kill whoever they want, what's the point of the Police? This is extraordinary circumstance, however…"

She paused before looking at the professors, "If they are willing to stand up for you, then even a child can see that you're not a bad person. From what I know, your company has progressed the normalization of Pokemon knowledge by years, not to mention the Medical Assistants provided to the Joy family, and the RotomRunners provided to the Jenny family."

She hummed, "These are great contributions to not only these two families, but all Pokemon Trainers. In your hands, Oreburgh city itself has become one of the most popular cities in the world in addition to your research on Ruins, History, and Fossils…" Jenny squinted, "All these factors are great, you can be considered a real genius just for these… But genius is genius and contributions can only take you so far! That doesn't mean you can do whatever you like."

Elesa struggled and Ace looked at Old Jenny seriously, nodding, "I understand." Old Jenny shook her head, "I'm not done yet." Ace raised his brows, as she continued, "Clearly you're not an evil person. A Champion standing up for you, and a child on the way… I'd like to believe these two have the ability to see character and judge for themselves."

She tapped her cane, "In addition, this gaffe had positive results as a whole. An Evil Organization's Base of Operations and research lab was destroyed, two of 5 scientists have been dealt with, and we found out there was a mole in the alliance… If you leave it in my hands, I really can't bear to punish you harshly. The consequences of these factors not being exposed today, I can't imagine them."

She looked over at Charles, who looked at Ace silently, asking strangely, "Were you able to bury your Pokemon in the end?" Ace paused and his eyes darkened, Charles was still silent before saying, "Release Noivern."

Ace let out Noivern and Charles looked at him as Noivern, squinted, subtly blocking Ace from all directions. Charles looked at Noivern for a while in silence before saying, "I see. Take him back." Ace looked confused and took Noivern back.

Charles closed his eyes, "I believe this was not part of a pattern, but a reckless decision made by a confused and angry mind. There is no evidence to support this but, I believe that this will not happen again. That being said, if you receive no punishment, it wouldn't be reasonable…"

He turned to the side and asked, "What do you think, Geeta?" Geeta looked at Ace and smiled, "I agree." Charles nodded as Ace looked at Geeta, who was looking at him. After a few seconds, Charles said, "The punishment-"

Geeta smiled at Ace, "Mr Charles, may I make a suggestion?" Charles looked at her and nodded, Geeta's eyes didn't leave Ace as she said, "This Punishment… I don't really agree it should be done. In the end, you can even be considered a Hero. We barely have any Poachers in our Region for good reason…"

She extended a hand, "Therefore, I would like to suggest that Ace's punishment is to be changed. The contents of which are communications between new Regions on behalf of the Pokemon League. If Mr Charles doesn't mind, I can take Ace with me to Paldea."

Charles fell silent and Elesa was dumbfounded, "Are you crazy?! Absolutely not!" Geeta smiled, "You can come too." Elesa changed her words, "Alright. I agree." Charles' eyes twitched, he was the one making the decision, right?

Charles retorted, "This isn't good. It's a reward." Geeta waved, "Then he can explore Area Zero for us." Ace was dumbfounded! Charles frowned, "Are you sure?" Geeta nodded with a smile, "It's not a problem, I can oversee him if you're worried."

Charles thought for a few moments before saying, "Then, I agree. Ace will be sent to Paldea acting as a bridge between regions as Paldea integrates into the Official Pokemon League. In addition, he will be required to investigate the Mysterious Area Zero."

Ace was dazed the whole time, Cynthia sighed and Elesa made sure, "I can go too, right?" Geeta nodded and Charles also nodded helplessly. Elesa smiled in satisfaction, "Good! Let's get outta here, if I have to look at that failure for one more second, I might explode!" Ace's lips twitched and Diantha looked angry.

Ace brought Elesa out and Cynthia waved, "Thank you, Mr Charles." Charles nodded and waved as Cynthia followed after them.


Damn. Wrote these in 3 hours. Thats like 5k words. Yeah, I think that's good enough for stones, hand them over or make a funny joke.
