
Pokemon- Master of Steel

I am a big fan of Pokemon and this story is about a young boy whose dream is to become world's best trainer. Story about how he start loving steel type and his adventures in University and then Pokemon World. Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon or Pokemon Company. This is just a Fan-made novel.

ujjawalkant_rai · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

First Day

After 1 Month:

Alan was standing in the lobby of Pokemon school with his mother Mia and his friend Beldum whom he caught in the pokeball brought by his mother.

"Hello Mrs. Parker, Good Morning." Said someone from behind.

Mia and Alan turned around to see the same fat guy they met while enrollment of Alan, "Hello Mr. Thomas, a very Good Morning." Replied Mia.

"How are you dear Alan ? I know you must be excited for your first day here ?" Said Mr. Thomas.

"No." Replied Alan.

"Alan, what is this behavior ? Say sorry to Thomas Sir." Said Mia to Alan.

"But Mom, I don't want to stay away from you and dad." Said Alan and tears fell from his eyes.

"Honey, we will relocate in Celadon within next 3 Months and you will meet many other trainers here, also you have your friend Beldum with you." Said Mia, wiping Alan's tears.

"Alan, you will love this place. All professors here are very nice and also we have around 35 New students for your batch including you, they all are of your age." Said Thomas trying to cheer up Alan.

"Yes, Thomas sir is right. Cheer up my boy. You are a grown up kid now, you remember you said the same thing when I asked you to not to go in Emergency Ward, you did it and made a new friend." Said Mia and Alan nodded still sobbing, Beldum was floating around him trying to cheer him up, even Scizor was also trying to cheer up Alan.

"Alan, just one condition I forgot to tell you, you are not allowed to go with your pokemon in classroom for first year, you can train them in Park but for first year students they are not allowed to go to classroom with their pokemon." Said Thomas.

"No worries Mr. Thomas, he can keep Beldum in the pokeball while in classroom." Said Mia and Beldum flinched a little because in last one month he went in the pokeball only once, that when Alan caught him.

"Don't worry Beldum, you can spend remaining time out of pokeball." Said Mia who understood fear in eyes of Beldum.

"Ok, Mrs. Parker, I will take Alan to his dorm, you don't worry he will love this place." Said Thomas and Mia nodded, she gave her son a goodbye Kiss and waited till the trio were out of her sight.

"Now we should leave Scizor, he will have great day here. Let's go." Said Mia to her most trusted partner.

IN the Dorm:

"Alan, here this is your room and I already shown you the dining room, also you know where is your classroom, I have marked everything on the School Map as well." Said Thomas saying goodbye to Alan.

"Thankyou Mr. Thomas." Said Alan and went inside his dorm to put his bag and settle on the bed. His dorm was similar to his bedroom, a little bigger in size, there was a Study Table, a Wardrobe, A bed, Chair and also there was a training room behind one of the door, though it wasn't useful for a first year student but Alan was different than others. He checked out everything around and said to his friend, "This place is really great Beldum, we can do your training here as well and work on that Confusion move you shown me that day." (This Beldum is different then normal ones and it used confusion once when he thought Alan is in trouble and stopped him in mid air.)

Beldum also floated happily around the room, Alan checked his bag in which he had many cubes made by his mother for his Beldum, those cubes were very great for Steel Type and Psychic types, she could make it because she herself was a trainer and she was a Bug Gym Leader in a faraway region of Shargil before moving to Kanto with Alan's dad who got a researcher's job in Silph Co. and package was also great.

Alan lay down on his bed looking at his floating partner and said, "After one hour we will be meeting some more students of my age, I hope we can get along then only this will be fun here." Beldum also lay down beside him and Alan braced him in his arms.

Chapter Ends.