
Pokemon Trainer

"Waaaahhhh waaahhhh"

A baby's cry rang through the room.

"It's a boy my dear. You gave us a boy."

A tall man with black hair and red eyes held a newborn baby. He quickly cleaned him up and wrapped him into a blue blanket and gave it to his wife. The woman also had black hair that was stuck to her forehead because of giving birth, stared down at her baby with loving eyes. The woman had beautiful blue eyes that were clearer than the blue sky.

The man curled up beside her in the bed and held her in his arms. He stared at his wife and new child was love and affection.

"Arroo?" a deep sound came from outside the door.

The man laughed and said, "You can come in Dragonite. Come meet my son!"

A 2m tall Dragonite walked into the room with a curious expression on its face. The woman smiled and showed him the sleeping baby. Dragonite slowly leaned in and touched the baby's forehead with his white antennae that came from his head.

The moment it came in contact, the child's eyes flew open. The child's eyes were red with the vertical pupil, like a reptiles.

Dragonite tried to pulled away but was unable to move. Purplish energy flowed from Dragonite into the child until the child glowed, filled with this energy. Dragonite fell back and started breathing deeply, majority of its energy was drained by the child.

The energy slowly faded into the child and his bright red eyes turned into his mother's beautiful blue eyes. It gave a small giggle before falling asleep again.

The man had calmly watched the entire process. He sighed and closed his eyes, sadness appeared on his face. The wife didn't say anything either and continued to played with her baby's face, tears started to run down her face.

The man hugged his wife tighter as she silently cried. He held her for a long time, when she fell asleep he took the baby from her grasp and held him.

"Dragonborn… you will grow up to be someone powerful my son… Daikon." muttered the man, his eyes filled with sadness and love as he held his son.

The man removed a black sword from his waist and a white egg with black markings from his bag. He quickly wrote a note and left it next to the bed side for his wife. He placed his son in the crib that was next to the bed and kissed his forehead. He then tucked the blankets around his wife and planted a kiss on her forehead. Tears rolled down his face, he then took out a pokeball and returned Dragonite.

The man stopped at the doorway and gave a final look at his family before disappearing into the night.


15 years later…

Shoo shoo shoo

The sound a sword cutting through the air filled a small backyard.

A tall black haired boy was practicing his swordsmanship bare chested in the backyard of his house. His figure was lean and strong, his strikes were fast and precise leaving only after images of his black sword. A Pidgey sat on the fence and watched him mindlessly before flying off.

"Daikon! Dinner time!" the boy's mom called out from in the house.

Daikon stopped his swordsmanship and wiped the sweat off his face with a towel before heading inside.

The house was a small two story house that was commonly found throughout Pallet Town.

At the small round table, Daikon saw his mother and an old white haired man.

"Morning Professor." Daikon said politely.

"Morning my boy! Still practicing with that sword I see." Professor Oak said, eyeing the sword in his hand.

"Yes sir." Daikon answered shortly, he then headed upstairs to his room to shower and change.

Professor Oak shook his head and spoke to Kate, "Still a quiet boy I see. I thought working at my lab would make him more outgoing but it didn't seem to help."

Kate gave a slight smile and said, "It did help. He looked forward to going over to the lab and helping you and the pokemon."

"Really? Never showed it. The boy was a sponge though. He went through and read my textbooks and research in less than a year. When he asked if I had anymore books I almost fainted." Professor Oak complained, in truth he was ecstatic with Daikon. The boy had a knack when dealing with pokemon and had an excellent memory. He was even able to point out some flaws in the Professor's research!

"Yes…" Kate said softly, lost in her own thoughts.

"Did he decide to become a pokemon trainer?" Professor Oak asked quietly, knowing that this was a touchy subject for Kate.

A sad look appeared on Kate's face, "Yes. He wishes to explore the world."

"I can give him a strong starter Kate. I have a little influence in Kanto Region and I can make sure he is protected." Professor Oak tried to comfort her.

"He would hate that. Thank you but you better let him do it himself. You know how he is." she let out a sad sigh, tears glistened in her beautiful blue eyes. "His father left him a starter and I caught one just in case."

Professor Oak had a strange expression on his face. He knew little about Daikon's father and whenever he brought it up Kate's expression would become sad and longing.

"What is the pokemon, if I may ask?" Professor Oak asked curiously.

"No idea. It's still an egg." Kate said softly.

Professor Oak had more questions to ask but held his tongue seeing Kate's expression.

After 5 minutes of waiting, Daikon came down freshly showered and dressed. His clear blue eyes matched his mothers perfectly. His black hair was cut short and stylish. His face was overall handsome but with his eyes he upgraded from handsome to lady killer.

He wore a white t shirt and a pair of faded jeans.His body was lean but defined, every muscle seemed to hold explosive power ready to be unleashed.

Sitting down at the table, his mom served him a plate of potatoes and Magikarp. He greedily devoured his food and had a second plate. Daikon always had a large appetite since young. His mother use to tease him saying he almost sucked her dry during breastfeeding. Finishing his second plate he went for a third but his mother stopped him. She went to the kitchen and brought back a birthday cake with 15 candles stuck into it.

Professor Oak smiled and sang along with his mother. After the song finished, Daikon blew out the candles in a single breath and looked at his mom lovingly.

It was his 15th birthday today and he was finally old enough to register to become a pokemon trainer. He finished his education last year under the guidance of Professor Oak and even took extra classes about pokemon behavior and training.

He had worked for Professor Oak since he was 10 and finally saved up enough money to pay for a starter. Starter pokemon cost over 1000 pokecoins and his mother didn't have that kind of cash so he worked to be able to pay for one.

Being a pokemon trainer was expensive. Starter pokemon, registering, potions, pokeballs… they all cost money.

Professor Oak was kind enough not to charge him for his classes and even paid him money to do odd jobs around the Pokemon Lab.

"Happy birthday boy! You can finally become an official pokemon trainer!" Professor Oak said with a boisterous laugh.

Daikon gave a small nod as he finished his first piece of cake.

His mom gave him a kiss on the cheek and said, "Happy birthday Daikon."

Daikon looked into his mother's eyes and saw both the happiness and sadness. He knew that him leaving would make her sad but it was something he had to do.

"Time for presents!" Professor Oak said and brought out a trendy blue backpack. "This is the latest spatial backpack, it can store over 10m3 of stuff. Look inside."

Daikon was stunned, he knew how expensive these backpacks were and was planning on buying the cheapest model. Opening it he found a pokeball belt, 20 pokeballs, 10 potions and 10 full heals. In the corner was also the new pokedex the professor had just created.

Daikon looked at the Professor, emotions filled his eyes.

"No need to say anything boy. I know you aren't good with words or expressing emotions so you don't need to say anything. But I want you to listen closely. The pokemon world is a cruel place. Death is everywhere and only the strong have a chance to be something in this world. I know you want to challenge the gyms right away but I suggest you don't. Gym leaders are just below the elite 4 in strength and a rookie trainer will never defeat them. You must improve your strength first and your pokemon's strength. And always remember, the pokemon you catch are your family. Treat them well." Professor Oak had a wistful look in his eyes as he spoke to Daikon, remembering his younger days.

Most trainers started training their pokemon around age 10, so when they turned 15 they could register and start challenging gyms. Daikon was started to train pokemon at 15 so he was a little bit behind.

Daikon nodded, thanking him for his advice and trying to keep his emotions in check.

His mom smiled in gratitude at the Professor. He had helped them out more than Daikon knew about these last couple of years. Kate was in a bad place when Daikon was a baby and the Professor helped her through it.

Kate took out a pokeball from her pocket and placed it off the table. "I caught this pokemon for you as a starter. You can register it tomorrow with your pokedex at the pokemon center."

'Mom caught a pokemon for me?' Daikon was speechless.

He gently touched the pokeball and a flash of red light came out.


In front of him was an Eevee, a mammalian, quadruped creature with brown fur. The tip of its bushy tail and its large furry collar are cream-colored. It has short, slender legs with three small toes and a pink paw pad on each foot. It has brown eyes, long pointed ears, and a small black nose. It was only .3m tall with its tail almost being as long as its body.

"An Eevee? Excellent choice for a starter." Professor Oak beamed at the cute brown pokemon.

Ben held his hand up for Eevee to sniff then he gently stroke its head. Eevee seemed to be enjoy it and softly cooed. "Eeee."

"This Eevee is a female so if want to name her make sure it is a nice name." Kate gave Daikon a threatening stare.

"Eevee is fine." Daikon said absently as he petted Eevee's head.

"There is one more gift…" Kate said slowly. "... it's from your father."

Daikon momentarily stopped petting Eevee but after a stopping for a moment he continued as if she said nothing.

"I don't want it." Daikon said coldly. He hated his father. He abandoned him and his mother when he was born. His mother had been dealing with depression because of it and he had to watch through the years her struggle.

Kate gave a sad look as she saw Daikons cold face. He grew up cold and anti-social because of his father. Professor Oak was the only connection he had made in the entire town.

"It's a pokemon egg." she said as she place a white egg with black markings on the table.

Though Daikon didn't want anything from his father he couldn't help being drawn to the egg. Reaching out, he lightly touched it causing a flash of purple energy to fill the room.

Daikon and Professor Oak were stunned at what happened but Kate gave a small smile.

"Professor, I hope what you see here you keep to yourself." Kate said seriously, the only reason she didn't kick him out was because of the help he gave them over the years.

The Professor nodded absentmindedly as he stared at the egg.

Kate got up and went to the kitchen, she brought back a knife and handed it to Daikon.

"The pokemon has already accepted you but now it needs your blood to fully awaken." Kate solemnly said.

"Blood? What kind of pokemon needs blood to hatch?" Professor Oak was flabbergasted, in all his years of research he had never heard of anything like this.

"Not any blood. A true Draconid blood. A Dragonborn." Kate said, not answering the Professor's question.

"Draconid? The ancient civilisation?" Professor Oak asked surprised. He had heard about this civilisation lots and even studied some of their ruins in Hoenn. They worshipped dragon pokemon.

Kate ignored him and looked Daikon in the eyes and instructed, "Cut your palm and place it on the egg."

Daikon stared at him mother long and hard, then finally he nodded and took the knife and sliced open his hand. He then placed his hand on the egg. At first nothing happened, but suddenly the egg began to shake violently.

Daikon gasped, the egg was sucking out his blood. He tried to remove his hand but it wouldn't budge. He gradually felt weaker and weaker until it was a challenge just to keep standing. Finally the egg seemed to finish absorbing his blood and started to give off a faint glow.

Daikon collapsed onto the floor, covered in sweat and taking deep ragged breaths.



The egg shook more violently and cracks started to appear on the egg.

The room was filled with suspense as everyone watched the egg.

Pieces of shells started to fall onto the table. A tiny pokemon appeared from the egg.

A serpentine pokémon with a black body and a white underside sat on the table. It had white, three-pronged fins on the sides of its head and a tiny red bump on its forehead. Above its large, round, white snout are oval, red eyes.

'A black… Dratini?'