
Pokemon - A real story

There is a huge gap between the story of anime and the realistic story of Pokemon. This light novel closes that gap and gives the viewers a believable and exciting story with lots of adventure. Follow our protagonist Axel Blaze, a reincarnated person. With his knowledge of the previous Pokemon world, he hopes to dominate the world. But after he realizes how very wrong he was. This novel has a system, just to make things fun, the story is not focused on it though. "Success is like being pregnant, everyone says congratulations but nobody knows how many times you were fucked" So this novel tells the story of Axel blaze but all points of hidden difficulty he has to face to get it to there. -------- If you want to read advanced chapters earlier or just want to support me, you can do that at https://www.patreon.com/TheSilverPrince1 You can also visit my website and read 3 advanced chapters for free at: https://silver-prince.com/ (The story has a similar start as 'Pokemon - a mystical journey' so some people are probably confused. I wanted to say that only the beginning of the story is similar, not the later chapters and this story is not a copy.) Disclaimer: This is a fanfiction novel. So, the basics of the Pokemon world is not created by me. It belongs to "The Pokémon company".

TheSilverPrince · Anime & Comics
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796 Chs


'Dazzling gleam' was an interesting move. When Togetic used this move, it would covered by fairy glow like a shield, and then the shield expands and causes injuries to others. 

So, it could be used in multiple ways. Togetic could hold this move and concentrate the power around it making it a defensive move or it could also expand it rapidly and make it an attacking move.

Chukkii.. Chukiii. 

"Haha, I thought so. You want to make it both huh? But first I recommend you go for the defensive one.

You are a fairy-type Pokemon and your hidden power typing is also fairy. So, I believe that you should first train your 'Dazzling gleam'. However, don't only train on it and try to train in other moves too. Don't train on 'Ancient power' right now. It would take a lot of time for you to have some significant benefit relating to it.", said Axel.

Axel then went to Riolu. He found out that it was still training in the training ground late at night. Riolu wanted to activate aura stat so that it could participate in the battle but it was not happening any time soon. 

"Riolu!! What the hell are you doing? Didn't I tell you to take breaks and not train at night?", shouted Axel.

Riolu was visibly scared after seeing angry Axel. Since it was very young, Axel's heart melted but Axel needed to give it a punishment so that it would not do it again. Resting and training are essential things to make a Pokemon stronger. 

"Riolu, resting is also important. You cannot get stronger in a day. It takes months and years to become strong. So, follow the routine that I have told you."

"RI.. Riolu…."

"Yes, you cannot participate in the tide battle. They could do it cause they are stronger. You have not trained on your stats and you are also weaker. They could do it cause they have trained a lot in it.

But since you didn't follow my commands, you will have to suffer punishment. You will not train for a week. No training of moves or training of body stats."

"RI.. RIOLU!!!", it shouted to complain. 

Axel was strict on this but since Riolu was so cute and had almost started to cry, he decreased the time to 5 days. Riolu needed to learn the importance of rest.


Meanwhile, Alon had gone deep inside the forest. He had already received the information of where they might be and the news was very accurate. He had told Zoroark to disguise as one of the dead dark-type Pokemon and then infiltrate the place. Alon was behind Zoroark as he had to protect himself. 

Axel's Shedinja was still there for protection and Alon knew that this Shedinja was a freak of nature. Axel never told Alon how Marcus could only be affected by ghost and dark-type moves but he did say that such a thing could not be duplicated. 

Besides, this Shedinja was very powerful. Alon could argue that even including Slowemperor, Shedinja was still the strongest Pokemon in Axel's team. So, he was not so scared right now.

After some time Zoroark came and told them that it had found the place of those Pokemons.

"Listen to me Zoroark. Now you will take the form of that dead Mightyena and then infiltrate the place. Don't talk too much and only reply when you are asked a question. Then you will try to look around and get all the details of king-rank Pokemons. 

After you have done it just ask one of the pseudo-king rank Pokemons to tell retell you the plan as you were not listening to them before. Marcus would be behind you. If you feel that there is any problem then shout out loud. I have attached a device that will make us hear you. Marcus would come to you for rescue."

Alon also proceeded to tell the nature of Mightyena to Zoroark so that it could replicate it. This was a foolproof plan. The illusion ability of Zoroark could not be underestimated. It was almost undetectable and if a king-rank Pokemon didn't concentrate on it, the king-rank Pokemon might not even be able to tell the difference. 

"Remember, don't go talking to king-rank Pokemons. They might be able to detect you.", said Alon.

Zoroark nodded and then went deep inside the forest.

"Don't worry, Zoroark can do it.", said Marcus to make Alon relax. This was an important mission but it was also very dangerous. So Alon was very nervous.

After waiting for an hour Zoroark came towards Alon and Shedinja. 

"Did you get all the info?"

The Pokemon nodded its head.

"Good, we will go then. Come inside the ball.", said Alon and called out Zoroark and then started to run towards the human settlement with Shedinja. After running for some time, he called out Dusclops. He then sat on top of Dusclops and told it to move forward. 

Dusclops was an elemental-rank Pokemon. It was not as fast as Shedinja and it had slow speed but even then it was faster than Alon himself. Till now, the people of this world had not found out about the further evolution of Dusclops which was Dusknoir. 

Axel did know that such an evolution existed but he didn't know how to evolve it. The real way was always slightly different than the way in the games and anime. So, Axel had not told Alon anything about it.


After running for hours, they finally reached the human settlement early in the morning. This was the most fearful night for Alon. He thanked Arceus that he was still alive. Marcus was not feeling afraid as he was very powerful but such was not the case for Alon. 

After coming to the huge wall, he was let inside and he called Axel to call an emergency meeting.


Every important people were in the meeting including the lieutenants from the mercenary and lieutenants from the village. Everyone was excited to know the details. 

Alon walked to the meeting room confidently. He was proud of the work that he had done. 

"Alon, tell me all the details. Start with the names of king-rank Pokemons and their ranks.", said Axel.

"Yes, sir. I have the list of king-rank Pokemons right here.", said Alon and gave the copy to everyone in the meeting room.

Tier 2 king rank Pokemons

Poliwrath, Golem, Arcanine, Charizard, Poliwrath, Golem, Nine tales, Nidorino

Tier 1 king rank Pokemons

Golbat, Alakazam, Gengar, Kingler, Starmie, Nidorina, Sandslash, Nine tales, Vileplume, Gengar, Primeape, Rapidash, Slowbro, Muk, Onix ,Hypno, Kingler, Rhydon, Scyther, Magmar, Tauros, Blastoise, Charizard, Butterfree, Beedrill

All of them looked at the list of Pokemons and all of them had a grim face. They had to fight a total of 33 king-rank Pokemons. Tier 2 king-rank Pokemon were not a problem but there were 25 king-rank Pokemons.

"Did you discover anything else?", asked Axel.

"Sir, the second leader is very wise. As per the second leader, they are sure to lose."

"So, they will not fight?", asked Liam.

"No, they are going to fight to death. But the second leader says that some of the king-ranked Pokemons would not participate in the battle and teach the young Pokemons in the future. When those young Pokemons get stronger, they will strike in the future."

"Wow, that second leader is very wise and also dangerous. So, why do they want to fight this battle if they are sure to lose?", asked Axel.

"I don't know much about it but they plan to give us a very tough battle after a few days. What you have feared is true. They will not attack at the same time but they will first send some king-rank Pokemons to fight in a few days and after those are killed, they plan to do a surprise attack the very next day with a full team.", said Alon.

"That is a very good plan. We would not have expected such a thing. Now, we can plan for it. So, sir Axel, what is your plan?"

"I have a very good plan. Now listen to me all of you.", said Axel and started to tell his plan.


3 days have passed since then.

Slowemperor still needed 1 day to make a full recovery. Axel was not going to execute that plan till it recovered completely. The young Pokemons were having a blast. Their experience was growing at an alarming rate and their moves were also leveling up very quickly. Before, they didn't train very intently as Axel wanted them to grow. But now all of them were ready to receive hard training. 

Shelgon's new hidden ability 'Overcoat' was showing very good results. It had trained in this ability for almost 4 weeks now and it was 40% mastered. That was huge for only 4 weeks of training. 

As they were fighting, Axel got an interesting notification.



Croconaw is evolving. Do you want to extend the evolution?





Please specify the evolution condition.


"All of its stats should be S rank."

Axel didn't put a harsh condition on Croconaw as it was just a common rank Pokemon and its moves mastery was also very good for its level. 

Riolu was also training in its stats and its moves. It had learned new moves and it was training in it. 


Pokemon POV start

Nidoking was not feeling good. Axel said that its stats were already at tier 2 level but it had still not ranked up to tier 2. It talked to its best friend Charizard as Charizard just said that it would reach there. So, it didn't need to worry. 

Since it was not getting any good response from its friend, it went to talk to boss Shedinja for advice. 

"Boss, what should I do? Even light has reached tier 2 king rank.", said Nidoking.

"Meg, you don't need to worry about it so much. You are strong enough. Even though Light has reached tier 2, he may not be able to defeat you. You are very strong. You first need to realize it. 

Now, about your tier 2 rank up. Axel said that since you have 2 cores, you need to have higher stats. After training with Agnus, I realized that ranking up is not always good."

"What do you mean?"

"You need to have experience and you need to consider your core typing. I have a ghost core and my core is divided into darkness, soul, and shadow energy. If I want to reach higher ranks, I need to have sufficient mastery in at least one of those energies. 

Have you ever thought about that? Cause even if you reach tier 2 or tier 3, you will not be able to reach a higher rank if you don't master one of the energies of your typing."

"So, what is poison and ground core divided into?", asked Nidoking as it literately had no idea.

"That is something for you to find out. Why don't you talk to Axel about this after the tide? We need to have a proper discussion too. Agnus told me many things about it and it might be helpful to all of us."

"Ok boss, I will think about it. Talking to you always makes me feel better. Thanks."

"Don't worry kid. That is why I am here."

Pokemon POV end.

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