
Pokemon - A real story

There is a huge gap between the story of anime and the realistic story of Pokemon. This light novel closes that gap and gives the viewers a believable and exciting story with lots of adventure. Follow our protagonist Axel Blaze, a reincarnated person. With his knowledge of the previous Pokemon world, he hopes to dominate the world. But after he realizes how very wrong he was. This novel has a system, just to make things fun, the story is not focused on it though. "Success is like being pregnant, everyone says congratulations but nobody knows how many times you were fucked" So this novel tells the story of Axel blaze but all points of hidden difficulty he has to face to get it to there. -------- If you want to read advanced chapters earlier or just want to support me, you can do that at https://www.patreon.com/TheSilverPrince1 You can also visit my website and read 3 advanced chapters for free at: https://silver-prince.com/ (The story has a similar start as 'Pokemon - a mystical journey' so some people are probably confused. I wanted to say that only the beginning of the story is similar, not the later chapters and this story is not a copy.) Disclaimer: This is a fanfiction novel. So, the basics of the Pokemon world is not created by me. It belongs to "The Pokémon company".

TheSilverPrince · Anime & Comics
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What Strategy?

Axel started to plan his next action. First, he needed to intimidate his troops. He wanted them to respect them and follow his order to 'T'. If he could not accomplish it, the north zone would not stand.

Second, he needed to plan the war. He only had 10 days left before the tide began. It may look like a lot of time but it actually was not. He didn't even know how they fought the Pokemon tide.

Sam was by his side as Axel was skimming through the details of his troops. During the time of tide, even normal trainers would join the battle. They were given the ranks of cadets. They do have the option to not join the tide. If a military cadet, not the normal trainer, had at least 1 rare ranked Pokemons, then they would be promoted to sergeant.

A sergeant having 6 rare ranked Pokemons would be promoted to captain.

A captain having at least 1 elemental rank Pokemon would be promoted to lieutenant. However, this is where the requirement starts to get tough. Having 1 elemental rank Pokemon was just one of the requirements. The said captain should have been servicing the military for at least 5 years. The loyalty of the captain was also thoroughly checked before they were promoted to lieutenant.

The Lieutenant was in a position of power. The league would not give such a position after checking them.

Soon an hour had passed.

Axel could now see 9 people inside the room except for him.

"Hector, I thought there are only 6 soldiers including the lieutenants who have elemental-ranked Pokemons. Why are there 9 of them?"

"Sir, these 3 people are special. I thought you would be needing their services too."

"Explain who are they?"

Meanwhile, other soldiers except for the lieutenants were surprised. Why was Lieutenant Hector reporting to a kid?

"First of all, we have Miss Dory. She had a good amount of knowledge about the Pokemons, their typing, and their moves. I thought she would come in handy. She is also a ground-type specialist.

As for the second, we have Mr. Dorton. He is a healing specialist and a researcher. Although, he only has rare ranked Pokemons, their healing powers have saved us more than we can count in the previous tide. He is also a researcher so his knowledge of the Pokemons is vast.

Finally, we have Ashmita. She is your secretary and would help you with miscellaneous tasks."

Axel nodded his head and said, "Your insight is appreciated. Now, all of you must be wondering how I really am.

Don't worry I will burst your bubble. My name is Axel Blaze and I am the new zone commander of the north base."

All of a sudden the soldiers inside the room started to murmur. Finally, one of the captains could not take it and said, "Sir, I apologize for being rude but you are a kid. I don't want to throw my life to a kid who doesn't even know anything about the Pokemon tide."

"What is your name and rank soldier?"

"Aron, I am a captain of the 70th infantry of Kanto."

"Ok, Aron and all of you. You may be thinking what is happening here? Why did a kid become your leader and why does he have the right to dictate to you?

All I can say that is, it is the decision of the league and as soldiers, it is your duty to follow the order of the league. Voicing your opinions during the time of Pokemon tide would be disastrous.

We would have more casualties if you did that. So, until the tide is over you would have to bear with me. I know some of you have doubts about my ability and qualification but I don't care about it. I am appointed by the league as your boss and I hope you will follow my command at the very least.

Even some of my unorthodox orders are to be followed.", said Axel.

He was getting tired of saying the same thing to everyone. Why were they so stupid? Why can't everyone be like Hector?

"Now moving on, Hector introduce me to these people. Who are they?"

"Yes sir. This is Mary. She is a fire specialist in our group and that is her husband Kane. He is a fighting type specialist. Finally, we have Alon. He is a ghost-type specialist."

Axel moved his eyes to everyone. These would be his team for the Pokemon tide. He wanted to make sure that everyone's strengths and weaknesses.

"Nice to meet you all. The reason I called you all here is to introduce myself. It is also to ask you some questions.

First of all, what was the strategy that you had planned before I became the zone commander?"

Sam walked near Axel and said, "Sir, the strategy is basically to use Pokemon type advantage in the battle. Like a fire type Pokemon would be used for a grass type. This was used by the last zone commander too."

"Anything other than that?", asked Axel.

"No sir. The military has been using this strategy for a long time and we have gained a lot of victories.", said Sam.

"Is anyone here a strategist?", asked Axel

The room became silent but Dory raised her hand and said, "I do have the knowledge about the Pokemons, their strength, weakness and their nature. It could be used to make a strategy. I graduated from 'Pokemon tech school'."

Axel had heard about the 'Pokemon tech' before. It was a school set up by the elite 4. Their objective was to grant basic knowledge about the Pokemons and wilderness so that the young trainers could have a chance of survival in the wild.

They only taught basic knowledge to most and in-depth study was done only to those who have graduated and wanted to choose a specific typing for specialization.

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