
Pokemon - A real story

There is a huge gap between the story of anime and the realistic story of Pokemon. This light novel closes that gap and gives the viewers a believable and exciting story with lots of adventure. Follow our protagonist Axel Blaze, a reincarnated person. With his knowledge of the previous Pokemon world, he hopes to dominate the world. But after he realizes how very wrong he was. This novel has a system, just to make things fun, the story is not focused on it though. "Success is like being pregnant, everyone says congratulations but nobody knows how many times you were fucked" So this novel tells the story of Axel blaze but all points of hidden difficulty he has to face to get it to there. -------- If you want to read advanced chapters earlier or just want to support me, you can do that at https://www.patreon.com/TheSilverPrince1 You can also visit my website and read 3 advanced chapters for free at: https://silver-prince.com/ (The story has a similar start as 'Pokemon - a mystical journey' so some people are probably confused. I wanted to say that only the beginning of the story is similar, not the later chapters and this story is not a copy.) Disclaimer: This is a fanfiction novel. So, the basics of the Pokemon world is not created by me. It belongs to "The Pokémon company".

TheSilverPrince · Anime & Comics
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796 Chs

Training (Edited)

"Hey there Nidoran, I am Axel Blaze and I want to make you the strongest Pokemon that can even beat Oak's Pokemon. There will be some harsh training. Are you with me on this?" Axel asked.

Nidoran just stared at his new trainer and the surroundings being confused at first. After it heard this trainer's declaration he got excited and shouted "Nido!".

"Okay, come back for now and rest. We will talk about our training tomorrow", he said and called back Nidoran in its Pokeball.

Axel and his father did some lunch in a restaurant and now it was time for them to separate in their ways.

"See you later Axel, call home from time to time, your mother gets worried." Mr. Arron said.

"Don't worry dad, you know I can take care of myself and will call you when reaching the next town."

Axel went to Pokemart and bought some common Pokemon food. Specific food for Pokemon, like specific Nidoran food, was very expensive. So Axel thought to buy recipes for Nidoran food and then make it himself. Recipes of specific Pokemon food were also vastly expensive but he was in good contact with prof. Bourne from the Hoenn region and received the recipe with a huge discount.

Mr. Arron gave him 20000 Pokedollars when he departed. So after paying for the recipe which cost 25000 Pokedollars and some daily necessities like Pokeball, potion, antidotes, and pokemon food for 3000 Pokedollars, he had only 2000 Pokedollars left.



2 Main quests have been generated through specific action.

1. Become a Pokemon Champion

Gather all the 8 gym badges and participate at the Championship battle in Indigo Plateau.

Completion time :- Within 2 years

Difficulty level :- BB

Rewards :- Decided on performance

2. Become The Pokemon Master

Become Pokemon Champion in 8 regions and then Battle the Pokemon Master.

Completion time :- No limit

Difficulty level :- AAA

Rewards :- Decided on Performance


He found this when he clicked on the Main quest tab in his status menu. The difficulty level starts from F, to FF, then FFF, E, EE,EEE… up to AAA. Then it ascends to S, SS,SSS and then finally to X.

"So I can get rewards from the system too? I wonder what this system's goal is? It is called Cosmic System but there is nothing happening to me that will affect the whole cosmos. Ahh.. Well if it is meant to be then it is meant to be."

Our protagonist was strolling inside the forest for about 10 minutes to reach Gringey city. He thought he would take 5 days to cross this forest and at the time, he would also train Nidoran. 80% of the Pokemon world was unexplored. There were very few humans in the Pokemon world. The last census said, the population of humans in the Pokemon world was only around 800 million.

"Come out, Nidoran." said Axel.

"Nidoran!!", shouted Nidoran in excitement. Nidoran looked ready to train.

Ever since Nidoran was born, it always wanted to be a powerful Pokemon. It had heard stories of many powerful Nidorinos from its caretakers. Some of the stories were so bizarre that it thought the story was some sort of fantasy.

"Nidoran, why don't you show all your moves so that I can judge your strength."

Nidoran showed his 5 moves. It couldn't show the move 'Chip away' as it didn't have an opponent.

"Hmm… Nidoran poison sting on that rock once again"


It concentrated for a couple of seconds and then "..ran" 5 purple poison needles came out of its horn and then stabbed that rock. Stabbed may not be a correct term cause no damage was done to the rock, as the spot, where the rock was attacked had a bit of purple liquid. After showing its moves, it became tired and started breathing heavily.

"Your attack is not very good. You have good speed and defense but your special attack is very low."

"Nido?" Nidoran was offended. It was one of the most powerful Pokemon among its peers and now it hears that it was not even average?

"Don't get me wrong. If you want to be a normal Nidorino in the future, you are doing pretty well. But my expectation for you is very high. If you want to be the most powerful Pokemon then we need to train very hard." Axel said to motivate his partner.

"Nidooo..ran" said the Pokemon with new vigor.

"First of all, we need to raise your physical stats. For 3 days we will do running in the morning to increase your speed and stamina. In the afternoon we will train some Physical moves like 'Tackle' and try to learn 'Horn attack'. Then finally I will teach you to do meditation at night."


Nidoran didn't have any clue what Axel was talking about but it was determined to get stronger. Seeing so much care that Axel was showing, it wanted to train even more. Axel wanted Nidoran to focus on speed, cause after its final evolution, it will be very big and heavy. Nidoking was not a fast Pokemon. Axel wanted to remove this deficiency of Nidoran.

As for meditation, every living being had aura in their body including Pokemon. It was just that some Pokemon like Lucario was efficient in it. Training in Aura helped Pokemon to have a calm mind which was essential in battle. Even if Nidoran didn't learn anything about Aura, meditation could help it to learn moves like 'Focus punch' and 'Rest'.

"We will run for 10 Km and after taking some rest we will do some exercise. Yes, I will also join you.", said Axel. Then they both ran for 10 Km. After running for 5 minutes,

"Breathe from your nose, not your mouth",

"Get in a good posture when you are running" ,


Axel taught it the dao of running that he had been doing his entire life. Halfway through, Nidoran was very tired and couldn't even move. It just fell on the ground.

"Come on Nidoran, if you can't even do this, how can you be the strongest Pokemon?."

"NI..DO..RAN", said Nidoran feeling tired.

It tried to stand up and after a few seconds, it did and then started to run. Nidoran had to take breaks once in a while for a few seconds to move again. After running about 9 Km, it couldn't move even though it tried its best. So Axel just said it to walk to the destination instead of running. For the last 100 meters, Axel had to carry Nidoran to finish it up.

After stopping, it just closed its eyes to rest.

"Alright, you did a good job and didn't give up. Rest for 30 minutes and then we will do some other exercises." Axel said to his partner.


After 2 days,

Axel and Nidoran were running in the forest doing their 10 Km run. Nidoran had improved exponentially. It still couldn't complete the run without taking a rest but it didn't have to walk and be carried to reach the destination. Nidoran also practiced 'Tackle' on the tree and now it could do considerable damage to it.

'Tackle' and 'Peck' also leveled up to 2. Yes, Nidoran's moves could also level up. Axel had been training Nidoran on his speed and the way it should tackle it's opponent so that it could do good damage and not hurt itself in the process.

Axel had also created a training session where Axel will throw rocks at Nidoran and the Pokemon had to dodge them. It would increase its reaction time and be very helpful in battle. Meditation had not shown any results as it has just been only 2 days.

While resting a bit, Axel asked "Hey Nidoran, do you want a Nickname?"


It was looking at Axel as if saying, 'I don't know. Why don't you decide?'.

"Okay, Mhmm.. I will call you Megalania. It is a mystical creature that has the most powerful poison ability. Of course, I will not call you that now. That name means something. So, you have to earn it. When I consider you to be the most powerful Poison Pokemon then I will start calling you Megalania. Alright?"

"Nidoooran" it said excitedly.

After eating lunch, Nidoran started practicing tackle again. Practicing tackle raises its defense as it literally has to slam its body into a tree.



Nidoran's tackle has leveled up to 3.


After practicing ;Tackle' for 3 hours, 'Tackle' leveled up twice to 5 and 'Peck' leveled up to 3.

"Take rest now. We will do the dogging session after a while". After practicing Dodging, they continued on their journey. Axel made the camp for the night and now Nidoran and Axel were meditating.



Nidoran has started to learn Focus energy. (learned 20%)


"Ohh… that is some good news. This was the first move that Nidoran would learn by training. 'Focus Energy' could be an OP move if used effectively. If Nidoran could use this move fast, then it could land a heavy hit. I will have to think about it" Axel thought.

Meditation was hard. And after training for a whole day, when you close your eyes to meditate, what do you think will happen? You fall asleep obviously. Nidoran was facing the same problem. Axel had to hit it on the head multiple times to wake up the damn creature.

After the training, it was time to eat. Nidoran's food looked different tonight and when he tasted the food, he was shocked!!!

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