
Pokemon - A real story

There is a huge gap between the story of anime and the realistic story of Pokemon. This light novel closes that gap and gives the viewers a believable and exciting story with lots of adventure. Follow our protagonist Axel Blaze, a reincarnated person. With his knowledge of the previous Pokemon world, he hopes to dominate the world. But after he realizes how very wrong he was. This novel has a system, just to make things fun, the story is not focused on it though. "Success is like being pregnant, everyone says congratulations but nobody knows how many times you were fucked" So this novel tells the story of Axel blaze but all points of hidden difficulty he has to face to get it to there. -------- If you want to read advanced chapters earlier or just want to support me, you can do that at https://www.patreon.com/TheSilverPrince1 You can also visit my website and read 3 advanced chapters for free at: https://silver-prince.com/ (The story has a similar start as 'Pokemon - a mystical journey' so some people are probably confused. I wanted to say that only the beginning of the story is similar, not the later chapters and this story is not a copy.) Disclaimer: This is a fanfiction novel. So, the basics of the Pokemon world is not created by me. It belongs to "The Pokémon company".

TheSilverPrince · Anime & Comics
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796 Chs

The Traitor

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"So, where was I? Ahh yes, I am the new zone commander of the north base. Some of you might be thinking why is a kid our leader? Or what is the league thinking? I don't really care what you think. I am here to do my job and I will do it.

It is not a competition but I am an advanced rank trainer.", said Axel and showed his badge. The badge could not be faked. Who would be stupid enough to anger the league's wrath?

After seeing the badge all of them kept quiet. If this kid was an advanced rank trainer, he may have some capabilities. Axel was smart this time. Instead of arguing like before, he directly used his badge and gravity to suppress them.

"Now, I have discussed with the lieutenants about the new strategy we are going to implement. So, most of you would be saying your friends goodbye cause there would be a change in the teams from now on.", said Axel.

A man raised his hand. He seemed to be in the mid 20s.

"Yes, you can speak."

"Sir, we are just 10 days away from the tide. Don't you think that using a new strategy would be really bad? I don't know what the strategy is but we are experienced with dealing the tide with type advantage for a long time. Also, changing the teams would be disastrous. We are very well-equipped and comfortable with our teammates. Suddenly changing them would create a lot of problems and we may be losing a lot of our friends in the tide instead of saving them."

"Tell me your name and rank.", said Axel.

"I am Dante. I am a sergeant of the 70th infantry of Kanto region.", said Dante.

After hearing about Dante's opinions, most of the soldiers thought that he was right. Slowly, they started to think that Axel was still a kid and was not experienced. That was what Dante wanted.

He may be a sergeant but he was popular in his group. He was a genius and a rare dark-type specialist. He had Houndoom, Mightyena, Shiftry, and Absol. He was lucky to have such powerful Pokemons. He had climbed the military ladder with his sweet voice and kissed his superior's ass.

"Yes, he is right. I would rather die than fight such a battle."

"Yes, why should we fight a battle that we are going to lose? We would rather not be a part of this tide."

Everyone started to complain. Axel's house of cards was falling.

"Dante are you a traitor?", asked Axel after hearing them all.

"What? Me a traitor?", asked Dante with fear.

Traitor was not a normal word, especially in the military. A traitor is executed and his family is also not spared. His relatives would also be on constant watch from the league. The league don't treat traitor very well. They treat them as a devil that must be removed from the planet. So, hearing himself being called a traitor scared him.

"Yes. As far as I know, you are a traitor. The tide is going to be in 10 days. You are a soldier. Do you know what is the duty of a soldier? It is to follow orders.

You are deliberately trying to oppose the order of the league during the time of war. This act of yours would affect the tide. The soldiers would not be able to unite. They would have doubts. This would result them in losing their lives and the lives of millions of citizens in this town.

Your words have effectively let the lives of millions of citizens of the Kanto region in danger.

So tell me, Dante, aren't you a traitor?", asked Axel.

Dante could not speak a single word.

"And you people who had opposed me right now. Aren't you also a traitor? The league had stationed 145,000 armed troops not including the lieutenant and zone commander for the safety of millions of citizens of Borbus town.

But all of you thinking of not fighting the fight and some of you are even thinking to run away. Isn't that the definition of a traitor?", asked Axel again.

None of them spoke after that. They would rather die than be called a traitor. Being a traitor was very dangerous. You and your family would be killed, your relatives would be in constant watch and all the things you have worked on would be gone and be turned against you.

Your friends, fellow soldiers, all of them would turn against you. No one would want to be a friend of a traitor.

"It seems you finally know what you have done. Don't worry I am a compassionate man, so I would not level you as traitors. But you will be punished for it. Your punishment would be to make traps and fit them perfectly before the tide. Your lieutenants would give you the details.

They would also tell you about the new strategy that we would be implying.", said Axel and then left the stage.


What is a duty of a leader? To make all of his subordinates busy. Axel had done that perfectly. Axel had completed a lot of work today.

1. Make a strategy - Check

2. Make traps- Check. The soldiers would do it from now.

3. Make a detailed analysis of Pokemon and their weakness based on the areas- Check. Dory was compiling the documents right now.

4. Re-create a new team based on all this- Check. The 3 lieutenants were busy regarding this.

5. Scout the nearby areas for more information about the Pokemon tide- Check. The soldiers would be doing it.

All that was left was the strength of his Pokemons. He need to see if he could upgrade some of their powers in these 10 days. It was hard but any improvement would be welcomed. He went to his office, sat off his chair, and released a long sigh.

It was a tiring day today. A lot of things had changed. He didn't plan to tell his family about the tide. He didn't want them to worry.

Interesting he got a call from home.

Tring.. Tring.. Tring.. Tring.. Katchak.

"Hey, Axel."

"Hello, Dad. How are you?"

"I am doing well. I have some interesting news to tell you."

"Oh really? What happened?"

"You are going to have a sister or brother in the next 2 months."

Axel was relieved when he heard this news. He noticed that his mom was unusually fat when he was at home but he didn't ask about it. His mom would thrash him to the ground if he asked why she was fat. You should not ask about the weight of a woman even if she is your mother.

"What? Why didn't you tell me before?"

"We didn't want you to worry about it. You are already very busy with your work. I want you to be home in the next month."

"I would make it. Don't worry. Can I talk to mom?"

"No, she is sleeping right now. You can call her in the morning."

"Yes, I would do that."

Then they talked about normal things like how Agnes was hell-bent on training her Dratini and how Slowpoke was improving very well.

After some time, Axel hung up the phone and relaxed. Having a new member of the family made him very happy.

Suddenly, Axel felt something with his Aura sense. He knew someone was here in his room. Is it an enemy? How was it possible? He was sure that Oak's Alakazam had been guarding him like a hawk. He could not see Alakazam but he knew that it was somewhere near and it was a Master rank Pokemon. How can a Pokemon bypass the detection of a master-rank Pokemon who is a psychic type?

Unless it is….

"It has been a long time. I am surprised that you could sense me."

"Yes, It is a surprise…