
Pokemon - A real story

There is a huge gap between the story of anime and the realistic story of Pokemon. This light novel closes that gap and gives the viewers a believable and exciting story with lots of adventure. Follow our protagonist Axel Blaze, a reincarnated person. With his knowledge of the previous Pokemon world, he hopes to dominate the world. But after he realizes how very wrong he was. This novel has a system, just to make things fun, the story is not focused on it though. "Success is like being pregnant, everyone says congratulations but nobody knows how many times you were fucked" So this novel tells the story of Axel blaze but all points of hidden difficulty he has to face to get it to there. -------- If you want to read advanced chapters earlier or just want to support me, you can do that at https://www.patreon.com/TheSilverPrince1 You can also visit my website and read 3 advanced chapters for free at: https://silver-prince.com/ (The story has a similar start as 'Pokemon - a mystical journey' so some people are probably confused. I wanted to say that only the beginning of the story is similar, not the later chapters and this story is not a copy.) Disclaimer: This is a fanfiction novel. So, the basics of the Pokemon world is not created by me. It belongs to "The Pokémon company".

TheSilverPrince · Anime & Comics
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796 Chs


It was already 7 p.m., and now was the time to teach a new move to Gyarados. After thinking for some time, he came up with 'Water manipulation'. He thought hard about it and realized that 'Water manipulation' was the best move for any water type Pokemon. Especially, if that Pokemon is an attacking type Pokemon like Gyarados.

Axel didn't know the full effect of 'Water manipulation,' but he could make a guess. It was simply to manipulate the quantity of water. Axel once read on the internet that the most powerful pressure could come from water.

If you look into a glass of water or even a lake, you could never imagine that, but it was true. If Gyarados could increase the pressure of its water type attacks, then it would be very powerful.

Axel wanted to ask Kent for advice, but he chose not to. First, it was very disrespectful to ask any trainer about their training process, and Axel had his pride. Second, he didn't think that Kent would tell him his secret.

"Gyarados, come here for a second," said Axel.

Gyarados came near Axel, expecting to learn the new move. Axel told it the move that he wanted it to learn, telling the story of his and Kent's battle. Gyarados still had nightmares about that battle. It was happy that a Gyarados could be so powerful, but it also felt the difference in power gap.

It could not imagine that it would reach such heights in the future. This had crumbled Gyarados's confidence, and he could see it. He could not do anything about it instantly. The only thing that he could do right now was to make it powerful.

"First of all, learn 'water gun'," said Axel.

Gyarados learned the move in 1 minute. It was very easy to learn.



Gyarados has learned water gun


"Now think of using 'Hydro pump,' but think of 'Water gun.' The amount of the water should be at the level of 'Water gun,' but the force of the attack should be stronger."


It nodded and got to practice. It thought for some time and then did it. However, it was a normal 'Hydro pump.'

"Don't worry. It would take some time. Try it again and again."


"Steelix, I have thought of a simple new move for you. It might be very hard for you to master, but if you did, your powers would increase by 3 times."

Steelix started to listen closely to its new power.

"The new move is 'Sand domain.' Now let me tell you about it. If you master this move, you would turn the whole ground filled with sand. It would be like a desert. With this, you could control the sand and control your enemies."

Steelix started to imagine its new move in its head. It started to laugh out loudly. Axel realized that Steelix dreamt a lot and imagined itself to be the most powerful. Its nature was quite comedic, but this would help it imagine new things much better.

It was also going to rank up to King rank, so it also should have its pre-domain. Pre-domains were not as powerful as real domains as they were a work in progress.

"First, you should master 'Sand storm' to level 40. Then you would create a new move. Until you can master it to level 40, you would also learn a new move which I would like to call 'Sand hardening.' With this, you could harden sand into its most solid form."

'Sand hardening' would be extra powerful with 'Sand trap.' Axel realized that 'Sand trap' would trap its opponent in sand and then change its shape to thorns to hurt them. But they were still sand and not solid. He also told Nidorino to learn 'Sand hardening.' This was going to be its new move.

It might look like a support type move, but it would raise its power a lot. He also told it to learn 'Sand storm' as fast as it could and master it to a good level. Since it was not a ground type Pokemon, 'Sand storm' would hurt it, but when it evolves to Nidoking, the deficiency would be removed. After learning that it could have 2 cores, Axel had high expectations from Nidoking. He wanted it to evolve as soon as possible, but time was not something he could manipulate.


After 2 days,

"NO... no, no, no… no... no... Beedrill come here. Actually, all of you come here," shouted Axel.

Beedrill had been trying to learn its new moves for the past 2 days, but it was unable to do it. 'Fire conversion' was a hard move to learn. Not only did it have to partially resist fire but also absorb it and convert it into bug type energy.

"Let me ask you all a question. What do you think a core does?" asked Axel.

Except for Shedinja, everyone was silent. None of them knew that it meant.

"Thank you, Marcus. For all of you, and especially those who have the cores, you have it for a long time, and you don't even know what it does?"

The place had gotten silent now. Nobody gave it a thought except for Shedinja. Shedinja also only gave it a thought as a lot of core energy was used when it first used 'Shadow domain.' It had felt the power of the core shrink from that attack. Obviously, after resting for some time, it went back to full again.

"There are 18 types of cores, and each Pokemon can only master 1. You can master other cores, but there is a huge risk associated with it. That is why no one masters more than 1 core. The core basically does 2 things:

1. Increase the power of your moves. For example, if you have a fire type core, the power of your fire type moves increases.

2. It would help you in manipulating infinity energy related to the core mastery. So that means, it would be easier to manipulate fire if you have fire type core mastery."

All of them started to think about it. Even though they had learned to fight independently without the help of Axel's instructions, they were still heavily reliant on him.

Axel knew about the functions of the core; however, he didn't tell them because he wanted them to figure it out themselves. Yet, after so many months, except for Shedinja, none of them had even thought about it.

"The core can function passively, but if you actively concentrate on it while creating a new move, you would get better results. The passive function is only 25% effective."

What Axel left out was, it was extremely difficult to actively use the powers of the core. One should have proper consciousness and intelligence to do it. It was a result of hard practice. Even if a Pokemon could use the powers of the core, it should not use all of it; otherwise, it would feel very weak for a long period of time.

After being with the system for a long time, Axel had realized something. His system focuses heavily on moves. Creating them, modifying them, evolving them. He now even had a new talent called 'Move capture.' His Pokemon could learn new moves more easily, and the system itself had said that it helps him more in the moves category than other fields. He didn't know how he got 'Overgrowth' and 'Elemental overgrowth' as his talent, but he didn't care about it. He was just happy that he got it.

So, if the system focuses more on moves, would his Pokemon be able to actively use the second function of the core if they were to use it in training new moves? It was just a hunch, but it could work out very well.


In these 2 days, Axel had realized that it would be too hard for Gyarados to learn 'Water manipulation' without a water core. So, today he had gathered all the resources and gems for it to have 100% core mastery in the water core. He laid out all the resources for Gyarados to eat. It was reminded by Axel to eat one of them every 2 hours. Eating all of these at once would be detrimental to it.


After listening to Axel, all of them started to train their moves with new vigor. They also started to use the power of the core, but they were unsuccessful. Axel told them that it would take some time, and they didn't need to worry about it.

After thinking about it for some time, Axel decided that Steelix would level up 'Sand trap' to level 40. It was a new move, and it was very effective too. Axel felt that it could be used in a lot of ways. As of right now, Steelix would just trap the opponent on sand and create thorns and needles to pierce them from inside.

This had many disadvantages. First of all, it was sand, so it would be very hard for it to trap the Pokemons. It would have to use a lot of energy to do it. This would be solved after it learned 'Sand hardening'. Secondly, Axel felt that it could also be used as a form of defense.

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