"Why are you so fast?", asked Axel shocked. He never expected Lance to come here so fast.
This Xatu looked like a champion-rank Pokemon. It looked very strong. He didn't know whose Pokemon it really was but he knew that it was not Lance's.
Axel wanted to ask whose Pokemon it really was but he could see it in Lance's face that Lance was expecting that answer and ready to answer it. He didn't want Lance to get that satisfaction, so he didn't ask that question.
"I only have 2 hours. So, let's make it quick.", said Axel.
"Okay. Don't worry, it will not take so much time.", said Lance, and then
Axel and Lance were standing in front of a massive building. Axel took some time to get used to the teleportation. The building was very unique and it was almost triangle in shape but it was very wide. Axel could tell that it at least had 5 floors.
"Lance, where are we?", asked Axel.
"We are in the Hoenn region and we are inside the Blaze family. I want to choose a Torchic for a new journey."
"Woh!! You guys are in a good relationship with the Blaze family?", asked Axel.
Just like in the Kanto and Johto regions, the Hoenn region also had its starter families and the Blaze family was one of them.
"Of course, being a gym family, we have many connections. Among the three, I wanted to get Torchic the most, so Dad and sister talked to the Blaze family.
How is the tide going? Are you confident that you can pass the test?", asked Lance.
Lance had also seen the interview of Axel and he also knew about Axel facing the tide. Actually, the whole world knew about it. The news channel had become ultra-famous after that interview.
"Yes, I am confident."
"I really commend you, Axel. I have also fought in the tide battle and I know how hard it is. The way you are going, I am confident that I will also be joining the tide battles in the future.
It was due to you, that I had to join the tide battle in the past.", sighed Lance.
"Participating in tide battles makes you more mature and it also helps your Pokemon to grow stronger. If you want to be strong, you need to participate in the tide battles. Since you getting new Pokemons now, I must tell you that you must have some Pokemons specifically for tide battles.", replied Axel.
"Maybe you are right. I must also focus on the tide battles."
"So, what Pokemons are you going to choose after Torchic?", asked Axel.
Lance was going to start a new journey in the Hoenn region. Getting a Torchic was a very good choice. It was a great fighting and fire-type Pokemon.
"You will know about it after we get the first egg.", said Lance with a smile.
In the mean time, a middle-aged man wearing a suit came out of the building and greeted them.
"Welcome to the Blaze family, Mr. Axel and Lance. Are we here to get the egg? The leader had already informed me about the issue and you can come inside.", said the man.
Axel and Lance went inside the building and Axel was really shocked to see the number of Torchic eggs. There were a lot of them.
Seeing the expression of Axel, the man who was standing beside them said, "The whole building consists of the eggs of Torchic. There are 5 storied and the lowest one consists of the eggs with the lowest potential and the highest one consists of Pokemon with the most potential.
The leader had said that you can also take the eggs from the highest floor which shocked me a lot. So, I think we should go to the 5th floor.", suggested the man.
"No, we will search all the eggs individually.", said Lance.
Axel stared at Lance but Lance replied, "You have 4 hours to spare and this is one of the most important decisions of my life. So, come on, use your special power."
He then looked at the man and said, "Can you leave us alone for a moment?"
"Yes, of course. When you select the egg, do call me.", said the man and went on his own way.
There were some people in the building and most of them were doctors. They were doing regular checkups for the eggs. The maintenance of the building and the eggs were in top condition.
"Axel, I know that you have some kind of superpower in selecting eggs. I am not going to ask what it is since you have not told me till now. But if you can give me more information about the eggs, then it would be very good."
Lance must have suspected his talent but since he respected Axel, he didn't want to ask any of it.
Axel agreed to this short trip cause he wanted Lance to get stronger. He knew that he could trust Lance in some way and he needed powerful allies in the future. Lance was perfect for it.
So, Axel went on to look at the moves and passive moves of Torchic eggs but the lowest floor was really a disappointment. Then they started to go to the higher floors.
When they arrived on the 4th floor, they were now looking at Pokemons with monstrous potential. Axel did find some interesting Pokemons on the lower floors and he separated them for further review.
After that, he went to the highest floor and there were only 10 eggs on this floor. The man they met before was right. They were very precious. Axel also checked the egg status of these eggs and then looked at Lance.
"Ok, give it to me. Tell me the options."
"First of all, let me tell you, there are no eggs that know a passive move."
"Damn!! I am really unlucky.", shouted Lance.
Having a passive move for an older Pokemon was also very rare. So, having a passive move as an egg move was one in a billion.
"But there are some interesting egg moves. Some of them know some advance moves like 'Agility', 'Close combat', 'Over heat'. Let's take an example of this egg. This Torchic will know 'Work up', 'Rest' and 'Solar beam'. A very rare move to have for a Torchic."
"But there is one Pokemon on the 4th floor that interested me. It knows 'Bolt strike' and 'Electric terrain'.", said Axel.
"A Torchic or even a Blaziken doesn't learn those moves.", said Lance.
"You are right. They do not and that is what makes it interesting. So, which do you want to choose?"
"Hmm, what do you suggest?"
"I think you should take the egg of the Pokemon that knows 'Bolt strike' and 'Electric terrain'."
"Can you tell me why?"
"First of all, those moves would be a perfect counter for a water-type Pokemon which Blaziken will be weak against. Secondly, there is a good chance that it will learn other electric type moves and thirdly, a combination of fire type with electric type and fighting type will be very deadly."
"You are right. I will take that."
"Good, it has a monstrous potential but if you were to ask me, its potential will be slightly lower than these guys in the 5th floor."
"I will still take it."
In the end, Lance was able to take the eggs of Skarmory and Rhyhorn from different places. All of these Pokemons had some interesting moves. Especially Ryhorn who had some interesting fire-type moves. Skarmory was something that Lance lucked out on as it had a passive move.
"Finally!! a Pokemon with a passive move. Thanks, Axel. I just don't know how I will repay you for this.", said Lance as he hugged Axel tightly.
"Yes, I was thinking of the same thing."
"So, what do you want? Don't ask for any money 'cause I don't have any money right now."
"I don't have anything to ask right now but after I complete the Jhoto region, I will need some new Pokemons and at that time I will come here to ask for your help.", said Axel.
"Yes, please feel free to do it. Now, I will send you to your location. Xatu will do the job. I will meet you after you officially register your team to the league.", said Lance, and then
Axel thought that it would take around an hour to choose 3 eggs but it took them more than 3 hours to get the right one. Axel was already going to be late for the meeting and he didn't want to make a bad impression with the mayor and the other people.
So, Axel decided to to the mayor's office as soon as possible after a shower and some food.
Tik.. tik.. tik... tik.. tik...
"How late is this team going to be?", asked a young man with a very big build. He had big muscles and well-trimmed beard and long hair. He was sitting on a chair. There were also other people in the room. The room was like a meeting hall with a big and long table in the middle and many chairs on the side.
"I have already called them. They will be here in 3 minutes.", said one of the men who was dressed like a butler.
"Hm... I do not have a good feeling about this team. I mean the leader is very young to lead a team like this.", said the man.
" I don't think that you should not judge a book by its cover.", came a voice, and the door of the room was flung open. Axel came inside with Krishna and Hector. Others were preparing for the tide.
"You are wrong, Mr. Axel. A book is judged by its cover. You have to work so hard that nobody judges your cover. And you have to make your book so popular that people ignore the cover.
So, my question is, have you worked that hard?", asked the man with a smile.
"I believe that I have.", replied Axel and then sat on the chair. At the edge of the table, a fat man was sitting looking at all of them.
Axel must say that he had never met such a fat man in his life. People in this world are normally more focused on training their bodies and they are more healthy than on earth. So, seeing such a fat man surprised him. The fat man was the mayor of this island.
"Since everyone is here, let's start the meeting. First, let me introduce myself. My name is Prince Kymar, also the mayor of this island and this here is Mr. Wixwell. The leader of the Wixwell mercenary team. This is Trunda, the secretary of Mr. Wixwell and this is Marius, my secretary.
Then this here is Mr. Axel, the leader of a potential new mercenary team and all of us know Mr. Hector and Mr. Krishna. Finally, here are Seer, Arbiter, Vogoth, Scia, and Ukko, the leaders of other islands that are near us. They have decided to support us during the tide battle.
So, let's start the meeting. Trunda, please tell us about the agenda of the meeting and the new things that we have found out."
A/N: Hey, author here again. It has been some time since I talked to you guys but if you are loving this story, then please comment and also subscribe to my pat-reon channel to support me.
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