
Pokemon - A real story

There is a huge gap between the story of anime and the realistic story of Pokemon. This light novel closes that gap and gives the viewers a believable and exciting story with lots of adventure. Follow our protagonist Axel Blaze, a reincarnated person. With his knowledge of the previous Pokemon world, he hopes to dominate the world. But after he realizes how very wrong he was. This novel has a system, just to make things fun, the story is not focused on it though. "Success is like being pregnant, everyone says congratulations but nobody knows how many times you were fucked" So this novel tells the story of Axel blaze but all points of hidden difficulty he has to face to get it to there. -------- If you want to read advanced chapters earlier or just want to support me, you can do that at https://www.patreon.com/TheSilverPrince1 You can also visit my website and read 3 advanced chapters for free at: https://silver-prince.com/ (The story has a similar start as 'Pokemon - a mystical journey' so some people are probably confused. I wanted to say that only the beginning of the story is similar, not the later chapters and this story is not a copy.) Disclaimer: This is a fanfiction novel. So, the basics of the Pokemon world is not created by me. It belongs to "The Pokémon company".

TheSilverPrince · Anime & Comics
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796 Chs

Next danger Zone

Salamence went on a great length to describe, how majestic a dragon-type Pokemon was. It was not saying anything false but it added more fuel from its emotions and loud words.

From what Salamence told them, dragon-type Pokemon could be considered one of the oldest types of Pokemons to ever exist. They had a very long lifespan. This was due to their dragon-type energy. Dragon-type energy didn't do just one thing. It did multiple things. It was not like fire or water that would do a certain thing.

In ancient times, Dragon type Pokemons were known to have arcane magic. They harnessed this arcane magic to do many things that others could not. As per Salamence, dragon-type energy would boost their stats to a high level. That was also one of the reasons for their long life span. Dragon energy was mysterious but dragon-type moves were very dreadful and corrosive. 

It also went on to say that dragon-type energy was infinity energy that had been reformed. Since it was known as arcane energy/magic, it was very difficult to comprehend. That was why dragon-type Pokemon grow slower than other Pokemons.

Salamence started to tell the ancient stories that it had heard from its ancestors. It was said that in ancient times, dragon-type Pokemons had a technique to harness their dragon-type energy and they grew stronger at a faster rate. However, this technique had been lost in time.

Axel thought that it might be true. As per Gengar, the teacher of Shedinja, and Red, the teacher of Axel, a Pokemon could only be a pseudo-legendary Pokemon if the majority of its ancestors were gods in ancient times and since most of the pseudo-legendary Pokemons are dragon-type Pokemons, they must have been very powerful in the ancient times.

The story went on and on and it was already late night. So, the group decided to sleep for tomorrow.


The Next day,

"Salamence, can you tell us, who is the leader of this island?", asked Lance hoping to get some answers.

"Sorry, can't tell."

"You are a powerful dragon-type Pokemon. Why are you so afraid of that so-called leader?"

"It is not that I am afraid of him but I respect him for who he is. We respect those who deserve it. Respect is not given, it is earned."

"Alright, if you cannot tell us about that leader, can you tell us what type of dangers that we would face?", asked Kate.

"I cannot give you all the details but your water-type Pokemons will be tested.", said Salamence.

"Is there any resource-type place like this on the north side?", asked K.

"Yes, there is. That is where the leader lives."

"Can you tell us the direction for it?", asked K again.

"Yes, it is literally at the end of the north side. You just have to go the north of here but reaching there is not easy."

"Why would your leader put some many dangerous areas before him? You said that you respect him so he must be strong."

"Haha, yes, he is strong. He is the strongest on this island and also one of the oldest. He didn't put so many danger areas for his protection. He put it to test you humans."

"Test us?"

"Yes, to test you. Don't ask me the reason for it. Only he can answer that."

They said their farewell and then went toward their journey.

"Now, for the final question, some of us want to catch dragon-type Pokemon from here. Can we get some of them?", asked Kate. She really wanted to catch one dragon-type Pokemon from here.

"If they want to go with you, I don't have any problem with it but you cannot force them. That is my only rule.", said Salamence.

Since Salamence had given its permission, they started to look around and talk to the dragon-type Pokemons. All of them wanted to catch young Pokemons who had not evolved.

So, they had to face the parents of their Pokemons. Dragon-type Pokemons have a very low fertility rate for some reason. So, they deeply cared about their young ones. It was hard to convince them and they also had to show their Pokemons to prove that they could really take care of their children.

So, after a lot of talks, battles, and convincing,

1. K got a Dratini

2. Kate got a Gabite

3. Ryker got a Bagon

4. Frank also got a Gabite

5. And Cody got a Trapinch.


"Human, don't you want a dragon-type Pokemon for yourself?", asked Salamence looking at Axel.

Axel was really in a pinch. He didn't want to have a new dragon-type Pokemon right now. He already had Bagon and Aerodactyl with him. Getting a dragon-type Pokemon would be good for the future and he would get some of them in the future but he didn't want them now.

Training a dragon-type Pokemon was really hard and he already had a lot of Pokemon for the Johto region. He needed to train his Pokemons for 3 years in this region and who knew what type of Pokemon he would catch in the future?

However, getting a dragon-type Pokemon from a place like this would really be good. Axel also wanted to see what aeus energy did to the Pokemons.

"Sorry, I already have my hands full with my Bagon. I will try to get one in the future when I am mature enough."

"That is a good answer. I will wait for that day."


2 days have passed since then,

They have faced many wild Pokemons. Most of them were hostile to them. They also have to face a king-rank Blastoise. That Blastoise was very angry with them for some reason.

Since they were from the Kanto region, they didn't want to kill this Pokemon cause it was a starter in the Kanto region. None of them were from the Toise family but they had respect for Blastoise.

"I will catch it!!", shouted Kate in determination.

"Are you sure? It is a king-rank Pokemon and an angry king-rank Pokemon. It must be 10s of years old right now and it had already developed its fighting style. It will be very hard for you to train. Do you really want to catch it?", asked Axel.

He would have never caught such an advanced Pokemon. He did catch Steelix cause he was genuinely impressed with its powers. This Blastoise was also impressive but it was not as impressive as Steelix.

"Yes, I believe that I can train it well. I also don't have a water-type Pokemon. So, that would be quite an addition to my team.", said Kate.

"Well, if you think that this is good for you then go ahead.", said Ryker.

Kate finally caught the injured Blastoise.

"YES! My second king-rank Pokemon. I am very happy.", shouted Kate in excitement. 

If Kate caught this Pokemon just to increase the number of king-rank Pokemon on her team then she would be facing a lot of problems.

Training an old and advanced Pokemon was not a joke. Even if the Pokemon agreed to train as per the wishes of the trainer, which is very rare, then it would take a lot of time to change who they fight cause they had been fighting like that for a long time.


After finishing the fight, Axel told the group to rest for an hour. Even though they had not personally fought with that monstrosity, they were mentally tired and so were their Pokemons.

This Blastoise was a tier 2 king-rank Pokemon. If it was just a tier 1 king-rank Pokemon, then they would have no problem. If Axel had interfered in this fight, then there would have been no problem. 

However, this time Axel told this team to deal with it. He wanted to see how good their coordination and their Pokemons were at fighting. It took some time but they finally were able to defeat it.

The fight was also long cause Cody didn't use tier 3 king-rank Pokemon. He only used tier 1 and tier 2 king-rank Pokemons.

After taking the much-needed rest, they started their journey and that was when they met their second danger zone.


It was a river. The river was very wide and the water was running at a high speed. Normally, such a wide and high-running river would not be a problem for the Mavericks but there was a row of Gyarados swimming on the river. 

Axel didn't know the ranks of these Gyarados but seeing so many Gyarados made him shutter. They looked angry and ready to go. As they went near, Axel could see that there might be around 30-40 Gyarados on that river protecting it for some unknown reason.

"Welcome humans to our area. As you can see the land is divided by this river and we are in the middle of it. If you want to pass this place, then you will have to pass this river and you will have to pass against us. So, you will be battling us with your water-type Pokemons. No, other Pokemons allowed, not even flying type Pokemons.", said the Gyarados. It looked like a king-rank Gyarados.

"So, what if we decide to fly with our Pokemons? You will not be able to catch us.", said Lance.

"Then I will have to interfere.", came a voice from behind. Other Gyarados made way for it and the group could finally see it.

It was also a Gyarados but this Gyarados looked bigger and more studier. It was a Champion rank Pokemon. If this Pokemon interfered, then it would be all over for them. They could not fight with a pseudo-champion rank, let alone a champion-rank Pokemon right now.

"So, what should we do to pass this danger area?", asked Axel.

"Danger area? That is quite a good name for us. We are the danger, Hahahahah… Alright, to pass this place, all you have to do is take out your water-type Pokemons and then we will fight. If your Pokemon was able to impress us with its fighting powers, then you will have passed our test and we will let you go.", 

"And if by any chance, we didn't pass the test. Then what would happen?", asked Lance.

"It is fascinating that you brought up your death so easily.", said Gyarados with a smile.

Axel could see that the Gyarados were not joking. It was ready to kill all of them. This leader was getting more mysterious. It could somehow give orders and control Gyarados to do its bidding.

Gyarados were known for their anger, arrogance, and pride. How was it able to tame all of them? Axel didn't know but the highest rank Pokemon he had seen here was a master rank Pokemon. So, would the leader be a ranked Pokemon?

Axel had only met 1 God rank Pokemon and that was Gengar. Will he be able to see another god-rank Pokemon?

He didn't know but right now he had to concentrate on this fight.

The champion ranked had said that it would not interfere in this fight until they tried to escape. So, that meant that it would not be participating in it. However, the one that announced the fight was also a tier 2 king-rank Pokemon.

Axel would not have any problems fighting with them if he also had a tier 2 king-rank water-type Pokemon. However, he didn't and others also didn't have a tier 2 king rank Pokemon that was water type.


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