
Pokemon - A real story

There is a huge gap between the story of anime and the realistic story of Pokemon. This light novel closes that gap and gives the viewers a believable and exciting story with lots of adventure. Follow our protagonist Axel Blaze, a reincarnated person. With his knowledge of the previous Pokemon world, he hopes to dominate the world. But after he realizes how very wrong he was. This novel has a system, just to make things fun, the story is not focused on it though. "Success is like being pregnant, everyone says congratulations but nobody knows how many times you were fucked" So this novel tells the story of Axel blaze but all points of hidden difficulty he has to face to get it to there. -------- If you want to read advanced chapters earlier or just want to support me, you can do that at https://www.patreon.com/TheSilverPrince1 You can also visit my website and read 3 advanced chapters for free at: https://silver-prince.com/ (The story has a similar start as 'Pokemon - a mystical journey' so some people are probably confused. I wanted to say that only the beginning of the story is similar, not the later chapters and this story is not a copy.) Disclaimer: This is a fanfiction novel. So, the basics of the Pokemon world is not created by me. It belongs to "The Pokémon company".

TheSilverPrince · Anime & Comics
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Meeting the team

"xel…. Axel… AXEL…"

"Yes!! Oh hey Marcus, what is the issue?", asked Axel as he started to rub his eyes. He had fallen asleep on the chair and he didn't even know it.

"It is already 5:30 am. We are already late for the plane. We should hurry.", said Shedinja.

"You are right. Thanks for waking me up. You are a lifesaver.", said Axel.

He then quickly went to shower and then got ready. He didn't even have time to have breakfast. He ran to the airport and thankfully got to his flight.

Garshin City was 2 hours away from Violet City in flight. He was supposed to reach there at 8:30 a.m and then wait for the team in the League association building.

The flight was not delayed and he entered Garshin City. He asked around for the League association building. The building was not so hard to locate. It always had the same logo and mostly it was 2 or 3 stories. Axel went inside and talked to the receptionist.

"Mam, this is the mission that I am taking. I need a waiting room.", said Axel.

The receptionist scanned the mission and became attentive. It was a high-level mission and she had to be careful. She took him to one of the waiting rooms. The room had a big table and chairs around it. It was not a big room. Axel was told to wait.

"Sir, do you like to have anything?"

"Yes, just bring me something hot and filling. I am very hungry."

"Yes sir, I will. Don't worry, it is on the house.", said the girl and went out of the room.

Axel's teammates were going to reach there in an hour or so. All of them were coming from different locations. Some of them even had taken the flight yesterday to reach here on time. He started to review the mission details and the strategies that he had made to complete them.

"Don't worry Axel, you have handled tide battles. This mission is nothing.", said Shedinja to soothe Axel.

"Yes, I hope that is the case. These criminal organizations really put me on edge.", replied Axel.

A while back, Axel had been kidnapped by an organization called Greed and Axel was going to be killed. At that time, he didn't have such aura and psychic powers and his Pokemons were stolen. He was very vulnerable. So, he was always on edge when it came to these criminal organizations.


After an hour, all of them started to come to the waiting room, one by one. Axel introduced himself to others and told them to wait for all of them to arrive. The last one to come was Gavin.

Gavin had sky-blue hair, a good height, and a strong body. He was taller than Axel, around 6 feet tall, and had a smile on her face.

"Axel, had heard a lot about you from Rabin.", said Gavin and gave him a strong handshake.

Axel ordered the waitress some food for Gavin and invited him to the meeting.

"Now, all of you know what the mission is really about. Have all of you read the details of the meeting sent by the League association?", asked Axel.

"I did give a read but not in detail. It was like 6 pages long.", said Lolita.

"I am the same here.", said Zoro.

Axel wanted to face-palm himself. How could they agree to the mission and not read all the details? The details were long. There was a description of the criminal organization and what one might expect there.

"So, I will start from first with every detail. You must have heard about some criminal organizations. Envy is one of them. As per the investigation from the league, there are 7 organizations similar to Envy.

They are Greed, Envy, Pride, Lust, Wrath, Sloth and Gluttony. All of these criminal organizations operate in different regions. For Johto region, it is Envy. One interesting thing about these organizations is that all of them are connected and there is one major organization above all of them. The name of that organization is 'Seven deadly sins'."

"Wait, so you mean to say that during our mission, members of other organizations may also interfere?"

"These organizations don't like to interfere in others business but there is a possibility for it.", replied Axel.

"Damn!! I should have asked for some more rewards.", said Zoro.

"Well, you should have read the details first. Let me continue. Envy works in Johto region. They have many hidden bases all around the Johto region. We are targeting one of those bases. Is that base a sub-base or a headquarters of Envy? We don't know.

As per the investigation details, this is not the headquarters of Envy but we are not 100% sure. That was why I asked for capable trainers like you guys.", said Axel.

"Sir Axel, do you have any plan of attack?", asked Lolita.

"Axel is fine. You don't need to call me sir. Yes, I do. As a team leader, I have a plan of attack. But first, let me tell you the details of the mission or rather it would be better if Gavin tells us as he is a member of Gatr family.", said Axel, and everyone started to look at Gavin for more explanation.

"Thank your Axel. As a starter family, we have a lot of resources with us. These resources are heavily guarded by our members. One of those resources is the eggs from Totodile. Those bastards have stolen a truck of eggs of Totodile from us. Our Mission is to go to their base and then steal it back.", said Gavin.

Gavin looked angry when he talked about these eggs. These eggs were the future of young trainers from Gatr family and also a substantial part of their future income. However, Envy had stolen these eggs. This incident heavily impacted Gatr family. Other starter families also started to make fun of them. The leader of the Gatr family wanted this to be resolved as soon as possible.

"I have a question. Aren't those eggs heavily guarded by your members?", asked Zoro.

"Yes, they were."

"So, how were they able to steal those eggs?"

"It was stolen at night when there were minimum guards. We did find the trace of it but the stealing operation was completed within 3 minutes.", replied Gavin.

"Axel, do we really have the capability to steal those eggs back from them?", asked Zoro.

"What do you mean?", asked Gavin.

"Well, Gatr family is a strong family. They have multiple trainers who have king-rank Pokemons. So, if these guys from Envy could steal from them, then they should not be underestimated.

You said there was a truck full of eggs. How could they steal all of them in 3 minutes? Did they capture the entire truck, drive that truck out of the Gatr family and none of them noticed? If you want me to participate in this mission, you need to tell me all the details. The rewards are sweet but I don't want to risk my life for it.", said Zoro.

All of them were now looking at Gavin for answers. The leader had said that the mission should be swift and fast. The details of the mission should not be leaked to others and he was told to give as little information as possible. However, all of them were now looking for information and he knew that if he didn't give them, none of them would participate including Axel.

The story went like this. Eggs of Totodile were considered very valuable in the Gatr family. So, even though Gatr family had many branches all over the region, there were only a few places where the eggs were stored. The eggs were heavily guarded with expensive computerized systems and multiple guards.

The guards would at least have a pseudo-king rank Pokemons and the leader of the guards would have king rank Pokemons. That night was the night of 1000 year anniversary of the Gatr family. It was a huge event. Most of the members of the family had gone to the party which was not in this location. The guards were also very light that night.

Suddenly, there was an alarm that someone had gone inside the egg building. The guards took immediate action and went to apprehend the intruders. Since the intruders were already in the egg building, the guards could not use full force cause they didn't want to destroy the eggs. The intruders took that advantage, somehow collected around 400 eggs of Totodile, and then disappeared.

The guards were able to see the uniform of Envy. This was immediately notified to others and they took action and started to look for them. They did find the general directions of the target but since the target had teleported, it became difficult to know their exact location.

It took some days for the Gatr family to know about their location and that was where the mission came to play.

"Gavin, the mission is very dangerous. If you want me to participate in this mission, then I will need more rewards.", said Zoro.

All of them agreed to Zoro too.

"Don't worry. If the mission is successful, then each of you will get an egg of Totodile in addition.", said Gavin.

"That is good to hear. But I already have a Feraligatr with me. I don't need the egg.", said Axel.

"We are aware of that. You will be compensated for it. Don't worry, it will be something good.", said Gavin.

"I will trust you on this.", said Axel and then started to tell his plan.

"We don't have much time. The members of Envy are not stupid. They are likely to transport the eggs to another location. As per the investigation details, such a thing has not happened but it could happen anytime.", said Axel.

"Axel, what is our plan?"

"Our plan is not to steal the eggs. Our plan is to totally annihilate that base.", said Axel with a slightly loud voice.

"Totally annihilate them?"

"Yes, you heard me right. We don't have the capacity to transport 400 eggs within minutes like them. They must have been planning for this for years now. We don't have much time.

Since we could not transport 400 eggs in a couple of minutes like them, we need to make sure that the eggs are there and the eggs are secure. So, the only possibility is to destroy the whole base."

"How many members are there in that base?"

"As per the investigation details, there are 30-50 members in that base.", replied Axel.

"This would be a problem. The mission because hard to almost impossible now.", said Lolita.

"Don't worry. You just have to follow my commands and we will win. Now, let me tell you my plan."

After planning for some time, they decided to act.

"Stock out on all the potions, antidotes, and all the things that are essential. Buy some extra if you have to. This mission is easy but we have to be careful.", said Axel.

After Axel shared his plan, others started to realize that Axel was not just a normal 16-year-old kid. He was a capable leader and a powerful trainer. He deserved to be called the leader of this group and this mission. They now have faith in Axel and this was what Axel wanted too.


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