
Pokemon - A real story

There is a huge gap between the story of anime and the realistic story of Pokemon. This light novel closes that gap and gives the viewers a believable and exciting story with lots of adventure. Follow our protagonist Axel Blaze, a reincarnated person. With his knowledge of the previous Pokemon world, he hopes to dominate the world. But after he realizes how very wrong he was. This novel has a system, just to make things fun, the story is not focused on it though. "Success is like being pregnant, everyone says congratulations but nobody knows how many times you were fucked" So this novel tells the story of Axel blaze but all points of hidden difficulty he has to face to get it to there. -------- If you want to read advanced chapters earlier or just want to support me, you can do that at https://www.patreon.com/TheSilverPrince1 You can also visit my website and read 3 advanced chapters for free at: https://silver-prince.com/ (The story has a similar start as 'Pokemon - a mystical journey' so some people are probably confused. I wanted to say that only the beginning of the story is similar, not the later chapters and this story is not a copy.) Disclaimer: This is a fanfiction novel. So, the basics of the Pokemon world is not created by me. It belongs to "The Pokémon company".

TheSilverPrince · Anime & Comics
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711 Chs

League Association Again



The Host is getting away from his Pokemon for an extended period. Host would be unable to see their stats in real-time. Only when the Pokemon is in close proximity, the stats would be updated for the host to see. 


A special quest has been Issued.

Quest details: Charizard can't beat the top position of pseudo-king rank but that does not mean it could not in the future. 

Requirements: Beat the top position Charizard of pseudo-king rank.

Rewards: The host is able to see the stats of his Pokemon in real-time.

Penalty: None

Difficulty: C


That was a handy function. During the tide, Axel could not see the stats of Bulbasaur and Alakazam in real time as they were very far away from him. The stats were only updated after MEW brought them to him. 

Now, it seemed like he could see their stats in real-time after this quest was completed. Axel had seen the power of the top position of pseudo-king rank (Let's call it, Charizard B) just now and he could say that it would take some time for Charizard to reach that stage.

It was not that Charizard B was vastly stronger than Axel's Charizard. It was stronger than Charizard but not to the point where it would win the battle so easily. The difference was the way they fought. 

Charizard B fought in an unusual way which let it perfectly use all the parts of its body that were used to injure a Pokemon. It seemed like it was a perfect fighter. 

"Charizard, why don't you stay here for some time and chat with your new friends? I need to have a talk with Elizabeth.", said Axel.


It roared agreeing. 

Axel had to fill up a form and pay Elizabeth.

"Don't worry. I will take good care of your Pokemon. I would train it in the things that it lacks.", said Elizabeth.

They talked for some time and Axel brought out the topic of 'Hidden power'. He started to explain everything to Elizabeth and Marry, the Hydreigon.

"That is an interesting concept and you are working on it for a year?", asked Elizabeth.

"Yes, there has been no significant result. However, Shedinja could learn a moves like 'Gravity' and other Pokemons could also learn other types of moves which they would not be able to learn normally. That is the only achievement right now.

But when Marry said that it could feel the power of dragon-type in Charizard, I felt that it must be something related to Hidden power."

"I do feel something. Since I am a dragon-type Pokemon, I could feel the dormant power of dragon type inside my son. However, the power is very deep inside and it is trying to come out but it is not able to do. That is what I feel. 

I think you are doing a good job and it may have some results in the future."


After doing all the procedures, it was now time to go. Axel called out Charizard and flew out of the Charicific Valley. The valley was high in the mountains and only a powerful flying type Pokemon or Charizard could come and go out of this place.

After reaching the city, Axel called out all of his Pokemons. 

All of them were saying goodbyes to Charizard for some time. Nidoking was very sad as it would not be able to see its best friend for months. 

Axel gave it a locket. The locket had a blue colored stone embedded in it. It was the recent discovery of Mark and Axel. This was the new version of Everstone which would stop a Pokemon to rank up until the locket was taken out. 

Charizard may rank up during this time and Axel would be able to stop it. He still wanted it to have a good foundation and he was lucky that this thing was made on time. He told it to never take out until he came. The locket was almost attached to its chest so it would not break or fall down so easily.

"Charizard, we would be meeting after some months. When you reach king rank, I will come to take you out of here. 

Also, call me when you feel that you can beat that Charizard.", said Axel giving a fist bump to Charizard. 


It roared telling that it was an easy job. Its confidence was always all-time high. It was down when it lost 2 times in a single day but now it was recovered. 

"Remember, you have come here to get stronger, not to make friends. It is a training session, not a holiday or a vacation. Crush all these damn Charizard. I know you are the strongest. 

But even if you were not able to do that. Even if you didn't win, you are still my Charizard. You are still my partner and part of my team. You still have a place to call home."

Axel have a big hug to Charizard saying those things. 

There was a famous saying by a Nepali aurthur and poet, Laxmi Prasad Devkota, "Mache le Ghar banauna, Ghar Chodnu parcha"- Which translated to 'A man has to leave home to make a new one.'

That was what Charizard was going to do. 


Charizard watched the back of Axel as he was going to the airport. It had never been alone and it always had Axel and the team with it. It had now realized the importance of family and friends. 

It vowed to get stronger as fast as possible and come back to them. It was going to get stronger, take that first position and rank up to king rank as fast as it could. It was now going to train every second here.

It looked upwards and opened its mouth.


It roared from the top of its lungs and spew out hot red and white colored flames. It was ready to train harder.

[Aurthur note: This was why I wanted Charizard to be the father and Hydreigon to be the mother. Cause I felt that Axel's Charizard would need a strong father and a loving mother.]


Axel was emotional after leaving Charizard. He was not going to leave his Pokemon and forget about them like Ash in the anime but they needed to grow. 

Charicific Valley was the best place for Charizard to train right now. He didn't have the extensive knowledge or equipment to train his Pokemons like that and he was going to change it now. 

The first thing he would do after reaching home was to make such kinds of training grounds for each of his Pokemons and for every type there was in the world. 

His home would be the base where he would train his Pokemons. He started to think about it after he saw the training ground of Charicific Valley and Venu family. 

He lacked a personal training ground. 

Axel was also going to train his body to the limit. He had already learned the basic stances of the sword training. He would now focus on the sword fight and also his aura training. 

When his skin was getting burned by just being near Charizard, he realized how weak he was. When his Pokemon reached King rank, he may not even be able to be near them. This scared him a bit. 

Yes, Pokemons were stronger than humans and yes Pokemon could train harder cause their bodies were stronger than humans. However, Axel knew that a Pokemon would not respect him if he could not even stand near them. 

He knew that his Pokemons loved him very much and would not do such things but what about new Pokemons that he would catch in the future?

He needed to get strong and he needed to do that fast.


"So, you are telling me that all the flights for Hakone city are booked?", asked Axel to the receptionist.

"Yes sir. We have 4 direct flights for Hakone City with no transit. Previously we only had one but the traffic to go to Hakone city is increasing day by day so we have increased the number. Unfortunately, all of them are booked.", said the receptionist giving a short bow.

"Mam, I know the city very clearly and I know that the population of Hakone city is not so much that all 4 flights would be fully booked. That also from the Johto region. If you don't have any empty seats, that is okay but please don't lie to customers.", said Axel raising his voice with every sentence.

"Sir, I am not lying to you. I have heard that there is a genius trainer in that city.", said the receptionist. She then turned left and right to see if there was anyone looking at them. Finding that no one was, she came closer and said to Axel in a hushed voice, "Sir, there is also a rumor that the trainer is the successor of mighty Pokemon master, Samuel Oak. I got that rumor from a big source. 

So, I think you should wait for tomorrow to go there. Maybe you would get the chance to meet that trainer."

Axel didn't know if he should laugh out loud or if he should be angry at this receptionist. 

Johto region had done everything to suppress the news of Axel but it looked like the news still got leaked out. It was natural to have many visitors in the city of a famous trainer. Most cities also pay that famous trainer for the contribution that they had done indirectly.

Axel could understand what this receptionist was trying to do. She didn't want to lose a customer but the seats were already packed. So, she was telling him a rumor that a talented trainer, HIM, who was the successor of Prof. Samuel Oak, lived in Hakone City and he had to check it out. 

She had no idea that the talented trainer was Axel himself. This was hilarious. He didn't know that he was attracting so many tourists into his city. He needed to talk to the mayor and get some money. 

However, Axel wanted to go today. He had no business staying here any longer. 

"I had to go there today and see that genius trainer.", he said. He then looked around just like the receptionist and said in a hushed voice, "I have heard another rumor that the trainer is going to leave the city tomorrow for another adventure. So, can you squeeze me in somehow?"

The receptionist started to check on her computer and said, "I am sorry sir but I don't think that I can. I have another way if you want to go there today. There is a small town called 'Cladefair'. It is around 5,000 km from here. The city also has an airport and I could book a ticket for you today from here. 

However, you have to cross the forest, and if you are not a strong trainer, I don't recommend you to do it. It is a small town so the safety routes have not been made by the league. You could always ask 'League Association', post a quest, and got there but quest approval would take some time and even then it may not be secure."

This world was at least 10 times bigger than Earth. The distance between each city and town could range from a few thousand kilometers to hundreds of thousands of kilometers. 

Most of the time, there would be a forest between them and the forest had wild Pokemons. The league would normally make a deal with the leader of wild Pokemons and make a safety route. The safety route was a small road where wild Pokemons would not attack the trainers or other people. 

However, the league had not been able to do it for every forest between the cities and towns. They mostly focused on famous towns and cities and 'Cladefair' was not a famous town. 

"Don't worry, I am a strong trainer. I can handle myself.", said Axel.

The receptionist gave a weird look not believing Axel. Axel was now going to be 15 years old. So, it was natural for any person to assume that he was not a strong trainer. 

If she had realized that Axel was the rumored genius trainer, she would have changed her thought. 

"So, should I book the flight?"

"Yes, please."

"Ok, I have one for 6 p.m. Is that okay for you?", asked the receptionist.

"Yes, it is okay."

Axel paid the receptionist and decided to go to League Association. 


'League Association' was something created by the Pokemon League. It was just like an Adventure Guild where you could pick up quests from the association and get paid for doing it. 

Axel had visited it before when he was just starting his adventure. When he started to get money, he never cared to visit there again. 

He thought to give it a try again. He would now need a huge amount of money. He had to pay for Charizard in Charicific Valley. He had to create many training grounds for each type of Pokemon. He had a lot of things to do now. 

So, it would never hurt to visit the association. He would not instantly get rich for doing it but he had to start somewhere.


Axel entered the building. The line was always long. There were 4 booths that were handing all of it. Axel stood in the shortest line and waited. 

After 10 minutes, 

"Yes, welcome to League Association. How may I help you?", asked the girl. The girl was wearing formal attire with a white shirt and black pants. She was looking delightful.

"I am planning to go to Cladefair town and I was wondering if there are any quests while traveling there. Like a transport quest where I would have to protect the client?"

"Oh, let me see... Ah, there is one. But you must be an advanced rank trainer for it and must have 3 elemental rank Pokemons.", said the girl.

"It's okay, I fulfill the requirements.", said Axel.

"You do? Can I please see your trainer card.", said the girl.

Axel handed the card to the girl and….

"Sir, it says here that you are a master rank trainer."

"Yes, I know."

"I don't want to be rude but can I verify it? We don't see a lot of young trainers who are master rank trainers like you.", said the girl.

The receptionist was panicking. She didn't want to be rude to Axel cause if he really was a master rank trainer, she would be in a lot of trouble if Axel got angry.

But she also didn't want to give the quest to a weak trainer cause this would risk the lives of the trainer and the client.

"I understand. You can check and verify the details."

League Association was a part of the league. So, it was easy for her to verify the details. It only took around 3 minutes for her request to be approved. 

She scanned his trainer card/Pokecard and they verified it giving her the full details.

"Sir, I am sorry to have d..dooubt.. you. I didn't knoow that you are such a big name.", said the girl.

"It's okay, it is not your fault. So, can I receive the details of the mission?"

"Yes, of course. 

The client is a person who manufactures and sells potions and antidotes to Pokemon Mart. He is a big business man. He wants to transport the goods to Cladefair town. 

Since this is the first time he is selling the goods to Poke Mart of Cladefair town, he would personally go there with the goods.

He wanted a gym leader to transport his goods cause he is paranoid about his safety. 

But a gym leader would not do a low-level job and frankly, he could not pay such a high price. He was asking for a pseudo-elite trainer or elite trainer but that is also out of his pay grade. It is also very hard to find such trainers. 

Then he asked for a master trainer but a master trainer is also very hard to find. So, he settled for an advanced-rank trainer. 

The pay is still low for a master-rank trainer. You could discuss the price with him."

"How much is the pay?"

"There would be for 3 trainers including you. The time to reach the city would be 2 days and you would get 3 million Poke dollars.", said the girl.

3 million Poke dollars was not a huge amount but it was also not low. 

"How much does a master rank trainer charge for such services?"

"Around 5-6 million dollars."

"Have the other 2 trainers been selected?"

"No, the route is very risky so not many people would want to take the risk."

"Ok, I will accept the quest but I want there to be some changes. Can you call the client? I want to talk to him."

"Most definitely sir."


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