
Pokemon - A real story

There is a huge gap between the story of anime and the realistic story of Pokemon. This light novel closes that gap and gives the viewers a believable and exciting story with lots of adventure. Follow our protagonist Axel Blaze, a reincarnated person. With his knowledge of the previous Pokemon world, he hopes to dominate the world. But after he realizes how very wrong he was. This novel has a system, just to make things fun, the story is not focused on it though. "Success is like being pregnant, everyone says congratulations but nobody knows how many times you were fucked" So this novel tells the story of Axel blaze but all points of hidden difficulty he has to face to get it to there. -------- If you want to read advanced chapters earlier or just want to support me, you can do that at https://www.patreon.com/TheSilverPrince1 You can also visit my website and read 3 advanced chapters for free at: https://silver-prince.com/ (The story has a similar start as 'Pokemon - a mystical journey' so some people are probably confused. I wanted to say that only the beginning of the story is similar, not the later chapters and this story is not a copy.) Disclaimer: This is a fanfiction novel. So, the basics of the Pokemon world is not created by me. It belongs to "The Pokémon company".

TheSilverPrince · Anime & Comics
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796 Chs

Itzal the raptor

As it got closer, Axel could see literal water hurricanes coming with a lot of Kingdra. This was a sight to see. It looked like the water was following every command of those Kingdras. The speed of those Kingdras was very high. Axel had never seen such a speed of a Pokemon in water. Not even his Gyarados.

There must be at least 50 of them. They were a big tribe. All of them came to the edge of the sea. Their mastery over water was so high that not even a drop of it fell to Axel and his team.

The captured Kingdra rushed to its parents and started to cuddle and speak in their language. Everyone was looking at the captured Kingdra with relief and happiness. After a brief union, all of them looked towards humans. Suddenly all of them parted to make an empty line and 3 Kingdra came from that empty line towards humans.

One of them was exceptionally big while two of them were smaller than the bigger one. They were still bigger than normal Kingdra. Normally, Kingdra were big, around 6 feet but the biggest one must at least be around 8 feet while the other 2 were around 7 feet.

They looked like huge monsters from a bad dream. The bigger one was at the front and the two of them were at the back of the bigger one. The bigger one looked at Axel in its eyes. It didn't bother to look at other humans, only to Axel.

It then spoke with a deep manly voice, "Hello, human. I am Itzal the raptor, son of Sphis, and the leader of the Lost Storm Tribe. I have heard everything from Kingdra and he told me how helpful you really were.

Normally, we despise humans and like to live alone but you have proven us wrong. You have sacrificed your time and life for my kinsmen and for that I am eternally grateful."

The leader of this tribe spoke in such a royal way that Axel didn't know how to respond. It truly looked like a king, acted like a king, and behaved like a king.

"I was just doing my job. I know the feeling of being far away from family. I just could not see your kinsmen suffer, so I took it upon myself to take it here.", said Axel and he felt that he did a pretty good job in replying it.

"And I am grateful for it. Since you have done us such a favor, I cannot let you return empty-handed. So ask away. If there is something that I could give you then I will do so with sincerity.", said Itzal.

"I want a young Horsea as my partner.", said Axel in an instant.

He didn't even miss a bit while saying it. Before he thought that catching a Horsea would be a waste as he already had dragon-type Pokemons and multiple water-type Pokemons.

However, when he saw how the Kingdra arrived and how powerful they really were, he instantly changed his mind.

He knew that he would not get such a chance to catch a Horsea in his entire life, so he took the risk.

"Hmm, can you tell me your reason for catching Horsea?", asked the leader.

Ron had expected that the leader would explode and all of them would die but it didn't happen.

"I believe that I can connect with ..."

"STOP LYING TO ME!!! TELL ME THE TRUTH OR I WILL FORGET THAT YOU ARE MY BENFACTOR!!", shouted the leader with a loud voice.

The voice was so loud that Axel could actually see sound waves coming from its mouth. The air pressure from its shout was so huge that the trees that were at least 200 meters away were blown along with all the sand.

3 of the generals were not prepared for such a shout, so they were also blown away by the impact including all the Krabbys and Shellders. Axel had immediately used 'Aura coat' and 'Aura resistance' to protect him from the shout.

Axel didn't want to look weak so he didn't turn his head and directly stared at the leader Kingdra. He knew that he could not bullshit his way out of here so he decided to be truthful.

"I am going to be the next Pokemon master and I have a lot of responsibility on my shoulders. I want strong Pokemons to be on my team and from what I have seen or heard, Kingdra is a strong species. So, I would like Horsea to be a part of the team.

I promise that I will take care of it as if it is my own family as I do to all of my Pokemons and train it to become the most powerful Kingdra to ever exist.", said Axel with a serious tone.

For a few seconds, Itzal didn't speak, and neither did the two behind them or any other human or Pokemon. Then...

"HAHAHAHAHA, that is the greatest joke that I have heard. You will train one of my Kinsmen to become the most powerful Kingdra to ever exist? Boy, what do you know about our species, and what do you about the most powerful Kingdra till now?"

"I know nothing but I will find it out. You may think that I am bluffing but I am confident in my abilities."

"HAHAHA, I like the daring eyes of this human. What is the highest rank Pokemon that you have right now?", asked Itzal.

"Tier 3 king rank."

"You are only an elemental rank human with a tier 3 king rank Pokemon. You are too weak to protect my kinsmen if I were to allow any one of them to your party. If you want to have a Horsea at your party, then become stronger and come to the same place and call for my name. I would be here to fulfill the promise."

"How much stronger do I have to become?", asked Axel.

"Either you become a pseudo-king rank human or your Pokemon becomes a tier 3 pseudo-champion rank. That is the condition. Only then would I feel safe to leave one of my kinsmen in your care.", said Itzal.

"I accept it. I will come here when I have fulfilled that condition."

"Ok, it was nice talking to you human. I will be going now.", said Kingdra.


"Feweuuu... That was the most nerve-wracking experience I have ever experienced.", said Ron as he sat on the beach.

Meanwhile, Axel was thinking about his Pokemons. It was true that the progress of his old Pokemons had gone downhill but this was excepted as it becomes very difficult for a Pokemon to rank up after reaching king rank. So, he had been patient but he felt that he must do something to increase their progress.

Axel had already learned his lesson on having plenty of experience with his Pokemon and he didn't want to rank all of them in a hurry but he wanted to do something additional so that the experience would not be compromised and his Pokemons would also rank up faster.

"Kizaru, how far are we from the Salamence tribe?", asked Axel.

"It would take us 5 days to reach Salamence tribe and another day to reach the leader of this place. However, I think we should rest here for a bit.", said Kizaru.

"Why so?"

"That Kingdra gave a loud shout which disturbed this part of the island. As told by Gallade before, they take security very seriously. I think that some of the tribes that are living here are coming here to see what is happening.", replied Kizaru.

All of them got scared after hearing about it. They had met Gallade and Kingdra tribe and both of them were exceptionally strong.

"Then, why are we not running?", asked Frank.

"Because we have nowhere to run. If we met a tribe while running in the forest, then it would be more disadvantageous to us. It is better for us to hold the ground and see what happens.", said Kizaru.

Kizaru was not wrong there. It was better to hold ground and defend but if they were going to defend against a champion-rank Pokemon, they were doomed.

All of them called out their Pokemons and all of them got ready. After a few minutes, Axel could hear loud shouts and vibrations from the forest.

"They are coming, get ready. We will first try to have a conversation. If that doesn't work then we will teleport.", said Kizaru.

There were a total of 30 Pokemons that came to see what had happened. They were of 3 tribes: Haxorus, Metagross, and Grumpig.

"Human, can you tell us what has happened here? I felt the disturbance of Kingdra but clearly, I cannot see any of them around here.", asked a Grumpig who was tier 3 king rank

This time it was Kizaru who spoke, "They came here to take one of their own and now they have already left. We just saw them."

"And what were you humans doing out here? Were you trying to infiltrate Kingdras inside?", asked the mean Haxorus.

"No, we were not."

"As if I would believe you.", said the Haxorus and looked towards a Grumpig and Metagross and continued, "I don't trust these humans. Everybody knows this place is for the leader and it should not be disturbed. Even though the leader has allowed these humans to our place for no reason, I feel that they are trying to capture this land with the help of Kingdras."

"That is so not true. Why would we even do that?", asked Jin raising his voice.

"We don't have any reason to trust you.", said Haxorus.

"The leader said that she trusts this human so I think we should believe in our leader.", said Grumpig, and Metagross also agreed while Haxorus was not letting it go.

As said by Gallade before, the psychic-type Pokemons were following this leader's commands while the dragon-type Pokemons only cared about this place and the safety of the current leader.

As things were out of hand, Kizaru knew that it must be stopped. So he intervened, "How should we prove that we are innocent?"

Haxorus looked up and down and then said, "The only way I could trust you is through battle. If you could prove your determination through battle then I will recognize you."

"Ok, then let's do it.", said Kizaru.

"Not you but that chosen boy right there. The leader had selected to talk to you. I want to know how good you are."

Axel stepped forward and said, "But I don't have any tier 3 king-rank Pokemon to fight you only a tier 2 king-rank Pokemon."

"Don't worry, you will not be fighting me but my younger brother. Come forward, Axseus", said Haxorus, and another Haxorus came forward. This Haxorus was a bit different than other normal Haxorus.

Like, it was extremely bulky. It was filled with bulging muscles and it was also a bit taller than other Haxorus. However, the most unusual thing about this Haxorus was its tusk. The outside area of the tusks were normally deep red but this Haxorus had a golden-colored tusk with black on the inside. This was very unusual.

Axel could just say from the aura of this Haxorus that it was very different and it was powerful.


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