
Pokemon - A real story

There is a huge gap between the story of anime and the realistic story of Pokemon. This light novel closes that gap and gives the viewers a believable and exciting story with lots of adventure. Follow our protagonist Axel Blaze, a reincarnated person. With his knowledge of the previous Pokemon world, he hopes to dominate the world. But after he realizes how very wrong he was. This novel has a system, just to make things fun, the story is not focused on it though. "Success is like being pregnant, everyone says congratulations but nobody knows how many times you were fucked" So this novel tells the story of Axel blaze but all points of hidden difficulty he has to face to get it to there. -------- If you want to read advanced chapters earlier or just want to support me, you can do that at https://www.patreon.com/TheSilverPrince1 You can also visit my website and read 3 advanced chapters for free at: https://silver-prince.com/ (The story has a similar start as 'Pokemon - a mystical journey' so some people are probably confused. I wanted to say that only the beginning of the story is similar, not the later chapters and this story is not a copy.) Disclaimer: This is a fanfiction novel. So, the basics of the Pokemon world is not created by me. It belongs to "The Pokémon company".

TheSilverPrince · Anime & Comics
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When Charizard roared to announced its victory, Axel immediately told it to deactivate 'Transform' and called it back. He did it cause he knew that the battle was already over and Charizard would be extremely weak after using this move. 

It was also very hurt that was why he thought to use it at the last minute. He also didn't want to celebrate with Charizard when Garchomp was on the verge of dying. It was not a respectful way.

Then he came up with a horrible possibility. Cynthia was ruthless and others didn't like her but they still treated her like a princess. Now Axel had injured the main Pokemon of that princess. Would all of them gang up to beat Axel to a pulp or even kill him?

He knew that Lorelai, Lance, and Ryker were on his side but that still left 6 of them including Cynthia. He also knew that the old man Sam was not a simple old man. The aura that the old man gave was not so simple. He could make a guess that the old man had at least a champion-rank Pokemon.

Shit!! What was he going to do?

That was why he called out Shedinja, Alakazam and Slowbro. Shedinja would use its 'Shadow-darkness domain' to defend all their attacks while Alakazam and Slowbro would teleport with him and Shedinja. Slowbro didn't know 'Teleport'. It had just started to learn the move from Alakazam a day ago but it could still help Alakazam.

He also wanted to take Lance, Lorelai, and Ryker with him but he also knew that they were not in trouble. They had their family with them and Ryker had done nothing wrong. 

He was ready for battle. Years of experience and fighting with wild Pokemons had activated his instinct that he would be in trouble but then he saw all of them and he was surprised. 

All of them had a shocked expression and Cynthia was crying out loud. He then realized that he was mistaken and took a deep breath to calm himself. The old man was making calls. He was probably calling doctors for Garchomp. 

He then thought to help the poor little girl. When Charizard was using all those flames and burning all the things. Massive amount of smoke was coming out and Garchomp had inhaled a lot of those smoke. 

Charizard had used 'Smoke manipulation' which had distributed its oxygen pipe and it was getting difficult to breath for Garchomp. However, since the move was not so very effective, it could not be noticed but Axel could see that Garchomp was getting slower and slower as the minutes passed away. 

Cynthia thought that this happened cause they were in the middle of high-intensity battle. 


"Your Garchomp is having difficulty in breathing not due to the injuries. It is one of Charizard's moves called 'Smoke manipulation'", came a voice and they could see Axel coming towards them slowly walking with heavy steps. 

Every one of them backed away a few steps when he started to walk. Now they considered Charizard to be the monster of monsters and Axel was its master. 

Axel called out 2 of his Pokemons.

"Gogoat, Venusaur, come out!!!", said Axel



Since they had been through a tide battle, both of them had an instinct that they were in the middle of the battlefield so both of them had come out prepared but such was the not case right now.

"Venusaur, use 'Aromatherapy'. Gogoat, use 'Milk drink'", said Axel.

He then turned towards these idiots and asked, "Do none of you idiots have any healing-type Pokemons?"

They then realized that Pokemons could also heal other Pokemons. Some of them had healing-type Pokemons and they started to heal Garchomp. 

After Venusaur was done clearing Garchomp's throat from the smoke, he turned towards old man Sam and said, "Old man, send out your most bulky Pokemon who has the most health."

The old man didn't ask why and called out Machamp

"Venusaur, use 'Leech whip' on Machamp and try to heal Garchomp."

When Venusaur started to heal Garchomp with 'Leech whip' and other Pokemon also started to use healing moves, Garchomp was finally out of danger.


After 2 hours.

The group was waiting in the hospital and Cynthia was walking to and fro with tension. Garchomp was inside the hospital in the operating theater. 

This was an awkward movement. Axel wanted to apologize to Cynthia cause he also knew how it must have felt seeing your dearest Pokemon in such a state. But he also didn't want to apologize and stay strong. 

After thinking for some time, he finally opened his mouth, 

"Ahh,… Cynthia… ahhh… I just wan.."

"Don't!! Don't say that you are sorry and you want to apologize. I don't want your pity.", fired Cynthia with her words.

"What I wanted to say was that Charizard had just learned that move and it had not used it before. So, I didn't know that it would be so powerful.", said Axel.

"It doesn't matter. I told you to give your best shot and that is what you have done. If you had held back, I would have felt more angry than I am right now.", said Cynthia. 

"OK good. I don't want any bad blood between us.", said Axel.

"Oh, there is definitely a bad blood between us from now on…"

Cynthia was going to say something more but the door opened and the nurse came.

"Nurse, is Garchomp okay?"

"Don't worry, it is out of danger.", said the nurse.

Cynthia finally calmed down. 

"But the things are complicated. I think we should sit and talk.", said the nurse.

Cynthia's worry started to rise again.

The nurse wanted to sit with Cynthia alone but others also wanted to hear it. Since all of them had helped Cynthia, she told the nurse that others could also come. 

All of them went to the nurse's office and sat on the chair. 

"Your Garchomp is out of danger but we could not attach the left side of its hammerhead.", said the nurse.

"But why?", asked Cynthia.

"The chopped-off side of the head has been burnt so much that all the cells have died. So we could not attach it. Garchomp's face would take some time to heal. If it was not due to its high recovery ability due to it being a dragon and a pseudo-legendary Pokemon, then it would have certainly died.

Garchomp also doesn't have any brain cells on its hammer side so it lived."

"Ok, then it is just some permanent injury. It would not affect it in the future.", said Volkner.

"No, your Garchomp is disabled now.", said the nurse shocking all the youngsters except for Cynthia.

"Let me explain. Its hammerhead is there for a purpose. Since Garchomp is so heavy and big, these hammerheads would maintain their balance. But now since one side of it has been chopped off, its balance will always be off."

Balance was very important for Pokemons who trained and battled all their lives. So, it was right to say that Garchomp was now disabled. It may never be able to fight again.

"That is my problem to deal with. Tell me how much time for full recovery?", asked Cynthia.

The nurse and Cynthia talked for a few minutes and all of them came out of the room.

All of them were sad to hear such a news. Nobody liked that Garchomp. It had beaten their Pokemons but hearing that it could never fight again.. This made them very sad and all of their anger was now going to concentrate on Axel.

"Cynthia, here catch it.", said Axel as he took a glass bottle out of his pocket and threw it to Cynthia.

Cynthia caught it with reflex.

"What is this?"

"This is the cure for your Garchomp. Spread it on the wound and it would heal. Its hammerhead would regenerate and it would make a full recovery. I don't want my Charizard to battle a disabled Pokemon in the future. Just do me a favor and keep it a secret.", said Axel.


Flashback 2 hours ago,

When Axel won the battle, he had completed the side quest and the reward was very interesting.



Your Charizard has defeated Garchomp. You have completed the side quest.

Reward: A vile which would cure any physical injury.]



He had decided to give his to Cynthia if Garchomp could not make a full recovery.

Cynthia threw it back and Axel caught it.

"Take your pity to yourself. Do you really think that my Garchomp could not fight again? If you think that then you are wrong. All of you are wrong. My Garchomp would get over this and it would still be the most powerful Garchomp in history. 

All of you just wait and watch!!", declared Cynthia. She was not going to take any pity from these idiots. She knew her Garchomp. It would not stay lying down. It would destroy that Charizard in the future. 

"OK good, for a second there, I thought that I broke you into small pieces. I am glad that you are still holding on.", said Axel with a smile.

He took that vial of glass and put it inside his pocket.

"You scoundrel!! How can you talk like this at this time when this is all your fault!!!", shouted Volkner. For some reason, Volkner had started to hate Axel when he first saw him and this feeling was still prevalent. 

Axel looked at all of them and gave a small laugh.

"Hahaha… Weaklings. That is what you all are. You look at your own pitiful self and blame others cause that is the only thing that you guys can do. I thought that Cynthia was someone powerful as I have heard a lot about her but I was wrong."

"You asshole!! What did you say?", shouted Volkner and started to run towards Axel to smack him while Steven pulled him back. 

"Let me dial it down for you. 

Each of us lives dependent and bound by our individual knowledge and our awareness. All that is what we call reality. However, both knowledge and awareness are equivocal. One's reality might be another illusion. We all live in our own fantasies. 

Don't you think that is true, Volkner?"

"What are you trying to say?"

"That this thought that all of you guys have of beating me in the future is just an arbitrary assumption that you have made in your heads.

I am going to rest now. Get yourself checked too. Call me when we are going to get those Togepi eggs."

Axel turned around and started to move. Lance, Lorelai and Ryker followed him.

"Damn! I hate that guy.", said Volkner.

"Yes, but you also must admit that Axel has a way with words.", said Steven with a smile. 


"Damn Axel!! For a second I thought that I was seeing the devil. You were too scary. Man, I loved that. I don't want to act like a dick but I felt great when you defeated Cynthia. Finally, someone could take her down.", said Lance with a mug of beer in his hand.

Axel was laughing and patting Lance's back thanking him for no reason. Lorelai thought that Lance might have gone crazy while Ryker was surprised that Lance could speak so much.

All of them were having a good time. Lance started to ask questions about Charizard and how it became very powerful. Axel replied but didn't give all the details like the restriction of using 'Transform'.

"So, how are the older members of families reacting? Did Agatha and Dragon tell you anything?", asked Axel.

"Dad said that Volo was very angry but others told him to calm down. All of them were discussing how powerful your Charizard is. Nothing much after that.", said Lance.

"Well, that is good."


Except for Axel and Sam all of them had burnt marks on their skin. The heat was too high for them to resist. Cynthia was very close so her skin was also burnt. 

Lance and others were also applying medicine while taking Axel. They were going to get those eggs after 2 days.

This was the only reason why the family meeting had happened this early. The island where the Togepi stayed was very close to their island and they had maintained a good relationship with Togepi species. 

So, they were also qualified to get the eggs due to that good relationship. However, the parents Togekiss were very selective and only selected a few trainers for their sons and daughters. 

The age of the trainer should also not be very high but they also must be very powerful. 

There were many conditions and Axel was going to learn all of the tomorrow. 

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