
Pokemon - A real story

There is a huge gap between the story of anime and the realistic story of Pokemon. This light novel closes that gap and gives the viewers a believable and exciting story with lots of adventure. Follow our protagonist Axel Blaze, a reincarnated person. With his knowledge of the previous Pokemon world, he hopes to dominate the world. But after he realizes how very wrong he was. This novel has a system, just to make things fun, the story is not focused on it though. "Success is like being pregnant, everyone says congratulations but nobody knows how many times you were fucked" So this novel tells the story of Axel blaze but all points of hidden difficulty he has to face to get it to there. -------- If you want to read advanced chapters earlier or just want to support me, you can do that at https://www.patreon.com/TheSilverPrince1 You can also visit my website and read 3 advanced chapters for free at: https://silver-prince.com/ (The story has a similar start as 'Pokemon - a mystical journey' so some people are probably confused. I wanted to say that only the beginning of the story is similar, not the later chapters and this story is not a copy.) Disclaimer: This is a fanfiction novel. So, the basics of the Pokemon world is not created by me. It belongs to "The Pokémon company".

TheSilverPrince · Anime & Comics
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796 Chs

General Yami

"Someone is finally thinking straight. They said that we would be facing a tide battle which they would choose and the death rate should not be more than 15%. This tide battle would happen after 60 days and in those 60 days we should be able to make the base for ourselves in the Kanto region."

"Sir, the conditions are very tough. This is almost impossible.", said one of the team members.

"Yes, because the league doesn't like us and doesn't want us to improve...."

Axel then began to tell why Gerad didn't like him and why they were rejected. Axel had expected that they would be angry at him as it was his fault. Gerad was angry at him not them. Instead, they were angry at Gerad which showed how much they trusted Axel.

The league was a big name. They sold items at a lower rate, treated Pokemons at a lower rate and even helped cities in tide. So almost nobody would dislike the league or they could not dislike the league but these team members of Axel were supporting him.

"Yes, I understand that the league is being a bitch. We will try to fulfill the conditions as much as we can but if we cannot don't worry, I have other plans for the team.

I tell you again. It is not about being the mercenary team but being together and united. I swear to myself that I will make this the most powerful organization in the entire world. So, who is with me?"

"WE ARE!!!"

"Can't hear you enough. Who is with me?"

"WE ARE!!!"


"Sir, you did calm the team members but what are we going to do now?", asked Hector.

"Are we ready for any tide battles?", asked Axel.

"Yes, we are ready to go."

"Good but I want to be extra prepared. Remember, knowing Gerad, he would be giving us an impossible task. I want to make another team in these 2 months. As of right now, we have the sun team, grass team, and the protect team. But I think it is not going to be enough."

"Sir, what is the strategy for the next team?"

"There will be 2 teams. Sand team and water team and would be exactly like the sun team but there would be some differences. Listen to me carefully,..."

Axel began to tell his plans for the new teams. Axel didn't want any of his team members to die and he could not trust Gerad would give him an easy tide battle.

"Remember all of you, even if we are going to lose this tide battle, we will simply surrender and walk out. We will not be playing against the odds. I would love my team to be alive rather than victorious. Am I clear on this?", asked Axel.

"Yes sir, we are."

"Good, now let's talk about the side business or the base of our team. What do you think, Dory, Ashmita?"

"Sir, it will be very difficult to create a side business in these 2 months and also have a good profit from it. Regarding the base, it looks even more impossible.", said Dory.

While others watched and monitored the training of Pokemons and team members, Dory and Ashmita controlled money and logistics. They had a fair bit of knowledge about them.

"Why would the base be any problem? We can just buy a locality and it will be done.", said Axel.

"Sir, it is not so easy. We are talking about 50k soldiers and we will also have to look for the future. In the future, our team would increase and it might even cross 100k soldiers. So, we will have to plan a lot.

Money would also be a problem. If we are talking about 100k soldiers in the future, we need to buy a village which would be very expensive. Even though we have money, it would not be enough for the base."

"Then why don't we just buy a huge land and then start to build the houses and facilities?", asked Axel.

"Sir, those would not be completed in 2 months.", replied Ashmita.

"Why do you think that we need to do all of it in 2 months?", asked Axel.


"I am not asking you so that we could complete it in 2 months. I know that even by hook or crook we are able to do it, Gerad will not accept to register us in the mercenary.

After talking to Gerad I came to realize one thing. We need a base of operation. So, I am asking you to search for a piece of land. We will buy it and slowly build our base there. I need every facility there. Hospitals, Marts, Training centers, and houses for the team and also their family. Everything. Tell me how much time it would take and the money it would cost."

"But sir, what about the test that the league gave us? What about the mercenary team? The team members may have calmed down now but if we do nothing, then they might start to leave.", said Hector.

Axel then gave a rare smile and said, "I have got a perfect plan for that. Don't worry."


"Hector, you will look after the team while I am gone. Ashmita and Dory, please find the land for the base within 3 days. I will be going far for a month. I will be taking Jin with me. Mia is the new lieutenant. Get used to the things around here.

After a month, I will be back. Till then, all of you will do the things as discussed. After that, all of you will be selecting your subordinates. It is now time that we have a proper hierarchy in our mercenary team."

"Sir, what will be the name of our mercenary team?"

"Haha, I will tell that to all of you when I come back after a month.", said Axel and left with Jin and Frank.


"So, can you tell us where we are going now?", asked Jin.

Since the foundation of Jin's Pokemons was not so good, Axel had assured him that he would personally look after them till their foundation was good. So, Jin would be following Axel till that time.

"Lumlow Cay. That is where we are going for a month."

"And why are we going there?"

"To meet a special friend."

"Why are we going to meet a special friend of yours?"

"It has been a long time and I feel that friend can help us."

"Ok, so where is this Lumlow Cay?"

"In the middle of nowhere. It is an island."

"Man, why are speaking in riddles? Just tell us straight.", said Jin

Axel then told them all about the island. That was the first time, he had met people like Ryker and Lorelai. He also met with Steven and Wallace. It was a wonderful experience.

"So, you are saying that there is a Latios on that island and you bought that specific place where it lives and we are going to meet it there?", asked Jin just to confirm cause he just could not believe it.

"Yes, I don't know if it is a Latios or some other type of Pokemon but it is a powerful psychic type Pokemon for sure."

Legendary Pokemons were not so easy to spot. They were different from Mythical Pokemon and there was not only 1 legendary Pokemon of the same species but they were extremely rare to find.

Jin had never seen a legendary Pokemon in his life so he was excited but he also knew that this was a dangerous mission.

"Don't worry, I have contacted professionals for the job. I am not so stupid to venture such a place alone.", said Axel patting Jin's back.

"Thank god. So, when are we going?", asked Jin.

"We will first away from here to the nearest city. There, a flight will be booked for us and then we will be going to that Island."

Axel had already contacted Blue and he had sent his team to Axel for assistance. Bill did charge the same amount as he told before and Axel had already transferred the money to him.

They reached the nearest city and the plane was already ready for them to take them to the island. The plane looked military and it was very big. It looked like a cargo plane but the plane had all the facilities, from training ground to bedrooms.

Jin, Frank, and Axel hopped on the plane to go to the island.


After 3 days,

"Damn it!! When is the plane going to land? I am getting very bored now.", said Axel to Jin and Frank. He was never a fan of plane rides and now it looked like he lived in one.

"Don't worry, I talked to the pilot and he said that we will be reaching that island after a few hours. So, you can just relax.", said Frank.

After 2 hours, the plane finally landed and Axel was the first one to get out of it. The island was a lot different than before. There was a proper runway and airports now. This place now belonged to the Kanto region.

The island had an area of 150000 sq k.m. Axel saw from above that at least 10% of it was already transformed into a city. The rest were still forest areas. When Axel helped the region get this island from Hoenn region, he was gifted 5% of the island which was where he was going now.

But first, he would have to meet the explorer team.

Axel, Frank, and Jin went to the hotel and booked a room for the day. Then he went to the military camp to talk to who was in charge.

A beautiful woman with a military outfit came to greet them. She raised her hand for a handshake and said, "Welcome, Mr. Axel. I have been told of your arrival. It is nice to meet you in person."

"Hello, miss. Yami. It is a pleasure to meet you as well. So, how is the island holding up?"

"Oh, we are doing really good. Due to the efforts of you and your team, we were able to get a hold of this island. We have found a lot of valuable resources that would be essential for the region. It is all due to you."

"We were just doing our job. So, when is the expedition team arriving?"

"They will be here in a couple of hours. Why don't we have something to eat and drink first? I will also show you around the island.", offered Yami which Axel accepted.

They had a nice lunch and Yami started to tell all about the island and what they had found. They had still not explored all of the islands as the island was very dangerous. Axel came to know that they had found a lot of evolution stones and type-enhancing items here.

They had also found some good Pokemons and had made a pact with them. It was necessary to maintain a good relationship with the leader of the wild Pokemons if they wanted to live in harmony.

Frank and Jin were mesmerized by Yami's beauty. They just could not understand how could a general and the leader of the military of this island would have time to talk to them and show them around for a whole day. Yami was a beautiful woman and Jin and Frank had made a secret vow to steal her heart.

Axel was not affected by it as he already had Kate with him. He was also reminded that he should meet her after this expedition.

"Yami, what can you tell about my land? Do you have any information?"

"As it is your private property, we didn't intervene. However, you said that you needed some preliminary details of the island, so we went near there and I can tell that for certain that the place is very dangerous."

"Dangerous? How Dangerous?"


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