
Pokemon - A real story

There is a huge gap between the story of anime and the realistic story of Pokemon. This light novel closes that gap and gives the viewers a believable and exciting story with lots of adventure. Follow our protagonist Axel Blaze, a reincarnated person. With his knowledge of the previous Pokemon world, he hopes to dominate the world. But after he realizes how very wrong he was. This novel has a system, just to make things fun, the story is not focused on it though. "Success is like being pregnant, everyone says congratulations but nobody knows how many times you were fucked" So this novel tells the story of Axel blaze but all points of hidden difficulty he has to face to get it to there. -------- If you want to read advanced chapters earlier or just want to support me, you can do that at https://www.patreon.com/TheSilverPrince1 You can also visit my website and read 3 advanced chapters for free at: https://silver-prince.com/ (The story has a similar start as 'Pokemon - a mystical journey' so some people are probably confused. I wanted to say that only the beginning of the story is similar, not the later chapters and this story is not a copy.) Disclaimer: This is a fanfiction novel. So, the basics of the Pokemon world is not created by me. It belongs to "The Pokémon company".

TheSilverPrince · Anime & Comics
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796 Chs

Frank's Story

Flashback a few months ago,

Frank had been brutally training his body for some months. After his interaction with Axel, he realized how weak he really was. First of all, he thought that Axel was just an anomaly but that feeling changed when he talked with his father.

His father was very harsh on him. Frank was honestly scared after seeing his father's rage. His father never shouted at him in a loud voice but today was different. His mother tried to cool things down but his father would not listen.

After seeing his father's rage, his mother also stopped defending him. The only reason for his father's rage was 'His son was very weak.'

It was a simple sentence but it impacted Frank a lot. He didn't want to listen to it and he wanted to avoid those words. He knew that his father was not wrong. He was the one who was wrong but he was very lazy to own up to his mistake.

After listening to his father's lecture for many days, he was crushed. He didn't want to feel that way. But one thing changed his weak mind to a strong one.

In one of the lecture sessions, his father said, "Do you know what Axel told me when you came crying?"

He was already numb after hearing his father's rage. So he didn't reply.

"He said that you don't have it in you to be a trainer and I being a father could not say that he was wrong. 

He was not wrong. You don't have that in you to be a trainer. Just look at your Pokemons. Even though they are in elemental rank, they are weaker than normal rare-rank Pokemons. If you don't want to be a trainer, at least give them to capable trainers so that they can grow stronger. Every Pokemon wants to grow stronger. You should also know that."

Those sentences had hit hard. He may not care about anything but he loved his Pokemons. Due to him and his incompetence, his Pokemons were suffering. He could not let that happen. 

That was when he decided that he would train his ass off and show all of them what he was made of.

"Father, what should I do to become a strong trainer?"

After hearing this question, Morgan was surprised. He had never thought that his son would ask such a question.

"Son, you are now around 20 years old. You have wasted 7 years of your life doing nothing. If you want to be strong and as strong as people like Axel, then there is only 1 thing that you can do. 

That is to train hard."

"Train hard?", asked Frank. He was hoping that his father would give a different answer, a shortcut perhaps but there seemed to be none of those.

"Yes, train hard. If a normal trainer trains 10 hours a day, then you will train for 15 hours a day. If you do that then, you can bridge the gap with other trainers of your age within 3.5 years.

If you want to become a powerful trainer like Lance, Lorelai, and Ryker, then you will have to train for 20 hours a day. Then only you can close that gap.

And if you want to become as powerful as Axel, then you will not only have to work hard but also plan your every second. Plan every second of your Pokemeon's training. But even then you cannot reach Axel's level. You will also have to depend on your luck. 

Don't think that Axel is just a normal genius trainer. Axel's potential is something that could not be comprehended by people like us. So, if you want to be as powerful as Axel, then you will have to learn from the man himself. You will have to give you all every second of your life."

"Father, if I give my all, will I become as strong as him? I just wanted to confirm, before I start to train myself."

"Of course, you can. Nothing is impossible. You are my son. You have my genes. 

I have talked with Axel and he has decided to train you. He will call us after some months but first, he will judge you. If you have the same thinking about training and if you are lazy again, he will not train you. 

So, first, prove to me that you can change. Prove it to me that you are a genius and you can only do that by training hard."


From that day, Frank totally changed. He woke up early in the morning and then started to run. He ran till he fainted. His mother was very scared of his new demeanor. However, his father felt that his son had finally returned from the abyss.

His mother applied medicines to his legs and then he woke up after a few hours. His father had already created a training plan for him.

"Son, if your legs are not working then train your hands and other parts of the body."

His father told him to do push-ups and he did it till he could not hold his hand properly.

"That is good. But you should know that your body also needs some rest. You should also think about training your Pokemons.

We will try to unlock your aura till Axel calls us."

All the people around him were shocked by these changes. The maids and guards were the one who was shocked the most. They had seen Frank grow up and they knew how he was. He was a happy and arrogant guy. However, now the guy was completely serious about his training. 

His mother was also very shocked about his changes but her husband didn't want her to interfere. 

Morgan went to train his son in many ways. He taught his family martial arts and also gave tips to train his Pokemons. Frank was improving at a very scary speed.

He was only thinking about one thing and that was to train himself and become stronger. He didn't want to disappoint his father again.

Finally, after a couple of months, they were able to unlock his aura. Frank was very happy when he felt that he had unlocked his aura. He felt that his hard work had finally been rewarded. 

He now has a bit of confidence in himself. He knew that he could achieve anything with hard work.


"Frank, Axel just called a few hours ago.", said Morgan.

"So, is he ready to train me?", asked Frank.

Axel had called them a bit later but Frank didn't have any problem with that. 

"Yes, he is ready to train you but first he wanted to see you himself. But there is another problem."

"What is the problem?"

"He says that you will follow him wherever he goes and he is going to Aeus island after a month. Do you know about that island?"

"I have heard of it but I don't know the full details."

"Well, the island is very mysterious and it has been found out that one can create armor for Pokemon on that island. 

However, the danger on the island is very high. Axel would not have any problem as he has king-rank Pokemon with him but you….."

"Father, I am ready to go there."

"Son, think very carefully about it. Axel is an excellent trainer and he can train you very fast. If I say no to that then he is going to reject you. But you should also think about your life. The risk is very high. There would be trainers who are even better teachers than Axel. 

I can find them for you in the future."

"Father, you said that if I want to become as powerful as him, then I should take risks and not miss any chances. If I let this go, then I will be missing a chance and I don't want to do that. 

So, even if there is a risk, I want to go.", said Frank.

"Ok, Frank. You can go but be careful out there."

Flashback End.


"Frank.. Frank…. You there?", asked Axel.

"Yes, I am here. I was just thinking about his trip."

"Don't worry. I will do everything to protect you. You just have to follow my instructions."


"No problem.", said Axel patting his back.

This was a big plane. So, there was a place to dine, a place to sit, a meeting hall, and also bedrooms. Axel happily went to the bedroom section and took a nap.

This might have been the longest nap he had taken. He will wake up, look at the time, and then go back to sleep. He would only come forward to eat his meal and to feed his Pokemons. 

The journey from Violet City to the Kanto league took 2 days. Axel always hated the plane ride but this was too much. 2 days wasted on sleeping and eating. 

Since he came to this world, he has been very active. He didn't want to stay idle. So, Axel started to talk to Frank and started to teach him about aura and psychics. 

He was telling Frank some advanced version of aura like 'Aura coat' and 'Aura strike.'

"Frank it is now time for you to properly think about your body too. Have you heard that we humans also have ranks like Pokemons?", asked Axel.

"Yes, father had told me all the details about it."

"Good. As of right now, you are in common rank. I am in elemental rank. Your first goal is to reach an uncommon rank. It would take some time for you to reach there but I feel that you are near that threshold."

Axel also tried to do meditation and then use moves like 'Clear mind' to pass the time.

The plane was delayed for 10 hours which angered Axel even more. However, he could not do anything about it. He had to suck it up.

Finally, after 2 days and 10 hours, the plane landed at the Kanto League.

"We will be resting here for 5 hours and then we will start our journey. You guys can go out and visit the city but remember to come here after 5 hours.", said the man. The man seemed to be some sort of a leader. Axel knew that he had to cooperate with the man in the future. 

So, he shook the man's hand and got out of the plane.

As he came out of the plane, he saw that the entire team that was going to go to the island was waiting for them.

He saw some familiar faces.

Lance, Ryker, and some of the Venu family members. He knew those Venu family members but he didn't know their names. Some of them were elders, and some of them were talented trainers of the Venu family.

As he was looking around, he found 2 trainers that he completely knew the name of. One was K.

"My man, what the hell are you doing here?", asked Axel as he gave K a bear hug.

"I am here for the island. I finally have 6 pseudo-king rank Pokemons. So, the leader told me that I could come here if I followed you.", said k with a smile. He looked very happy for some reason.

Other Venu family members also greeted Axel and Axel greeted them back. 

"So, you are forgetting your old friends huh?", asked Lance and proceeded to hug Axel.

Axel also greeted Ryker. Their relationship was not as bad as before. During the battle against Cynthia, Ryker had openly supported Axel and he was grateful for that.

Axel then looked at a woman with long brown silky hair. This was the second person other than K.

"I didn't know that you were also coming?", asked Axel.

"You think that you are the only talented trainer around here?", said Kate. 

The woman was Kate Zard, the crush of Axel.

"No, I didn't mean it in that way. I am just surprised. That is all.", said Axel and shook his hand.

Meanwhile, Lance was shocked to the core after seeing all the spectacle.