
Pokemon - A real story

There is a huge gap between the story of anime and the realistic story of Pokemon. This light novel closes that gap and gives the viewers a believable and exciting story with lots of adventure. Follow our protagonist Axel Blaze, a reincarnated person. With his knowledge of the previous Pokemon world, he hopes to dominate the world. But after he realizes how very wrong he was. This novel has a system, just to make things fun, the story is not focused on it though. "Success is like being pregnant, everyone says congratulations but nobody knows how many times you were fucked" So this novel tells the story of Axel blaze but all points of hidden difficulty he has to face to get it to there. -------- If you want to read advanced chapters earlier or just want to support me, you can do that at https://www.patreon.com/TheSilverPrince1 You can also visit my website and read 3 advanced chapters for free at: https://silver-prince.com/ (The story has a similar start as 'Pokemon - a mystical journey' so some people are probably confused. I wanted to say that only the beginning of the story is similar, not the later chapters and this story is not a copy.) Disclaimer: This is a fanfiction novel. So, the basics of the Pokemon world is not created by me. It belongs to "The Pokémon company".

TheSilverPrince · Anime & Comics
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796 Chs

Expedition Starts

9 a.m. and all of them were ready for the new expedition.

"Before we move out, let me introduce you to my team first. I am the vice admiral as you already know. Ron and Harry are the Field Marshall that are under me.", said Kizaru and both of them came forward.

Ron had reddish hair and a long beard while Harry had short hair and a small beard. Both of them were at least 6 feet tall and they were very muscular. Being a Field Marshal meant that they had at least 1 pseudo-champion rank Pokemon.

"Cathy and Luna are the Major Generals that are under them.", said Kizaru and pointed at the 2 girls.

"Gon, Ram, Hari, Krishna, and Parvat are the Generals under them.", said Kizaru finally pointing out all the members of his team.

"The Generals would be protecting you 3 people and Major General would be head to see if there are any dangers.

Ron and Harry would be under my order to do anything and I will be commanding all of them.

It would take us a whole day by car to reach that place. Till then there would not be any problem. Then it would take us 4 days by walking to reach the start of your land. Then the actual mission would begin.

I know that you are also plenty strong and have multiple king-rank Pokemons with you. But I suggest that you follow each and every command of mine if you want to live.", said Kizaru.

Axel didn't have any problem with it. He specially hired them for the same thing. He wanted to hire an Admiral but the price was too expensive and the admirals were not free for now. So, he had to settle with Vice-admirals.


All of them sat in the car and then it started to move. It would take a day till they had to walk and Axel had a whole day to make plans for himself and Slowemperor.

He was cut off by Jin before but now he was fully concentrating on Slowemperor.

Slowemperor was a unique Pokemon. It was the first of its kind and since it was the first of its kind, it had received some rewards from the system and from the world and Arceus. They were called blessings.

As per the system, there were 5 blessings that it had received but till now it was only able to unearth one of them, and that was its ability 'Monarch'. The system said that Axel and Slowemperor had to fulfill some conditions if they wanted to know about other blessings but what were those conditions, they didn't know.

For months, he had been trying to find any clues to fulfill those conditions but he was not having luck. But now, he felt that he might have a chance as for now, Slowemperor was very close to mastering stage I of Monarch.


Pokemon's name :- Slowemperor (Age- 50 years)

Pokemon Nickname :- Magnus

Pokemon rank: king rank

Pokemon type: Psychic/ice

Ability :- Monarch (99%)

Hidden ability :- Regenerator (100%)

Potential :- Black (Monstrous)


These were its stats. It was now at 99% and it was very close to reaching 100%. So, he was eagerly waiting for it to be completed. Axel had a strong feeling that the hint of the next blessing would come when it completed stage I of Monarch.

Axel didn't know how many stages of Monarch there really was. He knew for sure that there were 2 stages now but he hoped that there would be 3 stages.

Axel could have suggested it to focus on new moves or strategies but he felt that it would be a waste. Slowemperor had 5 blessings to unearth and the first blessing was already very powerful and it was not even complete.

As of right now, 'Monarch' was like a stronger version of 'Intimidation', and 'Intimidation' was already very powerful.

"Hey Axel, what are you thinking for so long?", asked Jin.

"Just thinking about how to power up my Pokemons. Why do you ask?", asked Axel instead.

"I just think that you are a training maniac. You always think about training and only that. Don't you think about other things?"

"Like what?"

"Like having girlfriends, parties, and making friends."

"I have plenty of friends and I do have occasional parties and finally, I also have a girlfriend. So, I don't think that I am missing out on anything."

"You have a girlfriend?"

"Of course, why are you surprised?", asked Axel.

"I just never thought that you were the type to have a girlfriend.", said Jin in a shocked voice.

Spending a whole day in a car could be very boring. Axel realized that this was much more boring and frustrating than a plane ride. He had never traveled so long in a car and now he was hating every second of it.

The journey went on and soon a day passed and they finally reached the place where the car could not go.

"This is where we drop you. We hope that you have a pleasant journey.", said the driver and went on his own way."

Axel looked around. He could only see trees and grasses. The forest was very dense and it was even difficult to move properly inside it.

"Guys, remember, we are here to explore the forest. So, set up your cameras and equipment. We move in a group. We don't separate.", said Kizaru.


"I heard that Latias only opens to the person with a compassionate spirit. Does that mean you have a compassionate spirit, Axel?", asked Jin.

"Don't ask me, I don't know why it talked to me too.", replied Axel.

"Let's just hope that we can come out of it alive and you can at least bond with that Latias. or maybe it is Latios."

"But isn't Latios a male?", asked Frank


"Then why would be appear as a female? It must be Latias."

"Do you know Latios and Latias at a personal level? I don't think that you do. So, shut up and walk.", said Jin to Frank.

They were having some small banter and Axel was not interested in it. They had still not arrived on his land. As per Kizaru, it would still take around 3-4 days to reach there and now each and every one of them was riding on their Pokemons. Axel was riding Gogoat.

They had been riding for more than 3 hours, and they had yet to see a Pokemon. This was getting more dangerous. Normally, Pokemons could be found in the forest easily. Specially Pokemons like Pidgey and Caterpie. The population of these Pokemons was very high. But there were none of them here and this could only mean 2 things.

"Either they became sacred of humans that are developing this island into a city and had run deeper inside, or they are just ready to strike us. They are preparing for us.", said Kizaru.

Kizaru had a wealth of experience in these matters, so Axel chose to trust him. After riding for 5 hours straight, the group decided to rest for a bit.

It was already going to be evening now and they decided to make camp here. The dense forest made it difficult for them to ride. They could have used flying-type Pokemons to fly high in the air but...

"Damn, this is too tiring. Why is that Kizaru telling us to ride rather than fly with our Pokemons.", complained Jin.

"Because leader Kizaru had a good head on his shoulders unlike you.", replied Parvat sharply.

"What do you mean?"

"We sent a lot of drones into the sky and all of them malfunctioned. That means there is a Pokemon out there that could have strong psychic capabilities and that could harm us. These forests are the only thing protecting us from it right now.", said Parvat.

"But if the Pokemon is so powerful, why would even the forest stop it from locating us?", asked Jin curiously rather than being angry.

"Everything has infinity energy inside of them. Even these trees have infinity energy inside of them. Since these trees are so old, they must have an unusual amount of infinity energy inside of them and these dense forests packed with infinity energy inside of them are obstructing the vision of that Pokemon.

Psychic-type Pokemons could feel us as they are very proficient in sensing these energies but since these energies are everywhere, they cannot sense us accurately.", replied Parvat.

Jin looked at him straight on Parvat's face as if he was seeing a ghost. He instantly realized that he was the Froakie that was inside the well and Parvat was the Braviary.

"Why are you staring at me like that? This is common knowledge and besides I am a psychic type specialist.", said Parvat.

Finally, Jin felt that not everything was lost. The guy was a psychic type specialist so this must be basic to him. But even Axel was surprised by the amount of knowledge that Parvat possessed. Actually, even Axel didn't know about it.

"Blue seemed to have trained his team well.", mumbled Axel to himself. Axel was comparing the expedition team to his mercenary team.

He knew that they were far stronger. Axel might not be able to defeat Ron or Harry in a Pokemon battle but in the future, he wished that his team would be far greater than this.

As they were searching for a good place to camp, they finally found one. This was filled with broken trees and grasses and 100 meters in area. This place had no big and lush trees growing. This was a perfect place to camp.

The team immediately started to make camp and they were finished in 15 minutes. Axel was surprised by their efficiency. Blue had really sent one of his best teams to him.

After the team had made camp, they started to make food for dinner. This was a normal process for the team. Axel went to the Vice Admiral and said, "Kizaru, why don't we have a spar? I want to test the capabilities of one of my Pokemons."

All the team members looked toward Kizaru and Axel when Axel initiated the conversation.

"Are you sure, Axel? My Pokemons were born to fight and kill. They are very ruthless. They would not hesitate to hurt your Pokemons."

"And I would expect nothing more from your Pokemons."

"What rank should I use then?", asked Kizaru.

"Pseudo-champion, tier 1 would suffice.", said Axel.

"Haha, You seem overconfident about your Pokemons. OK, let's see. Guys, clear around and make a battle stadium.", said Kizaru and all of them started to spread out and now only Axel and Kizaru were left standing.

Kizaru was a good leader. Before, taking this job, he made certain to know each and everything about Axel and his Pokemons and he knew for sure that Axel didn't have any pseudo-champion rank Pokemon. So, he could not understand why he asked for it. Was it to evolve or rank up one of his Pokemons? He was not sure but he would find out.

"Come out, Haxorus!!", shouted Kizarus as he threw a ball in the air.

Axel saw a bipedal Pokemon with a dark, yellow-green covering on its back and most of the front. It had black skin covering its torso, tail tip, and thighs, as well as red talons and claws. Its large tusks, which resembled axe blades, were black and edged in red, and were located on its upper jaw on the side of its mouth. Its medium-sized eyes were red with black pupils. Ridged plate-like skin travels from its back to its head region. It had solid armor and the legs and tail had a dividing line pattern. Its arms were quite small, with three digits, two elliptical triceps and biceps, and circular elbows. Its hands were small and circular with small red claws. Its legs were formidable and strong with three-toed feet with a red talon on each toe.

This was Haxorus.


This was the first time Axel had seen this dragon-type Pokemon. It might not be a pseudo-legendary Pokemon but it was a powerful one.


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