
Pokemon - A real story

There is a huge gap between the story of anime and the realistic story of Pokemon. This light novel closes that gap and gives the viewers a believable and exciting story with lots of adventure. Follow our protagonist Axel Blaze, a reincarnated person. With his knowledge of the previous Pokemon world, he hopes to dominate the world. But after he realizes how very wrong he was. This novel has a system, just to make things fun, the story is not focused on it though. "Success is like being pregnant, everyone says congratulations but nobody knows how many times you were fucked" So this novel tells the story of Axel blaze but all points of hidden difficulty he has to face to get it to there. -------- If you want to read advanced chapters earlier or just want to support me, you can do that at https://www.patreon.com/TheSilverPrince1 You can also visit my website and read 3 advanced chapters for free at: https://silver-prince.com/ (The story has a similar start as 'Pokemon - a mystical journey' so some people are probably confused. I wanted to say that only the beginning of the story is similar, not the later chapters and this story is not a copy.) Disclaimer: This is a fanfiction novel. So, the basics of the Pokemon world is not created by me. It belongs to "The Pokémon company".

TheSilverPrince · Anime & Comics
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796 Chs

Enemy Attack

The group decided to take a different and safe route from tomorrow. Axel didn't have a good sleep. He saw the same dream again where he was guided to the route with no dangers.

All of them woke up in the morning, got ready, and started to move toward a different route. Since this was the new route, they were skeptical but ready for any danger.

The group encountered some Pokemons like Crobat, Pidgeot, Linoone but they never caused any disturbance due to the presence of Beedrill and Shedinja. All of them were rare ranked and it was foolish for rare ranked Pokemon to fight out with elemental rank.

After an hour of walking, Axel started to have a severe headache.


He literally started to scream with both of his hands on his head.

"Dude, are you ok?"

"Axel, what happened?"

All of them got concerned and decided to take a break. But the headache was not stopping. Due to the severe headache, Axel closed his eyes and started to have visions of the dream route once again. Someone was literally forcing Axel and the group to take that specific route.

After 10 minutes, the headache stopped like it was never there before. Axel told the group that he was having visions now making the group concerned.

"Lance, do you think we should take the dream route again?", asked Lyra with a concerned look.

"No, we should move on this route. The dream route has been marked as danger by the explorers anyway. That means they would not come to help us if we were to be in danger on that route. At least we would get help in this route", replied Lance.

Axel was not in the position to argue as the headache has started again. The headache was mild now but it still disturbed him in this unknown land.

The group started to move again. The headache was mild now but the vision had not stopped. He would see the vision of this route being full of danger whenever he closed his eyes for more than 2 seconds. This was disturbing him to no end.

The vision showed that the route was filled with powerful grass type Pokemons. The vision then focused on Venusaur who looked like their leader. That Venusaur looked very powerful.

Axel's mind was going haywire by these visions. Lance had become the temporary leader on behalf of Axel. He instructed the team to hop on their Pokemons and reach the destination as fast as possible. Axel was held by Ryker in his Arcanine.

"STOPP!!", shouted Ryker.

Arcanine felt that something was wrong. It had a great sense of smell and something didn't fit, so it told Ryker.

Just as everyone stopped, they felt that something was different, something ominous. The whole forest was as silent as a vacuum. There was no sound. It was like darkness had taken over the place.

Then they heard a loud sound.


A group of Ludicolo and Sceptile were running towards them. There may have been 30 of these Pokemons. But Lance saw a hint of fear in their faces. They were not running to attack them but running away from them. All of them took out their Pokemons and were ready for battle.

At that time, the headache and visions of Axel had stopped and he was back to normal. Axel also readied himself and took out all the Pokemons except for Absol, Taurus, and Piloswine.

"Guys, save your Pokemon for the designated battle. We don't want them to get hurt. Get ready for battle, we will stand our ground and see what comes towards us.", shouted Axel. All of them did what Axel told them and was a little relieved that he was back to normal.


The roar was heard again and this time Axel said, "Change of Plans, let's connect ourselves with GPS and start to run in scattered directions. I have pointed out a place in the map. We will be meeting there. Remember attack and run, attack and run.", shouted Axel again.

"But why don't we just stand our ground as you said before?", questioned Lorelai.

"Lorelai, this is the time to ask questions. If you want to live then follow my COMMAND.", shouted Axel again with a death glare. No one questioned him again.

Soon, the group of Ludicolo and Sceptile passed over them and they were replaced by the group of Venusaur and Exeggutor. It looked like Venusaur and Exeggutor was chasing while Ludicolo and Sceptile were running away from them.

But it didn't make any sense. Almost all of the Pokemon in the group were rare ranked while some of them were elemental rank. So, why would one group be so afraid of another? Everyone was thinking about the same issue. But Axel knew the reason all along. That was why if changed his plan from standing ground to fleeing.

The group of Venusaur and Exeggutor changed their target from the fleeing group to Axel's group when they saw that a bunch of Pokemons were blocking their way.

"Slowbro, use 'Ice beam'"

"Gyarados, 'Hydro pump'"

"Charizard, 'Flamethrower'"

"Blastoise, 'Hydro cannon'"

All of them instructed the Pokemons to use their signature moves. But Axel didn't need to do it. All of his Pokemons were well-versed in battling themselves.


A huge explosion was created by the clash of those moves. Seeing the severity of the situation, Axel brought back Ivysaur as he knew that it would not be able to fight the battle at this stage.

Axel was surprised by 1 Pokemon in his team at that was Gogoat. Unlike before, it was actively taking part in the battle. Axel instructed it to be in the back to heal his Pokemon if needed and it complied.

The battle was going well. None of the groups' Pokemon were injured. The group was scattering as per Axel's instruction but the process was slow as they were being bombarded with moves from more than 30 Pokemons.

Suddenly, the aura of the battle place changed. Everyone could feel it but Axel knew who it truly was.