
Pokemon - A real story

There is a huge gap between the story of anime and the realistic story of Pokemon. This light novel closes that gap and gives the viewers a believable and exciting story with lots of adventure. Follow our protagonist Axel Blaze, a reincarnated person. With his knowledge of the previous Pokemon world, he hopes to dominate the world. But after he realizes how very wrong he was. This novel has a system, just to make things fun, the story is not focused on it though. "Success is like being pregnant, everyone says congratulations but nobody knows how many times you were fucked" So this novel tells the story of Axel blaze but all points of hidden difficulty he has to face to get it to there. -------- If you want to read advanced chapters earlier or just want to support me, you can do that at https://www.patreon.com/TheSilverPrince1 You can also visit my website and read 3 advanced chapters for free at: https://silver-prince.com/ (The story has a similar start as 'Pokemon - a mystical journey' so some people are probably confused. I wanted to say that only the beginning of the story is similar, not the later chapters and this story is not a copy.) Disclaimer: This is a fanfiction novel. So, the basics of the Pokemon world is not created by me. It belongs to "The Pokémon company".

TheSilverPrince · Anime & Comics
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796 Chs

Elemental rank Pokemon appeared

Ivysaur also recovered its health by using 'Synthesis'. The Gengar and Misdreavus started to use 'Hypnosis' but Marcus was too fast for that. It dodged and used its own 'Hypnosis'. It then used 'Dream eater' eating their health and used 'Shadow ball' to finish them off.

Axel's Pokemon had gotten used to killing other Pokemons in these 3 days. It was not hard for them as they were Pokemons but it was still hard for Axel.

Shedinja was attacking with its full potential. However, there were too many Pokemons to deal with. Right now, it was fighting with 40 Pokemons at once. The most annoying were Gastly and Haunter. They were just common-ranked Pokemons but they were a lot of them.

It was getting hit by them but it was being saved by Ivysaur's 'Leech vine'.

"Ivysaur and Charizard, use 'Grass pledge' and 'Fire pledge'"

Suddenly a column of grass spread out and covered all those 40 Pokemons and then a column of fire appeared too. It burned them with intensity. Shedinja had already used 'Shadow jump' to come over to Axel's side.

Axel was already numbed from hearing the cries of those Pokemons. This was one of the reasons for using Ivysaur and Charizard. If 'Grass pledge' and 'Fire pledge' were used together, their power would double. It was also an area-effect attack so it dealt a lot of damage to the enemy.

Gastly and Haunter immediately died and now there were only 5 Pokemons left with 2 Gengar, 2 Misdreavus, and 1 Sableye.

"Marcus, now try to bind that Gengar with its shadow", said Axel.

"Shed…", it said and tried to do it the shadow moved for a bit but it was unsuccessful.

This was the new move that Axel had been training to Shedinja. He wanted it to manipulate the shadow itself. Shedinja could use 'Shadow ball', teleport in other shadows, and sneak on it too. If it would be able to manipulate shadow as well, it would be a powerhouse.

Axel had been training it for the last 1 month. By now, it was able to manipulate shadow a bit. The shadow of the Gengar moved a little but it went back to the same position. Axel felt that it was missing something.

He could see other Ghost-type Pokemons coming for them. So he said, "Guys, finish them off. We don't have much time."

Shedinja used 'Shadow ball', Charizard use 'Flamethrower' and Ivysaur used 'Frenzy plant' to finish them off.

They have again met by another batch of ghost-type Pokemons.

That night, Axel alone was able to kill 500 ghost-type Pokemons which was a huge number. The morale of the troops started to rise.

At first, they thought that Axel was a sissy. He was never in the frontline and only sent his Pokemons to fight. However, now they started to respect him.

This went on for 4 more days. In 5 days, Axel had killed 3,000 ghost-type Pokemons which was a very high number. With the help of troops, there were able to kill a total of 9,000 Pokemons at night. Now only 1,000 was left and the pressure of the night fight reduced a lot. Axel thought to not interfere in the night raid from now on as his Pokemons would be with them.

There was still no sign of elemental rank Pokemons.


At night, Axel was taking his much needed rest.

BANG… The door of Axel's room slammed open and he stood up.

"What happened?"

"Sir, we have encountered our first elemental rank Pokemon."

"Who is it?"

"It is Gengar and it is powerful. It was able to kill 50 Pokemons in 30 minutes and 9 of our soldiers had already died from it."

"Ok, I am coming.", said Axel went to the battlefield.

Axel got ready for battle. Finally, an elemental-ranked Pokemon had shown itself. Gengar was considered a powerful Pokemon. He would have loved to catch it if there were no ghost Pokemon in his team but Shedinja fulfilled that role.

He took his Pokeballs and went to the battlefield. He could see Gengar in its full glory. It was killing left and right. Gengar was a ghost Pokemon in its own right. Most of the ghost Pokemons had very long life expectancy and Gengar was one of them.

"Let's do it, Marcus"

"Light, Charizard, help me finish this Gengar"

Axel had chosen 3 Pokemon to finish up Gengar. Gengar was weak to ghost, psychic and dark type. Absol was too weak to face Gengar right now and it had already been transferred to Oak's laboratory.

Axel had already told them to use status moves. Shedinja was ready with 'Harden' and 'agility', Alakazam with 'Calm mind' and Charizard with 'Dragon dance' and 'Sunny day'.

All other Pokemon gave way for Axel's Pokemons. Shedinja started with 'Hypnosis' and Charizard fired up 'Flamethrower'. Since Gengar was in the middle of the battle with other Pokemons, it didn't have time to counter those 2 moves. It was hit by those moves. 'Hypnosis' was especially effective as Shedinja was a genuine elemental-ranked Pokemon.

But a single 'Hypnosis' didn't have much effect but Gengar became drowsy.

"Charizard, 'Fire pledge'"

Axel didn't want Charizard to be near Gengar. It was an elemental-ranked Pokemon and Charizard was only uncommon ranked. The difference in power was huge. Axel selected Charizard cause he wanted it to have battle experience and Beedrill and Nidorino were very tired from today's battle.

'Fire Pledge' hit Gengar but Axel knew that it was just the start of a long battle.

"Marcus, 'Substitute' and 'Shadow ball'"

2 substitutes appeared near Shedinja and it started to use 'Shadow ball'. Since Gengar was busy with Charizard's attack, it didn't have time to dodge 'Shadow ball'.

There were 3 Shedinjas on the battlefield. 2 substitutes and 1 real. Substitute was a substandard version of shadow clone jutsu from Naruto. It took half of the energy from Shedinja. However, those 2 substitutes were pure meat shields. They didn't have the power to attack. They were only there to take hits and confuse the opponents.

Shedinja had already spammed 3 'Hypnosis' but Gengar was not stupid. It was an elemental-ranked Pokemon and it was aware that who was the real Shedinja.

"Marcus, use 'Shadow sneak' and then 'Shadow ball'", said Axel.

It was very dark and shadows were everywhere. So, Shedinja didn't need to use 'Shadow jump' and only needed to use 'Shadow sneak'.

'Shadow sneak' let it travel in the shadow while 'Shadow jump' let it teleport from one shadow to another. The 2 substitutes came near Gengar as if they were ready to attack and the real Shedinja disappeared and appeared on the back of Gengar to use 'Shadow ball'. A dark circular shape of 'Shadow ball' could already be seen.

Gengar had already realized the identity of the real Shedinja. It turned back and the meantime its right hand started to glow in dark purple light. Its right hand connected to the face of the real Shedinja.

It had used 'Shadow punch', a ghost-type move which was supper effective against Shedinja.

Finally, after so many years, a fatal, supper-effective move had hit Shedinja, aka Marus on its face.

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