
Pokemon - A real story

There is a huge gap between the story of anime and the realistic story of Pokemon. This light novel closes that gap and gives the viewers a believable and exciting story with lots of adventure. Follow our protagonist Axel Blaze, a reincarnated person. With his knowledge of the previous Pokemon world, he hopes to dominate the world. But after he realizes how very wrong he was. This novel has a system, just to make things fun, the story is not focused on it though. "Success is like being pregnant, everyone says congratulations but nobody knows how many times you were fucked" So this novel tells the story of Axel blaze but all points of hidden difficulty he has to face to get it to there. -------- If you want to read advanced chapters earlier or just want to support me, you can do that at https://www.patreon.com/TheSilverPrince1 You can also visit my website and read 3 advanced chapters for free at: https://silver-prince.com/ (The story has a similar start as 'Pokemon - a mystical journey' so some people are probably confused. I wanted to say that only the beginning of the story is similar, not the later chapters and this story is not a copy.) Disclaimer: This is a fanfiction novel. So, the basics of the Pokemon world is not created by me. It belongs to "The Pokémon company".

TheSilverPrince · Anime & Comics
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796 Chs

Battle of the caved hill 2

"Marcus, use 'Gravity' again!!", shouted Axel.

Shedinja was using the move 'Invisibility' and it was at the back of the hill. So, nobody knew where it really was. The move was not so powerful as a Pokemon could see a shade if it looked closely. However, it was already night now and all of the Shiinotics were facing the Mavericks.

Shedinja could not use the move with full power as before. It took a lot of stamina and power to do it. But the effect was still good. The mud, soil, and rocks started to fly up along with Shiinotics. 

All of them were already told to get ready with their best moves. So when these wild Pokemons started to float, all of them used their most powerful moves. 

Nidoking was ready with 'Spinning poison' this time and it threw the move toward the hill. 





Multiple explosions could be heard at that time. Nidoking didn't sit still and also used multiple 'Poison ball' towards Shiinotics. Shiinotic was 4 times weaker to poison-type moves, so Nidoking did the most damage this time. 

Others were also not sitting idle. Charizard, Absol, Tauros, Slowbro, Alakazam, Gogoat, and others were also using their most powerful moves to take down as many Shiinotics as they could. 

However, this time the Shiinotics were also prepared. Most of them started to fly but these Shiinotics used some weird move and then multiple vines came out of their ground and held the flying Shiinotics and then were put on the ground.

'Ingrain' was activated again and they were right on track. However, they lost another 20-25 Pokemons on their team. The combined powers of multiple king-rank Pokemons were not a joke. It was commendable that the Shiinotics were able to hold for such a long time.

Some of the pseudo-king-rank Shiinotics were also killed by this time but the king-rank Shiinotics were still alive and kicking. However, Axel was not finished with his attack strategy.

"Gyarados, Steelix, do it now!!! Meg follow it up too!!!", shouted Axel.

Just when the Shiinotics thought that the disaster was over, multiple pointy rocks came out from the ground where the king rank Shiinotics were standing, and those pointed rock pierced their bodies as the rocks rose high up in the air. 

Gyarados and Steelix had used 'Stone edge'.

The balance was disturbed again and for the cheery on top, Nidoking released 'Spinning poison' to those 3 king-rank Pokemons. They were very near to each other for some reason and the 'Spinning poison' was heading towards them.

All of this happened in a matter of 2 seconds. Yet, some of the pseudo-king rank Shiinotics were ready for it, and they were ready to fire up 'Solar beam' to counter the 'Spinning poison'. 

However, they immediately felt a huge wind pressure and ….


5 of them were sliced off by a high-pressure wind move.



Pidgeot had learned a new move. Name the move.


"Name it 'Wind pressure'"



The move has been named.


Pidgeot has fulfilled all the conditions for the rank-up.


Pidgeot is ranking up.


Pidgeot reached near Axel and started to glow up in blue and white color. It was ranking up in the middle of the battle.

Meanwhile, the 'Spinning poison' did hit those 3 Shiinotics and 


Nobody could say what had happened as the explosion was very huge. Nidoking had used its full power in that move. The balance was already broken, so all the Pokemons started to attack the Shiinotics.

"WAIT!!! We surrender!!!" came a loud voice from the hill. Axel could tell that it was one of the king-rank Shiinotics.

Axel would not have believed them but all the Shiinotics stopped their attack after it said it.

Seeing this, Axel also told all of them to stop.

The hill partially collapsed after bearing multiple attacks from so many Pokemons. 

Axel stopped the attack for only 2 reasons. First, he didn't want to fight with these wild Pokemons. Even if he beat them, there were other wild Pokemons to deal with and they were already tired and injured after the long fight.

Secondly, Axel realized that only 1 king rank Shiinotics had died and it was the one who used 'Ingrain mastered'. That was the most troublesome Shiinotic but there were still 2 of them left. So the battle was still not over.

The dust and debris settled and everything became quiet. The Shiinotics didn't talk as all of them were staring at Pidgeot who was ranking up. Suddenly, 3 more Pokemons started to glow together. 



Mankey has fulfilled all the conditions for evolution.


Mankey is evolving….



Totodile has fulfilled all the conditions for evolution.


Totodile is evolving….



Acron has fulfilled all the conditions for evolution.


Acron is evolving….


Bagon's attack stat has been upgraded to S rank.

Bagon's defense stat has been upgraded to S rank.

Bagon's special attack has been upgraded to S rank.


Bagon is evolving. Do you want to extend the evolution?


"Yes, do it."



Please specify the evolution condition.


"All of its stats would be S rank."

Axel didn't give any other additional condition for Bagon to evolve. It was already hard for it to evolve as its stats grew very slowly. Axel beleived that by the time it would fulfill the condition, its ability and move mastery would also be higher.

The rank-up condition of Pidgeot had already appeared before. Axel had told that it should have S rank in all of its stats and it should learn a new move.

It had finally learned a new move that it had been practicing and it was also ranking up.

Axel could not believe that 3 of his Pokemons were evolving at the same time, 1 of them was ranking up and one of them had their evolution condition.

"Was this the pressure of the battle that made them evolve? That must be the case.", thought Axel.

Meanwhile, Axel could see another glow coming from his right side. He noticed that Lance's Togepi was also evolving. This looked like the night of evolution.

"Umm, Axel why are those Shiinotics not saying anything, and what is up with this creepy silence?", asked Frank.

"These Shiinotics are paying respect to the rank up and evolution. It is a tradition among the Pokemons. As per the reason why we are not talking, I don't know but be ready for anything and start to take care of your Pokemons.

I believe that the battle is basically over.", said Axel.

Others started to use potions and antidotes to their Pokemons. They had brought a large stock of it before and it was coming in use.

Axel threw a flying-type gem toward Pidgeot while it was ranking up. The power of type items was very powerful and the Pokemons that were just evolving could not control it. So, Axel didn't use it on them.

This flying-type gem was given by the Pidgeot of the flying-type resource place. Even though Pidgeot hated Axel through every fiber of it it was a soft spot for Axel's Pidgeot. So, it gave him the flying-type gem. 

The gem was very potent in energy and it was perfect for Pidgeot while ranking up. Axel believed that Pidgeot would become very powerful after ranking up to pseudo-king rank.

First of all, he just could not believe that his Flappy was becoming a pseudo-king rank Pokemon. It could still remember when it was just a Pidgey and it would come to play with him. He still remembered its pranks and now it was as pseudo-king rank Pokemon. The child had now grown into an adult.

The 3 Pokemons had already evolved and Axel started to look at their status.


Pokemon's name: Aerodactyl (Age- 5 months)

Pokemon Nickname: NA

Pokemon Rank: Common rank

Ability: Pressure (40%)

Hidden ability: Unnerve (25%)

Potential: Black (Monstrous) 


Health: 950/950 Attack: F

Agility: F Defense: F

Sp. Atk: F Sp. Def: F


Moves: Sandstorm (C) (Lvl 29), Dragon breath (G) (Lvl 32), Assurance (C) (Lvl 24), Wide guard (C) (Lvl 28), Bite (G) (Lvl 30), Stone edge (C) (Lvl 27), Rock polish (C) (Lvl 26), Stealth rock (G) (Lvl 36), Hyper beam (G) (Lvl 31), Iron tail (C) (Lvl 25)


Aerodactyl was the one who had changed the most. It now had wings and it could fly. It still had its unusually large head and big teeth. Normally Aerodactyls are around 6 feet tall. However, his Aerodactyl was around 7 feet tall. This was not a major difference but this made Axel wonder if this was the normal height of Aerodactyl if it had not uncovered from the fossil

Axel could see that it was developed pretty well. Most of its moves have leveled up. It was not as broken Togetic but the stats were good for a common-rank Pokemon who still had to evolve again.

Axel then looked at Croconaw. Its height had increased to around 4 feet. Axel could also see its large teeth. Its bite force must have increased multiple times now. Axel looked at its stats:


Pokemon's name: Croconaw (Age- 5 months)

Pokemon Nickname: NA

Pokemon Rank: Common rank

Ability: Torrent (40%)

Hidden ability: Sheer force (23%)

Potential: Black (Monstrous) 


Health: 900/900 Attack: F

Agility: F Defense: F

Sp. Atk: F Sp. Def: F


Moves: Water gun (G) (Lvl 32), Ice punch (G) (Lvl 31), Bite (G) (Lvl 35), Aqua jet (C) (Lvl 29), Swords dance (C) (Lvl 22), Aqua Tail (G) (Lvl 34), Screech (C) (Lvl 26), Rain dance (C) (Lvl 25), Work up (C) (Lvl 29), Dig (C) (Lvl 24), Focus punch (G) (Lvl 31) 


Most of its moves have leveled up nicely and it looked way more deadly than before. Axel could not say how it would turn up in the future but Croconaw looked more powerful than its normal counterparts.

Finally, it was time to look at Primeape's stats:


Pokemon's name: Primeape (Age- 5 months)

Pokemon Nickname: Gary

Pokemon Rank: Uncommon rank

Ability: Vital spirit (60%)

Hidden ability: Defiant (25%)

Potential: Black (Monstrous) 


Health: 1100/1100 Attack: F

Agility: F Defense: F

Sp. Atk: F Sp. Def: F


Moves: Beat up (G) (Lvl 30), Counter (C) (Lvl 29), Focus energy (G) (Lvl 38), Focus punch (G) (Lvl 36), Karate chop (C) (Lvl 29), Close combat (G) (Lvl 32), Thrash (U) (Lvl 15), Low kick (U) (Lvl 14), Cross chop (U) (Lvl 16), Bulk up (U) (Lvl 12), Earthquake (U) (Lvl 15), Reversal (U) (Lvl 11), Thunder punch (U) (Lvl 14), Fire punch (U) (Lvl 16), Focus blast (U) (Lvl 11)


Primeape might be the Pokemon that had developed the fastest. Its health was also very high at 1100. Even Aerodactyl didn't have that much health. Togetic had the highest health compared to all of them but it could be understood as it got the chance to bathe in that mysterious lake.

The thing that surprised Axel was its ability to master its ability 'Vital spirit'. It was able to quickly raise it to 60%. Mastering it to 60% was not a joke as the ability and hidden ability would be harder to master as the mastery percentage increased.

It had a good set of move sets. Since it had learned most of the moves recently, their move level was not so high. Axel smiled when he noticed that Primeape was an uncommon rank Pokemon now.

If a Pokemon could not evolve with natural means and needed external help, then that Pokemon could be considered to be uncommon rank Pokemon. It was the same for Pikachu, Vulpix, Gloom, and many others. 

So, Primeape could evolve into Annihilape, but the evolution condition was not normal. That was why it was considered to be an uncommon rank Pokemon. Axel was not going to evolve Primeape instantly. 

First, he didn't know how to do it. As per the games, it was told that a Primeape would evolve to Annihilape if it used the move 'Rage fist' 20 times. However, this was very simple and Axel knew that it would not be so simple in real life. 

Axel could not believe that in this history of this world, a Primeape had not used 'Rage fist' 20 times contiguously.