
Pokemon - A real story

There is a huge gap between the story of anime and the realistic story of Pokemon. This light novel closes that gap and gives the viewers a believable and exciting story with lots of adventure. Follow our protagonist Axel Blaze, a reincarnated person. With his knowledge of the previous Pokemon world, he hopes to dominate the world. But after he realizes how very wrong he was. This novel has a system, just to make things fun, the story is not focused on it though. "Success is like being pregnant, everyone says congratulations but nobody knows how many times you were fucked" So this novel tells the story of Axel blaze but all points of hidden difficulty he has to face to get it to there. -------- If you want to read advanced chapters earlier or just want to support me, you can do that at https://www.patreon.com/TheSilverPrince1 You can also visit my website and read 3 advanced chapters for free at: https://silver-prince.com/ (The story has a similar start as 'Pokemon - a mystical journey' so some people are probably confused. I wanted to say that only the beginning of the story is similar, not the later chapters and this story is not a copy.) Disclaimer: This is a fanfiction novel. So, the basics of the Pokemon world is not created by me. It belongs to "The Pokémon company".

TheSilverPrince · Anime & Comics
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796 Chs


Out of 20 elemental-ranked Pokemons, the north zone had already defeated 17 of them. Only 3 of them were left. Those three were nowhere in sight but Axel knew that the tide was coming to an end.

Axel had noticed that the number of enemy Pokemons in the tide had lessened considerably. This was telling them that the tide was coming to an end. Only 3 elemental-rank Pokemons were left and Axel was confident on taking those 3.

In the last 10 days, the south zone and east zone had asked for reinforcement. They were severally lacking in manpower. They were not lucky as the north zone whose commander had 4 elemental rank Pokemons. Axel had helped the east zone as it was near and the west zone and central zone had helped south zone.

He was able to kill 3 elemental-ranked Pokemon in the east zone and the spoil of war belonged to him. He didn't know how much he would earn after the tide but he was hoping it to be a good amount.

Suddenly, Hector burst open his door huffing and puffing.

"Sir, those 3 Pokemons had come.", said Hector.

"Finally, now let's finish them off.", said Axel standing from his chair. He was eagerly waiting for those Pokemons.

"But sir, there is a problem"

"What problem?"

"One of them is pseudo-king ranked Pokemon.", said Hector.

"What? Are you sure?", asked Axel again.

"Yes, I am positive sir.", replied Hector.

"Which Pokemon is it?", asked Axel.

"It's Arbok. We have confirmed that it had recently ranked up and it is the main cause of this tide. The 2 elemental ranked Pokemons are Primeape and Golem."

Axel's face crumbled after hearing about it. Alakazam was very near to it rank up but the fact remained that he didn't have any Pokemon who was a pseudo-king rank.

The difference of power between ranks of Pokemon grew at higher ranks. Like, a rare rank Pokemon may beat an elemental rank Pokemon. But an elemental rank Pokemon would not be able to beat a pseudo-king rank Pokemon.

"Hector, contact the commander and ask for reinforcement. Gather all the soldiers who have an elemental rank Pokemon and let's finish this off.", said Axel.

"Yes, Sir."

Axel then looked at Alakazam's move stat


Greater Telekinesis: 93% (learned)

Only 7 % was left and he wanted to be sure that Alakazam would rank up in the fight. If it cannot fully master the move and rank up, Axel would be fighting a losing battle. Thankfully, it was Arbok as it is weak to psychic-type attacks.

"Sir, the commander has responded. The central and eastern zone is ready to dispatch a total of 6 troops who have 8 elemental ranked Pokemons.", said Hector with worry.

Even with the back up it was not sure that they would win this battle.

"Alright. Hector, you and the soldiers would focus on the 2 elemental-ranked Pokemons."

He then turned to his Pokemons who were ready for battle.

"Nidorino, Beedrill, and Piloswine would help Light in the fight against Arbok. Others would deal with elemental-ranked Pokemons.", said Axel.

He didn't want Ivysaur or Charizard to participate in this battle. Pseudo-king rank Pokemon were vastly powerful and they were not even rare rank.

He went out to fight the final battle of the tide. He immediately noticed Arbok and it was huge. It was way bigger than a normal Arbok and it looked dangerous.

Axel looked at Arbok's stat since he was able to do so as his 'Identify' was finally level 10.


Pokemon's name: Arbok

Pokemon Nickname: N/A

Ability: Shed skin (100%)

Hidden ability: Unnerve (70%)

Potential: Purple

Health: 1000/1000 Attack: D++

Agility: D Defense: D+

Sp. Atk: C Sp. Def: F+

Moves: Crunch, Dig, Iron tail, Fire Fang, Poison jab, Sludge bomb, Sludge wave, Mist, Regeneration, Poison damage transfer, Poison tail

Core: Poison


"What the hell is this?", shouted Axel openly.

Its ability 'Shed skin' had been fully mastered. Axel had never seen this. And it had a move called 'Regeneration'. What did that even mean? Could it regenerate an unlimited amount of times?

Another thing that surprised Axel was that it had 2 new moves. 'Regeneration' and 'Poison damage transfer'. That was very rare for a Pokemon, especially wild Pokemon. Not everyone was like Axel who had the power of the system. Normally, any trainer would capitalize and improve on the said move, and very rarely they create a new one.

However, this wild Arbok had 2 new moves. Where did it come from? Axel had many questions but first, he needed to concentrate on the battle.

"Guys, this would be a long fight. Try to hold off and don't use stamina-consuming moves."

Beedrill used its status move like 'Agility', 'Calm mind', and 'Swords dance'. Others too used their status moves.

Shedinja was helping others with the 2 elemental rank Pokemons. This was a pseudo-king rank Pokemon. It was immune to poison-type attacks but it may have some dark-type moves or fire-type moves.

And Axel was right. It had a fire-type move called 'Fire fang' and dark-type move called 'Crunch'.

"Beedrill, start off with 'String Armor'. Piloswine use 'Icicle spear'"

Beedrill went off with 'Furry cutter' but that Arbok was fast. None of the moves connected and Arbok's fang glowed with dark color. It was ready to use 'Crunch'. Thankfully, Beedrill dodged at a critical time. It then proceeded to use 'Iron tail' which hit Beedrill in the chest and it flew off. 'String armor' had multiple cracks and Beedrill only had minor injuries.

Arbok didn't have time to breathe as a sharp spear made of ice came hurling towards its head. It dodged 3 of them and parried 2 of them with 'Iron tail' but suddenly it felt its tail ringing. It had sensed danger.

Alakazam had used 'Teleport' and appeared just behind Arbok and then Axel said,

"Use 'Confusion'."