
Pokemon - A real story

There is a huge gap between the story of anime and the realistic story of Pokemon. This light novel closes that gap and gives the viewers a believable and exciting story with lots of adventure. Follow our protagonist Axel Blaze, a reincarnated person. With his knowledge of the previous Pokemon world, he hopes to dominate the world. But after he realizes how very wrong he was. This novel has a system, just to make things fun, the story is not focused on it though. "Success is like being pregnant, everyone says congratulations but nobody knows how many times you were fucked" So this novel tells the story of Axel blaze but all points of hidden difficulty he has to face to get it to there. -------- If you want to read advanced chapters earlier or just want to support me, you can do that at https://www.patreon.com/TheSilverPrince1 You can also visit my website and read 3 advanced chapters for free at: https://silver-prince.com/ (The story has a similar start as 'Pokemon - a mystical journey' so some people are probably confused. I wanted to say that only the beginning of the story is similar, not the later chapters and this story is not a copy.) Disclaimer: This is a fanfiction novel. So, the basics of the Pokemon world is not created by me. It belongs to "The Pokémon company".

TheSilverPrince · Anime & Comics
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796 Chs


Axel's mind was filled with defending the group and then the whole Lucario happened. So, he could not even notice such a simple thing. There were many Blissey who were taking care of them. 

"Are you feeling okay right now?", asked Blissey with concern. It was also a king-rank Pokemon.

Axel turned around and noticed that there were multiple Blissey who was king rank Pokemon and they were taking the responsibility as a doctor.

There were also multiple Chansey and Happiny who were training under them.

Axel was now in a hospital bed and Blissey was checking his health. The Pokemon didn't need any treatment but the humans did and Blissey was making sure that everything was okay.

This looked like a human settlement. The hospitals, the beds, the trainees; everything was far different from what he had imagined.

Axel was so surprised that he didn't even ask any questions to Blissey. He just replied like a robot. 

After half an hour, all of them were in their top condition. One of the Blissey came near them and said, "The leader is waiting for you. Let me escort you to his place."

Axel looked at the group and nodded. There were many questions in his head that he wanted to ask the leader. The group was also silent for a long time. They were also equally surprised.

"Ok, lead us to the leader. I also want to talk to him."

Blissey lead them to a huge building. It was not a building. It could called a castle. There was a castle on this island and a Pokemon was living there like a king. Did that make any sense?

All of them followed Blissey as they went through many turns and many floors and finally reached a big door.

"The leader is waiting inside. Please proceed.", said Blissey respectfully.

Blissey didn't go inside. The group thanked the Pokemon and opened the door. There were 2 guards that were stationed at the door and both of them were Lucario. Axel could tell that both of them were king-rank Pokemons.

How powerful was this leader and how powerful were its subordinates?

Till now Axel had seen multiple king-rank Pokemons and even pseudo-champion rank Pokemon. This was not a normal site by any means.


The door opened with a loud creak and the group could see the whole room. The room was very big. It could be said that it was a big hall. However, the hall was empty. 

There was a narrow red carpet and the carpet went straight to the end of the hall. At the end of the hall there was a sort of small stadium and on the stadium was a big chair.

The chair was very unusual. It looked like it was made of different materials and the materials looked precious cause Kate's eyes were shining after looking at it.

On that chair, Lucario was sitting. It looked happy and it invited all of them inside. There were also multiple chairs in the hall and all of them were empty. Axel and the group sat on those chairs. Lucario was the first to speak.

"All of you look very confused and I can understand it. I can tell that none of you believe me and trust me and that is understandable too. So, let me do the honors."

It raised its hand and flicked it. Suddenly, Axel felt a bit better. He felt that he was in a safe place. Somehow he felt that this was home. Then suddenly, he started to question himself. Why was he feeling that? Was this one of the magic of Lucario?

"Haha, you are very interesting. I commend you for it.", said Lucario looking at Axel.

"Let me make you feel better. As you Shedinja said, I am a god-rank Pokemon and all of you are very young. If I wanted, I could kill all of you right now. But I didn't.

I also helped you a lot. The test on those resource-type places was customized by me for you. I also told Shiinotics and Gyarados to go easy on you. I did all that cause I wanted to meet all of you.

Now, I have something to share and something to ask. That is why I wanted to meet you. So, at least for now, I don't have any negative intentions of you. You guys can relax. Especially you Axel and don't be confused as to how I know your name. I just do."

All of them visibly relaxed after listening to Lucario.

"I know that you have many questions and I can also answer them. But first, you have to ask it.", said Lucario with a slight smile.

The group looked at Axel indirectly telling him to start the conversation.

"I have many questions to ask you.", said Axel.

"Ask all of them, one by one. I am very patient as you can see."

"First of all, why did you create such an illusion if you are not hostile to us?", asked Axel.

He had many questions to ask and he didn't know where he should start. So, he asked the first thing that came to his mind.

"That is a good question. I didn't lie when I said that it was for fun. I have not met a human for millions of years, so I just wanted to see your reaction. I also wanted to know how you would react when you face such a situation and honestly, I am disappointed.", said Lucario.

"Why are you disappointed?", asked Axel immediately.

"You have a great vision and a dream, Axel, and also care about your Pokemon. But I can tell that but you don't have a deep feeling with them. You love them, that is for sure but for you, they are just a means to get stronger and nothing more than that.

When you were going to die, you didn't think what would happen to your Pokemons when you died. You only had curiosity. I don't want such a human to be the leader of this world. I don't want such a human to be the next Pokemon master.", said Lucario.

First of all, Lucario knowing that he was the successor of the Pokemon master was anybody's guess. He didn't even entertain his mind on that thought cause he had bigger fish to fry.

The thing that stung him was Lucario's response. What Lucario said was true. None of it was incorrect. He had been thinking of his dream and the system so much that he had not thought about the love that his Pokemons have for him. He had not thought that they were his family. 

Obviously, if somebody came to kill his Pokemons, he would do anything to save them but that was only it. He never thought about what his Pokemons were thinking, what his Pokemons wanted in their life. He just wanted to become the Pokemon master and he didn't like that one bit.

Shedinja wanted to protect him, Charizard wanted to boast its power, Gogoat just wanted to take care of the young Pokemon. There were many Pokemons in his team that had their own agenda. But he never gave it a deep thought. He felt that he had failed as a trainer and this was the first time he had realized it.

"You are right in everything. What do you think that I should do for it?", asked Axel. He wanted to know the solution to this issue.

"The fact that you are already thinking about the solution makes me believe that you are going in the right direction. I don't have to give you the solution cause you will find it by yourself.

I am ready for your next question.", said Lucario.

Axel directly looked into its eyes and asked, "Who are you?"

"Hahaha, of course, I am Lucario."

"You know what I mean. Who are you?"

"It is a long story.", said Lucario with a tinge of sadness on its face.

"We are not in a hurry. We have all day.", said Axel, and others also nodded their head.

"This is the story from millions of years ago. When Tapu lele created the first human, it was just an experiment. Arceus wanted to see how these new creatures who didn't resemble Pokemon and had no powers to protect themselves would survive in this world. 

However, the humans surprised even Arceus. Even though they were weak, they had higher intelligence and were very mature. They formed a community and did everything to protect themselves. They even sacrificed themselves to protect their future generation. 

This surprised and even motivated Arceus. Humans were everything that Pokemons were not. They were completely opposite and even complementary to each other.

Different humans had different goals and desires and one of them wanted to be friends with Pokemon. That boy, not only he wanted to be friends with Pokemons, but he also wanted to train with them. He wanted to grow as strong as them and then be friends with Pokemon in equal standing.

The mystical Pokemons just thought that it was a dream of a child. How could a human be as strong as a Pokemon?

However, the human proved them wrong. Arceus was also surprised. That human became as strong as uncommon rank first. Then rare rank, then elemental rank, and slowly and steadily he became as powerful as god rank.

That human also developed his own powers. He called them aura and psychic. He also gathered Pokemon. He called those Pokemon, his friends. Not only he trained himself but he also trained those Pokemon and miraculously, those Pokemons became more powerful than their normal counterparts.

Other humans were also surprised by seeing the spectacle. They also started to follow his example. They also trained and also became friends with Pokemons. They also trained their Pokemon and suddenly, humans were not as weak as before.

They had themselves and also Pokemons to protect themselves. However, none of them were as powerful, as majestic as that human.

And then, I was born."

The story was so catching that everyone was looking at Lucario with intense eyes. All of them were concentrating on the story.

"So, you are the first Lucario?", asked Axel.

"Yes, I am.", said Lucario.

"What is your name?"

"Well, I am called Anubis."

'Anubis, like the Egyptian god of the underworld? Lucario does look like that though. Is this a coincidence?', thought Axel.

"I heard that, Lucario was the first to get a Mega evolution. Is that true?", asked Lance.

By now, the concept of Mega evolution had already appeared. The current world had still not been able to create a mega evolved Pokemon. They didn't even know the knowledge of mega stones but they knew that a Pokemon from ancient times could evolve further and they were called mega evolved.

History also told that Lucario was the first to mega evolve.

"Haha, no. The information is totally wrong. The first Pokemon to mega evolve was Ryaquaza. I was the second to mega evolve but you could also say that I was the first in some way.", said Lucario as if it was no big deal.

"So,…. What is mega evolution? Can you mega evolve right now?", asked Kate with a curios gaze.

"Hahah, you have a lot of questions. Let me first complete with Axel, then I will come to you.", said Anubis and then looked at Axel for more questions.

"What is the name of that human?"

"The name of my trainer was Isaac and yes you are thinking it right. He was the first Pokemon master."

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