
Pokemon - A real story

There is a huge gap between the story of anime and the realistic story of Pokemon. This light novel closes that gap and gives the viewers a believable and exciting story with lots of adventure. Follow our protagonist Axel Blaze, a reincarnated person. With his knowledge of the previous Pokemon world, he hopes to dominate the world. But after he realizes how very wrong he was. This novel has a system, just to make things fun, the story is not focused on it though. "Success is like being pregnant, everyone says congratulations but nobody knows how many times you were fucked" So this novel tells the story of Axel blaze but all points of hidden difficulty he has to face to get it to there. -------- If you want to read advanced chapters earlier or just want to support me, you can do that at https://www.patreon.com/TheSilverPrince1 You can also visit my website and read 3 advanced chapters for free at: https://silver-prince.com/ (The story has a similar start as 'Pokemon - a mystical journey' so some people are probably confused. I wanted to say that only the beginning of the story is similar, not the later chapters and this story is not a copy.) Disclaimer: This is a fanfiction novel. So, the basics of the Pokemon world is not created by me. It belongs to "The Pokémon company".

TheSilverPrince · Anime & Comics
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Against a Master Rank

"Charicific Valley operates on heirachical system. The hierarchy is focused on the ranks of Charizard. The rank starts from rare rank, elemental rank, pseudo-king rank, King rank, pseudo-champion rank, champion rank, master rank, and finally god rank. 

For example, Your Charizard is in pseudo-king rank. It would have to fight and challenge the best of pseudo-king rank. If it won, it would be in the top position of the pseudo-king rank. It would be given a varying number of benefits for reaching that position. 

When it ranks up to king rank, it would start to battle the top 10 positions of king rank Charizard. A pseudo-king rank Charizard could also challenge king rank Charizard. If it won the battle, it would replace the king rank Charizard's position. 

However, that is very rare. It would start to get many rewards, a better environment to live in as it gets higher in these top 10 positions and so on. 

All Charizard lives in the mountain that you are seeing on my back. They could come down here to train but the mountain signifies its status. The mountain is made like a pyramid. There is infrastructure inside the mountain. The lower ranks live on the lower side and the upper ranks live on the upper side. Living on the upper side has many advantages for Charizard. 

I only train Charizard when they have a problem in their training. Most of the time they train themselves and Charizard is very proud to ask for training advice from me. 

You can leave your Charizard here and call him out anytime you want. 

However, you would have to pay a certain amount. The rent is 1 million Poke dollars every month for a pseudo-king rank Pokemon."

Elizabeth gave a long explanation of how things worked around here. Axel got the gist of it. It was a power-hungry environment and it was perfect for a Pokemon like Charizard. 

The fee of 1 million Poke dollars per month seemed a bit high for Axel. 

"Can I ask you a personal question?", asked Axel.

"Yes, please. I encourage you to ask more.", said Elizabeth. 

"Is 1 million Poke dollars every month, worth it for my Charizard. Cause if it is then I don't have any problem. However, if my Charizard could not get such benefits then I need to have a second opinion."

"I can't exactly say how well you have trained your Charizard till now and so I cannot say with confidence that your Charizard would grow more by living here. However, I could give you the data.

As of right now, we have thousands of trainers that had come here to train their Charizard. However, none of them complained saying that the return was not good. So, why don't you check out all the things around here and make your own decision? 

However, personally, I think you should go for it.", said Elizabeth.

Axel thought to give it a try. The worst thing that could happen to him was losing 1 million Poke dollars. He was ready to take the risk. Axel would amass a huge amount of money after the deal to sell the resources from the forest of Hakone city was finalized. 

"I agree to keep Charizard here for some time.", said Axel.

"That is a great decision. Before going to meet the training grounds and its partners in pseudo-king rank, its father and mother would love to see it."

"Yes, let's do that. It is also excited to meet them", lied Axel. Charizard was only thinking to power up here. It didn't have any emotional attachment with its biological father and mother.

"Great, then let's move to a training ground.", said Elizabeth and Axel started to follow her.


Axel and Elizabeth reached a training ground. There were many training grounds in the valley. This was a normal training ground with rocks and sand all over it. Axel saw that they were in training ground number 8.

The size of the training ground was similar to the battle stadium in the gym. It was a standard size. 

Elizabeth took out 2 unknown colored balls and threw it in the air. 

"Mary, Dante, come out."

2 big and hulking Pokemons came out. 



They roared from the top of their lungs. They were Hydreigon and Charizard. Hydreigon was the mother and Charizard was the father. 

When a Pokemon of different species mates, the child would either be from the mother species or the father species. There was a higher chance for the child to be from the mother species. But there were some cases where the child was from the father species. This was that case. 

"Look at our child, Dante. He has grown up a lot and become very powerful.", said Marry, the Hydreigon. 

It came near Axel's Charizard and covered it with its wings. It started to smell Charizard with its 3 noses giving multiple kisses to Charizard. 

Charizard was in an awkward situation. It considered Axel as its father and Gogoat as its mother. However, it had never been accustomed to such love and care. 

This was a mother's love and Charizard was feeling it for the first time. 

Both of them were above king rank. Marry, the Hydreigon was a champion-rank Pokemon and Dante, the Charizard was a master-rank Pokemon. So, obviously, both of them could talk.

Meanwhile, the master rank Charizard was not happy as Marry. It blew out its nose and hot smoke came out. 

"Hmff.. He is still weak, very weak. He needs proper training. I am going to show him, how powerful a Charizard could become.", said Dante, the Charizard. 

This was the famous nature of Charizard's species. It would even have an extreme rivalry with its son. It only cared about power and authority. 

"Don't be too hard on our son. No serious injuries.", said Marry as if accepting the incoming fight.

Axel's Charizard also knew what was going to happen. It had to fight its father to show who was the boss. It was an intelligent Pokemon and knew that it had no chance to win against a master-rank Pokemon but was Charizard going to step down?

Of course not.

Axel, Marry, and Elizabeth moved a bit far to see the upcoming battle.


"Charizard, we are not going to win this battle. But we are not going to back down. Give it your all and let's show your father what we are made of.", encouraged Axel.


It responded with an electric roar. Flames were coming out of its mouth as if telling all of them that it would not back down.

"I will be the referee of the battle. Charizard, no serious injuries. Just teach your son, the sky above the sky. Just make him realize to surpass his limit." Said Elizabeth. 

It was now confirmed that Elizabeth was not going to interfere in the battle and that was good news but does a master-rank Pokemon needs its trainer's assistance? Axel didn't know the answer to that question but if he were to guess it, the answer would be NO.

Dante didn't have any dragon scales over him like Oak's Charizard signaling that it was far weaker. However, that didn't mean that it was weaker than a pseudo-king rank Pokemon.

Both of them got ready for their position. Dante was very relaxed acting as if it had come here to watch a movie with popcorn. Axel's Charizard was tense.

"Are you both ready?", asked Elizabeth.



"Let the battle begin!!!!"

"Charizard, first use 'Dragon dance'", shouted Axel.

Charizard started to dance in a weird way. 

"Give it your best shot boy. I am waiting.", said Dante. 

It seemed like Dante was not going to interfere in Charizard's power-up. 

'Typical Charizard nature', Axel thought.

"Charizard, use 2 more 'Dragon dance', 'Belly drum', and 'Sunny day'", shouted Axel.

These were all the status moves that it had. 

'Dragon dance' would increase the attack and speed of the user and as of right now it could only use 3 'Dragon dance'. 

'Belly drum' would decrease its Hp by 50% but would rise its attack to the maximum. 

Charizard started beating its chest with its hand and claws. Multiple wounds and scratches appeared but it didn't care. It just wanted to prove itself. 

Its attack power had increased to all time high and now it was ready to attack. 

"Charizard, use 'Flame armor' and now combine 'Wing attack' and 'Flame wings'. Use your full power."


The increase in Charizard's power from all the preparation could be felt from its roar. It roared from the top of its lungs. Its wings started to first shine in white light. The glow covering its wings looked like a blade. Then the color of the glow changed to orange and then red. There was a mixture of whiteness inside the glow. 

Axel, Elizabeth, and Hydreigon could feel the power of the attack. 

It flew high in the sky and dived down to strike Dante. Its right wing which was glowing in red and white color was now ready to strike Dante.


The sound of the impact was very huge. Axel could feel the vibration from the ground by that attack. It wind pressure from the attack had pushed him back even though he was trying to use 'Aura coat'.

Axel tried to use the use 'Aura coat' as much as he could and …



Host has successfully learned 'Aura coat'.


He never thought that he would learn this move in such a way. He was happy with it. 

The dust, sand, and rocks were flying around the impact. These rocks and sand were flying here and there without any purpose. Axel came up with a new thought in that movement. He thought to think about it after the battle. 

The dust was slowly starting to settle and it was slowly starting to get visible when a massive gust of wind came and cleared all the dust and debris. 

This was done by Dante. Axel had to use the full power of 'Aura coat' and 'Aura resistance' to block that simple swing of its wings.

All of them could see that Dante was not even hurt a bit. There were some scratches where the impact had landed but those were it. 

'How ridiculously defensive is that Pokemon?', thought Axel.

He could get the difference between the ranks and it was huge but to not even get a simple wound from such an attack. Master-rank Pokemon was something else.

Axel could also see that Charizard was in disbelief. That was its full-power attack with all the status moves combined. How could it have no effect?

"Charizard, don't be discouraged. Get ready for a second attack. Use 'Flamethrower'.", said Axel.

Charizard came to its senses and fired up a powerful 'Flamethrower' right onto Dante's face.

No reaction. No injury.

Charizard then started to use multiple attacks but there was nothing that it could do. 

Its health had already decreased by 'Belly drum' and Axel had also told it to use 'Solar power'. But there was nothing. 

"Charizard, stop the 'Solar power'. It is now time.

Use 'BLAZE'!!!!"


Fire came out from its surroundings and now it was covered by fire. The temperature of the training ground had risen up to an exponential degree. If Axel had not learned 'Aura coat', his skin would have started to burn even though he was very far now.



Aura coat has leveled up to 2…


Aura coat has leveled up to 3..





Aura coat has leveled up to 5


Aura pressure has leveled up to 12



Multiple notifications were disturbing Axel's view but Axel didn't care about that. His focus was only on the battle. 

The half of the training ground around Charizard had started to burn and Axel saw that the sands had also started to evaporate. 

This was the power of 'Blaze'. 

Charizard had used 'Blaze (mastered)' for the second time and this time Axel was able to finally see all of it in glory.

Blaze powered up fire-type attacks and most of its attacks were of fire type.

"Charizard, now use 'Air slash'"

Charizard started to flap its wings and multiple slashes of air came out of its wings and they were now coming for Dante. The slashes looked like a solid version of sword slashes. 

Since the temperature of the training ground was so high now and everything was on fire, the color of the slashes started to change to orange color and…



Charizard's Air slash has leveled up to 40. It now contains fire-type energy.


The power of the attack has been massively boosted. Due to the effect of 'Sunny day', and 'Blaze', the power of the attack was very huge. 






Multiple explosions came into existence. Nobody knew what had happened to Dante but Axel knew that it was fine. 

And Axel was right. 

The number of scratches had increased but that was it. 

The scratches looked like something that one would see if they ran a pointy nail on hard steel. It did destroy the smooth surface but that was it. 

"Charizard, let's go all out!!!

First use 'Sunny day', then 'Wing attack', 'Flame wings' and finish all of it with 'Flame charge'.", said Axel.

The effect was 'Sunny day' was almost over, so he told it to use it again. Normally, Charizard would combine 'Wing attack' and 'Flame wings' and slam its opponents.

Combining 2 moves was not an easy task. Charizard had been doing it for such a long time that it was comfortable with it. But it had never combined 3 moves at once. 

Moves were like water and the body was like a vessel. One could increase the water by adding more but if the vessel could not take it then it was of no use. The water would just be wasted.

The rush of power from combining 3 moves with 'Dragon dance', 'Belly drum' and 'Blaze' would be so high that Charizard may not be able to take all of it. 

However, Axel knew that Charizard had a strong foundation and it would not suffer any serious injuries. This was why a good foundation was essential for any Pokemon. 

Charizard followed all of these things, one by one. First was 'Sunny day', then 'Wing attack' and 'Flame wings'. It charged up towards Dante with 'Flame charge' and 


The impact and effect of this attack was very high compared to before. This might be the strongest attack of Charizard till now. If there was a normal pseudo-king rank Pokemon, it would have been decimated. 

Axel didn't know the result of this impact. Charizard was already in low health due to 'Belly drum' and constant physical attack like this was also draining its health bit by bit. 

He didn't know if Charizard was okay or not but he wanted to know the extent of damage of this attack.

Axel patiently waited for the dust and debris to settle. 

And he was surprised.


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