
Pokemon - A real story

There is a huge gap between the story of anime and the realistic story of Pokemon. This light novel closes that gap and gives the viewers a believable and exciting story with lots of adventure. Follow our protagonist Axel Blaze, a reincarnated person. With his knowledge of the previous Pokemon world, he hopes to dominate the world. But after he realizes how very wrong he was. This novel has a system, just to make things fun, the story is not focused on it though. "Success is like being pregnant, everyone says congratulations but nobody knows how many times you were fucked" So this novel tells the story of Axel blaze but all points of hidden difficulty he has to face to get it to there. -------- If you want to read advanced chapters earlier or just want to support me, you can do that at https://www.patreon.com/TheSilverPrince1 You can also visit my website and read 3 advanced chapters for free at: https://silver-prince.com/ (The story has a similar start as 'Pokemon - a mystical journey' so some people are probably confused. I wanted to say that only the beginning of the story is similar, not the later chapters and this story is not a copy.) Disclaimer: This is a fanfiction novel. So, the basics of the Pokemon world is not created by me. It belongs to "The Pokémon company".

TheSilverPrince · Anime & Comics
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711 Chs

Aerial Battle

Axel was confident that it would be able to rank up till the tide is over. Fighting during the tide was very stressful for Axel's Pokemon as they had to be aware of their surrounding. It was very risky but it was also rewarding. Axel could see that his Pokemons had improved a lot from the tide.

So, he felt that it would be able to master its ability and hidden ability to 70% till the tide is over. With Piloswine, he would have 5 elemental-rank Pokemon for his aid. That was a terrifying number for a man who had just started his journey a year ago.

Axel was progressing rapidly and he was happy about it.

The concept of Ice domain was simple. Piloswine would use 'Hail', 'Rain dance' and 'Icicle spear' to create a domain. It would be an enclosed domain where Piloswine could use 'Icicle spear' to attack its opponent while they were being pressured by 'Hail' and 'Rain dance'.

Its ability 'Snow cloak' would be able to increase its evasiveness during 'Hail' which was a hidden bonus. Its hidden ability 'Thick Fat' would help it to take less damage from fire and ice types. So, if a Pokemon could use ice-type attacks during 'Hail', it would have a good defense. This was one of the reasons why Axel wanted it to master its ability and hidden ability to 70%.


It had been 7 days since Axel fought Gengar. The night raid was going extremely well. They had purged 100% wild Pokemons fighting at night. Now, there were only 2000 troops at night acting like guards. A total of 5000 soldiers had died till now. Out of 44,000 troops in the north zone, 11% had died in 15 days.

"Sir, your strategy has worked well. Only 5000 had died and we believe it could go as high up to 50% till the tide ends."

"That is still 22,000 troops of our camp.", replied Axel.

"The normal survival rate in these tides is only 30%. So, 70% would die in the tide. So, it is a good result, sir. You don't need to shoulder all the responsibility. As per our estimation, the big fight would commence soon. We expect the tide to be complete in another 2 weeks.", said Hector.

Hector had repeatedly told him to be cool about all the deaths but Axel was not. This was the first time he had seen a dead body and he was responsible for it. He knew that he could not save all of them but something had changed inside of him. Axel had a cold air around him. He didn't talk much like before and he looked to have aged more. He was not holding up well. What would one expect from a 14 yr old kid?

Suddenly the door of Axel burst open and Sam came running.

"Sir, we have sited elemental ranked Pokemons."

"Pokemons? Plural?", asked Axel surprised.

"Yes sir. There are 3 of them. Pidgeot, Fearow, and Beedrill."

"So, all of them could fly huh."

"Yes sir, the aerial battle would begin now."

"Alright. Hector, I would need your Aerodactyl."

"Certainly sir."

"Sam, contact the troops who specialize in aerial battle. An elemental-ranked Pokemon with flying ability would be helpful."

"Copy that sir."

"Ok. Let's go to the field now."


Axel had chosen Beedrill, Shedinja, Charizard, and Alakazam for the fight. They were perfect for aerial battles. Beedrill, Shedinja, and Alakazam would focus on Pidgeot, Fearow, and Beedrill. Aerodactyl of Hector and a Pidgeot of another captain would also be helping them. Charizard and other flying Pokemons would focus on other Pokemons besides elemental ranked ones.

They were not the only wild Pokemons in the tide who had the ability to fly. There were lot of wild Pokemons and Pidgeot, Fearow and Beedrill were just the leaders of the group.

Beedrill, Shedinja and Alakazam started to attack those 3 Pokemons. Axel had instructed them to prolong the battle. He didn't want them to use their stamina-consuming moves. It was a war, not a battle. Meanwhile, Axel started to look around. The flow of Pokemons tide had increased drastically.

Bzzz… Beedrill buzzed and an armor made out of string started to envelop it. It looked very cool and hard. Beedrill had finally mastered 'String armor' 15 days before and had been trying to improve on it. It had also learned 2 new moves: 'Lunge' and 'Furry cutter'.


Pokemon's name :- Beedrill (Age- 1 year)

Pokemon Nickname :- None

Ability :- Swarm (55%)

Hidden ability :- Sniper (52%)

Potential :- Purple

Health :- 1700/1700

Attack :- C+ Agility :- C

Defense :- D++ Sp. Atk :-E

Sp. Def :- E

Moves: Active: Poison Sting (C) (Lvl 21), String Shot (G) (Lvl 30), Bug Bite (G) (Lvl 31), Electroweb (U) (Lvl 14), Harden (U) (Lvl 10 max), Poison jab (C) (Lvl 27), Fell Stinger (C) (Lvl 29), Roost (U) (Lvl 19), Drill Run (C) (Lvl 20), Agility (G) (Lvl 31), Minimize (G) (Lvl 30), Calm mind (G) (Lvl 32), Swords dance (C) (Lvl 21), X-Scissor (C) (Lvl 23), Fury Cutter (U) (Lvl 18), Lunge (U) (Lvl 14), String Armor (U) (Lvl 15)

Passive: Resolve (Stage II)

Core: Bug

Hidden Power: Physic (9%)


These were its current stats. 'Furry cutter' would slash the opponents with its drill. Its power increases with every successive hits. 'Lunge' as its name suggests would lunge towards the target attacking with full force. It was a powerful move. Both were bug-type moves as Axel needed it to fill the gap of bug type attack moves.

Axel had learned a lot from Giovanni. Now, he wanted Beedrill to focus on bug-type attacks. Its 'String armor' had helped it a lot. This boosted its defense and it was capable to tank a lot of hits. Shedinja was at the back spewing 'Hypnosis' and 'Shadow ball'.

Since flying type attacks were supper effective against it, Axel didn't want it to fight on the front lines. On the other hand, Alakazam was mainly focusing on the enemy Beedrill. It was weak to psychic-type moves and Alakazam was the perfect encounter.


Beedrill was hit with 2 air slashes from Pidgeot and Fearow. The move was deadly for Beedrill but with its high defense, high health and 'String armor' it was able to tank it perfectly.



Beedrill's String armor has leveled up to 16.


Beedrill's String armor has leveled up to 17.


Beedrill's String armor has leveled up to 18.


Beedrill's String armor has leveled up to…...


Notifications were ringing in Axel's mind every few minutes. Axel chose to stop the notification sound as the new level of 'Identify' was able to do so.


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