
Pokemon - A real story

There is a huge gap between the story of anime and the realistic story of Pokemon. This light novel closes that gap and gives the viewers a believable and exciting story with lots of adventure. Follow our protagonist Axel Blaze, a reincarnated person. With his knowledge of the previous Pokemon world, he hopes to dominate the world. But after he realizes how very wrong he was. This novel has a system, just to make things fun, the story is not focused on it though. "Success is like being pregnant, everyone says congratulations but nobody knows how many times you were fucked" So this novel tells the story of Axel blaze but all points of hidden difficulty he has to face to get it to there. -------- If you want to read advanced chapters earlier or just want to support me, you can do that at https://www.patreon.com/TheSilverPrince1 You can also visit my website and read 3 advanced chapters for free at: https://silver-prince.com/ (The story has a similar start as 'Pokemon - a mystical journey' so some people are probably confused. I wanted to say that only the beginning of the story is similar, not the later chapters and this story is not a copy.) Disclaimer: This is a fanfiction novel. So, the basics of the Pokemon world is not created by me. It belongs to "The Pokémon company".

TheSilverPrince · Anime & Comics
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796 Chs

A Failure

Gordon's pupils started to dilate, not because of arousal but because of sheer surprise. He stood up but his hands and legs were shaking, and a little bit of sweat started to come from his forehead. His body started to shiver from inside, not from fever but from excitement and surprise. In a matter of a couple of seconds, he had thought of all the best starting lines to make a good impression but alas, none of them were perfect for his opinion.

It was only for a few seconds but after raking his brain for the longest time, he came up with, "Hello."

Red, being an experienced person knew that he was meeting one of his greatest fans. So, he gave a sweet smile, came near Gordon, and shook his hand saying, "Hi"

"Hello, My name is Gordon. I am a huge fan of yours.", said Gordon with all the gratitude.

"Thanks. It is always nice to meet a fan. As you already know, I am Red." 

After that, Red took a seat and they started to talk. Finally, Gordon calmed down and started to speak normally.

Red might have given up his dream of becoming the next Pokemon master and he had received a lot of hate from the public. But not everyone hated him. People like Gordon still respected him like a god.


It was because Red was the closest one to reach the title of Pokemon Master. The public didn't know the hidden requirements of becoming the Pokemon master but even a child could tell that it was an almost impossible thing to accomplish.

"So, I hear that you are very good at planning the interiors of a restaurant.", said Red.

"Yes, but I am just starting my business."

"Don't sell yourself short. Have a bit of confidence in yourself. Now, I heard about you and Axel and even though you may feel that Axel is asking for a lot of money and share from you, Axel is a good guy.

He would never cheat on you and he would only make such a deal if he considers it to be fair.", said Red.

"Thanks for the input."

When Red vouched for Axel, the process went on smoothly. Gordon already had ideas for the interiors of Axel's restaurant. They talked and planned for a whole day. Axel also made some of his own dishes that he was bragging about and for Gordon, it was not bragging anymore.

These dishes were so entirely different, filled with spices and flavor. There were some of the ingredients that he had not even seen or heard before. He was really impressed with Axel's cooking.

Unfortunately, Gordon could not stay for long and had to go back the same day. He had already booked his return flight at 7 p.m. If he knew that Red was staying here, he would have thought to live in Axel's home for a couple more days.

While returning, there was a time when only Gordon and Red were present at Axel's home gate. Axel was getting ready and was taking some time.

Gordon looked at Red and asked, "Red, if you don't mind, can I ask you a personal question?"

"Yes, of course. I am an open book. You can ask me anything unless I don't want to answer.", said Red with a smile.

"Why did you quit the journey of becoming the Pokemon master? You were already very close. You were the champion of 6 major regions and only had 2 to go.", asked Gordon.

This was the question that the entire world wanted answers to. There was a press conference where Oak said that Red would not continue his journey due to some reasons. Red was not even present there and nobody knew the reason.

The decision came out of nowhere.

Red didn't look at Gordon but at the sky. He looked very emotional for some reason. Clearly, the reason was very deep inside his heart. He then spoke,

"When you see the world as I have seen, you will come to know how evil the world really is. You will not only see the greatness, hospitality, and gratitude of the world but also evil, treachery, and corruption. But I didn't quit for those reasons as I was already prepared for it.

The reason I quit my journey was cause one of my Pokemons, one of my best friends, that trusted me with its life died right before my eyes and I just could not do anything."

By this time Red had tears in his eyes. His voice was not scattered from the tears or all the built-up emotions. He must have been very good to hold himself and become as neutral as possible but his eyes betrayed him.

Gordon knew that this was very personal and didn't want to ask another question.

"I am sorry. I should not have asked.", said Gordon.

Red didn't say anything and rubbed his face to clear the tears but the sticky feeling of tears was still prominent on his face.


"It looks like I will have to prepare Axel for this too.", mumbled Red to himself.

Red had not said anything about Axel regarding the death of his Pokemon and the reason for quitting his journey. Of course, this was not only the reason for quitting but this was the driving factor that led him to make that decision.

That was why Red was so much more focused on training Axel's Pokemon and Axel. He didn't want Axel to make the same mistake that he had made.

After dropping off Gordon, both of them came home while walking. Yes, walking. The airport was fairly far from his home and by walking it would take a couple of hours.

"Red, why do you want to walk? We would be wasting a lot of time.", complained Axel.

"Axel, I just want to talk today. Can't you have some patience?"

Looking Red so serious, Axel agreed. Axel knew that there were some hidden meanings to this walk. So, he just kept quiet and started to walk with Red.

"Axel, why do you work so hard to become powerful? Why are you training in those aura techniques?"

"Well, I just want to be ready to protect myself and my Pokemons and also my family and friends."

"But you already have loyal Pokemons by your side to protect your loved ones and your Pokemons are far more powerful than you to need any protection.

Don't tell me that you want to achieve grand energy as the first Pokemon master. I can tell that you don't want it."

Axel just didn't have the answer. He just trained hard cause that was what he had been doing all his life. It was not that he wanted to show off. People in this world show off with their Pokemons, not themselves.

"I have told you the reason for quitting the journey to become the Pokemon master. I had many reasons to leave but I have still not told you the real and the main reason for doing it."

Red then took a deep breath to continue.

"I left the journey cause my Blastoise died right in front of me and I just could not do anything."

This was like a bombshell for Axel. He had never expected this to be the main reason. He just never imagined that his Pokemon might die someday.

"It died and I could not do anything because I was too weak. I neglected to train myself thinking that I could do it later or that I have Pokemons to protect me. It never occurred to my mind that just like I needed their protection, they too needed mine.

Blastoise wanted a nickname and I always postponed it. It died without not getting a nickname and I deeply regret it now. If I had just trained myself a bit harder or if I had Kripton with me at that time or if I had not gone there or just reached there after a day, then it would not have happened."

Axel didn't speak to console Red. It was just too awkward to say anything.

"Remember Axel, just like you need them, they need you too. So, train harder, get that grand energy and even evolve it if you have to. Just like you cannot clap with one hand, love is also two-sided and caring is also two-sided."

"I promise Red that I will do anything to protect my Pokemons.", said Axel with determination.

"I like your eyes. I believe..., no, I know that you can do it. The training for the 3rd requirement is going to be very hard. It would be nothing you have ever experienced before. So, be ready.", said Red.

By this time, they were already home and Axel went to sleep.


Next day,

"Axel, are you ready?", asked Axel as Xatu was near Red. Both of them were ready.

"Yes, I am ready."

"Ok, first of all, we will just start with simple cuts of hand and feet. Remember, the mission is to be able to hold the pain not heal it.", said Red.

"Yes Red, I am aware.", said Axel.

"OK then. Xatu, start with the illusion."

Xatu's eyes gleamed in purple light and Axel expected something drastic to happen. He expected the scenery to change but nothing happened.

It just looked like its eyes gleamed in purple light and it could not create an illusion. Suddenly its eyes gleamed again in purple light and Axel felt a cut on its right hand.

"Ahh...", Axel gave a soft scream.

It was sitting in a meditative position and he was regulating his aura to not feel the pain or restrict the pain.

First, it was just a simple cut. Then the number of cuts started to increase in his hands and legs. The pain started to increase. He was doing everything to hold the pain and had even closed his eyes to concentrate, but he was not able to do anything.

Moreover, the illusion had not started and in his mind, this was all real. So, he started to panic. He could see Red who was giving an evil smile.

"Red, why am I not in illusion?", asked Axel but Red didn't reply and started to give that creepy vibe.

After who knows how long, Axel suddenly felt that something had changed. He then looked at his body and there were no cuts and no wounds. The blades of grass were not soaked in his red-colored blood and it looked as green as ever. Axel immediately understood what had happened.

"So, I was already inside the illusion.", sighed Axel.

"Yes, you already were. Xatu is very good at doing this and I want you to realize that even if you are under the illusion, think that it is real. Because the injuries you would suffer in the future would not be illusions but real injury.", said Red with a smile.

"Ok, let's do it again.", said Axel.

"No, first feel and remember those pain and try to think how you would manipulate aura so that you can resist that pain to a minimum level. The training would only be harder in the future."

"Ok, I will do it."

Meanwhile, today was a holiday for his Pokemons. Axel had denoted one day in a week as a holiday where the Pokemons could do anything that they wished. This was done for them to have a good mental state. Having a sound and rational mental state was also very necessary.

Some of them were sleeping, some of them were playing and some of them had decided to explore the forest. But there was one Pokemons that meditated with all of its concentration. This was Vigoroth.



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