
Pokemon - A real story

There is a huge gap between the story of anime and the realistic story of Pokemon. This light novel closes that gap and gives the viewers a believable and exciting story with lots of adventure. Follow our protagonist Axel Blaze, a reincarnated person. With his knowledge of the previous Pokemon world, he hopes to dominate the world. But after he realizes how very wrong he was. This novel has a system, just to make things fun, the story is not focused on it though. "Success is like being pregnant, everyone says congratulations but nobody knows how many times you were fucked" So this novel tells the story of Axel blaze but all points of hidden difficulty he has to face to get it to there. -------- If you want to read advanced chapters earlier or just want to support me, you can do that at https://www.patreon.com/TheSilverPrince1 You can also visit my website and read 3 advanced chapters for free at: https://silver-prince.com/ (The story has a similar start as 'Pokemon - a mystical journey' so some people are probably confused. I wanted to say that only the beginning of the story is similar, not the later chapters and this story is not a copy.) Disclaimer: This is a fanfiction novel. So, the basics of the Pokemon world is not created by me. It belongs to "The Pokémon company".

TheSilverPrince · Anime & Comics
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796 Chs

7 ways of Aura

Pidgeot was already a rare rank Pokemon now. He wanted to teach it a new move but first, he decided that it should level up 'Roost' and 'Brave bird' to level 40. 

Axel already knew the concept of leveling up 'Roost' from Charizard and 'Brave bird' was an advanced version of 'Aerial ace'. 


Venusaur was able to level up 'Sunny day' to level 55. It directly leveled it up by 10. Now, 'Sunny day' was more powerful, and instead of 1 ball of fire that became the sun in 'Sunny day', there were 2 suns now. This was a massive upgrade on the move.

This led it to level up 'Solar beam'. Now, the power of 'Solar beam' didn't increase. But it became faster and now instead of 1 'Solar beam', there were 2 when using 2 'Sunny day'.

It also learned a new move called 'Wood thorns'. This would help it create spiky thorns of wood on the ground that would impale the target. As of right now, it could only create 5 thorns around 2 meters away from it 

Venusaur now had a lot of healing moves. 'Leech vine', 'Leech seed', 'Sunny day' and 'Synthesis', and 'Restore'. Axel now felt that these were enough for Venusaur in the healing department. 

It would now just have to level up these moves in the future and it would be okay. However, now he needed to concentrate on attacking and poison-type or sleeping-type moves.

Axel knew that the root of Venusaur's power would be 'Field control'. 'Field control' was created with the help of 'Frenzy plant' and 'Grass pledge'. Axel also knew that if Venusaur wanted to level up 'Field control' to the extreme stage, it must also concentrate on understanding the basics like 'Frenzy plant' and 'Grass pledge'. 


Gogoat's 'Horn leech' had finally leveled up to 40. Previously, 'Horn Leech' was a physical type attack where the user would recover 25% of the health drained. Now, the user would recover 50%  of the health drained. That was a massive increase and the power of the attack had also become more devastating. So, Gogoat would recover more health. 

Axel also told it to focus on 'Grassy glide'. 'Grassy Glide' would increase the speed of Gogoat during 'Grassy terrain' and hit the opponent. Axel figured that if he could help Gogoat level it up to 40 and focus on the speed side, it would be powerful during 'Grassy terrain' and 'Grass domain'. 

It also leveled up to 'Sunny day' to level 45 and 'Solar beam' to level 40.

'Sunny day' had an increase in power and it was faster than before.

'Solar beam' was also faster than before.

'Growth' was not able to level up. Status moves were hard to level up. Axel realized this cause it would directly affect the user or the opponent. 

'May be it would also take time for Pidgeot to level up 'Roost.', he thought. However, he didn't tell this to Pidgeot. He wanted it to give a try.

Gogoat had also trained a lot in its new move 'Grass domain' and it had been leveled up to 23. Pre-domain moves were also difficult to level up. 

However, there was a problem with Gogoat. Before Axel knew about the desires and instincts of a Pokemon, he had trained Gogoat as a special attacker. 

However, now he realized that Gogoat should be more suited for physical attack than special attack. Gogoat was a mountain Pokemon that was mainly used to carry heavy goods on the top of the mountain. 

It should have good physical stature which his Gogoat lacked. 

Axel asked Gogoat about this issue and it was okay to go either way. It didn't have any problem as it completely trusted Axel. That was a big problem for Axel. Since it completely trusted Axel, Axel felt more responsible towards it and he didn't want to mess up its future. 

However, Gogoat had gone too far for Axel to make any changes. It now mainly focused on 'Seed bomb', 'Bullet seed', 'Solar beam', and 'Field Control'. All of them were special-type moves. It also focused on 'Horn Leech' but that was the only physical move that it was proficient in. 

So, what should he do?

It was not impossible to change the way and also be at the top but it would be extremely difficult. 

The DNA passed down by Ancient Pokemon and their way to rise in power had been handed down to every current Pokemon and it was difficult to change.

Only strict discipline could change the DNA. 

Axel had another talk with Gogoat and asked about how it felt being weaker than others on the team in the future. He also asked what Gogoat thought about the competitive battling scenario. 

As per Gogoat, it was not very competitive. It just wanted to be a part of the team and be with Axel. It didn't care about fighting in league battles. It only cared about the safety of its team and the one close to it. 

Gogoat was never a type of Pokemon that loved to be the top dog. It only trained hard last time cause it wanted revenge on Hypno. It loved chilling and sleeping on grass and spent its day peacefully. 

It did say that it would support Axel if it was needed. But that was it. 

Axel made a bold decision on Gogoat. Since Gogoat was too far from changing its battle style completely, how about just adding some of it?

Gogoat would still be focusing on special type moves but Axel would add a charging type attack on it. He wanted to capitalize on its horn and charging attack. Cause Gogoat was famous for it. 

Axel then told it to also focus on 'Wild charge' and he would also create a new move for 'Gogoat' relating to its horns. 


After looking at the progress of all of his Pokemons, he made some further changes to their training plans and got ready to train again with Red. 

"Axel, the training grounds would take some time to be complete. However, basic stats training grounds are ready to go. So, I think, we should start training your Pokemon on it. 

Training ground for bug type, grass type, ground type, normal type, and flying type had also been completed. 

However, first, I think it is needed for your Pokemons to train their basic stats. Basic stats are difficult to raise when a Pokemon reaches pseudo-king rank and it is the most difficult requirement for any Pokemon to reach King rank.", said Red.

Axel already knew about this. If stats were so easily achieved, then Shedinja, Alakazam, and Mamoswine would already have reached king-rank status.

"Yes, you are right. We should start it from tomorrow.", said Axel.

He had 11 Pokemons with him. Everyone was going to train in this training ground, so he started to specify the routine to do for each of them.

"Now that you have completed the basic training of the sword and also improved your body stats, we should now focus on the aura.

I already told you that aura would be easier to master if you have a teacher to train you.

As of right now, you know 4 aura techniques:

1. Aura sense

2. Aura resistance

3. Aura coat

4. Aura pressure


Before we start aura training, let me give you 101 of Aura first. Aura can be used in numerous ways. There are still new ways and techniques of Aura being developed right now.

Just like how a Pokemon could do anything with perfect manipulation of infinity energy, a human could do it with aura. Aura is also a type of infinity energy. 

During ancient times, when humans didn't have such good control of Pokemon, they had to fight with their bare hands. So, they did a lot of research  on the aura and psychic techniques and now we, their dependents learn from them."

"How much powerful could a human become after perfectly mastering aura and psychic powers?", asked Axel.

"You would be surprised, Axel. You must have heard that Arceus is the god of Pokemons and the Pokemon master is the god of humans and they are equal. But have you ever thought, why?

I mean Pokemons are way more powerful than us humans. So, why are they equal? Do you really think that Arceus is stupid and would consider a weaker entity to be its equal?

You are wrong. 

A human could become as powerful as the god of Pokemon."

"That is just ridiculous. Is Oak as powerful as Arceus?"

"Of course not. But it was said that the first Pokemon master was as powerful as Arceus. That is why the word Pokemon master has such importance. 

It was also said that the first Pokemon master lived for thousands of years. We still don't know how s/he was able to do it though. 

What is more interesting is that humans were created by a Pokemon called Tapu Lele. It is a legendary Pokemon. However, this information is still not confirmed."

"Ok, so one could become as powerful as Arceus by training.", said Axel. 

This was a surprising fact. These facts were not public and this was the first time he had heard about such a thing. 

Before, Axel always thought that a Pokemon was more powerful than a human but now his view has completely changed. If the powers of Pokemon and humans could be the same in later stages, then he felt that he was very behind his Pokemons. He needed to seriously consider training himself even more. 

Red didn't speak for quite some time cause this was very big news and Axel needed to think about it. 

Red having more health points than his own Charizard made sense now. If a human and Pokemon could be at the same power level, it was no wonder that Red was more powerful than Charizard. 

"Red, how much time did it take for you to reach such a stage?", asked Axel.

"Axel, I have been training myself for 20 years now and I am still weaker than Oak."

"Do, we humans have ranks to differentiate our power?", asked Axel.

"Haha, now you are getting somewhere. I could now see the curiosity inside of you to train harder. As a matter of fact, we do.

The ranks of humans and Pokemons are the same from common rank to god rank. However, when we reach king rank, our ranks are further subdivided into 3 tiers. Tier 1, being the weakest and tier 3, being the highest. 

This is done for a single reason. When a Pokemon or a human reaches that rank, it becomes very difficult to rank up and the difference of power between tier 1 king rank and tier 3 king rank is very high."

"Then, why don't we make tiers for Pokemons too after they reach king rank?"

"We could do it and some of us do that. I do it for my Pokemons however the concept is not very popular and there are not many trainers that have a king-rank Pokemon."

"So, what rank are you right now?"

"Haha, I know that you would ask me that question. I am at tier 3 of pseudo-champion rank."

"Damn! That is so powerful. What rank am I?", asked Axel

"Axel, you are not even in uncommon rank. You are in the lowest rank, common rank. That is why I am not telling you what determines the rank and tiers right now. As you are in the lowest rank, so, you don't need to think about it right now.", said Red.

Trainer ranks from Rookie to Pokemon master should not be confused with humans rank from common to god rank. The first was only for trainers while the second was for all the humans.

"Then, let's start our training!!!", said Axel with a new vigor.

"Before we start, I still have to complete your aura 101."

"Before you start, can I ask one last question?"

"Yes, please."

"If we humans could become so powerful, why is it not known? Why is it not a public knowledge? I mean these human ranks are also not published. Even I came to know through you. 

I believe that we humans are greedy and we want power. So, if we were to publicize this, at least some of them would seriously think to train themselves."

"That is a good question. Now, I cannot give you all the details as some of them will be known by you after you start to get champion titles. 

But, you are wrong. Yes, we humans are greedy and we humans want power but if there is an easy way to get power, we would generally skip the hard way.

Just see the current transportation system. Transportation system on road and sky has been recently introduced. It has not even been 50 years since they came to be.

Before that, it was either going through Pokemons or walking. 

Now, we know that we would get a lot of experience and we would also increase our body stats through walking or getting there through our Pokemons. The environment would also not degrade but why don't we do it?"

"Cause we are lazy?", guessed Axel.

"Yes, we are lazy. We feel that since we have found an easier way, we are now at the top of the food chain and we could use the easy way to get the job done faster.

It was not that human ranks and the power a human could achieve had not been publicized. It has been done multiple times in the past but none of them were effective. We now think that we have our Pokemons for all the hard work.

These publications of human potential have now been buried deep in some corners of the internet."

Red gave a reasonable explanation and Axel could tell that he was speaking the truth cause even Axel had not sat on a laptop thinking to find how powerful a human really was.

He did search about Aura but there was no good response. 

"Now, coming to aura. There are many ways or nature we could use aura but it has been broadly classified into 7 ways:

1. Red- deals with the physical nature of the body.

2. Orange- deals with emotions.

3. Yellow- deals with self-energy and willpower.

4. Green- deals with healing.

5. Blue- deals with intelligence

6. Indigo- deals with mental communication.

7. Violet- deals with awareness of illusions and obtaining a higher consciousness.


Red is easier to master and Violet is hardest to master. The difficulty of the aura is generally classified from 1 being the easiest to 7 being the hardest.

When you reach Indigo, you start to unlock your psychic abilities."

"Wait, then why did you say that I have to unlock my psychic abilities by the time the league battle starts? Would that even be possible? Cause there are like 5 stages to cross before I reach that stage?", asked Axel.

"A normal person would not be able to do it. But I have an inkling that you can. You said that your talent would help you in creating and modifying moves for your Pokemons right? I began to think that maybe your talent would also apply to you. It is just a guess.

You are also misunderstanding something. Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet; are not the stages. These are the difficulty levels and ways where you could classify your aura abilities. 

I mean like, Red would be easier than green but if you want to learn the way of healing that is 'Green', it doesn't mean that you would have to master red, orange, and yellow. It is true that it would be easier if you go to that path but you can also cross all the colors and work on abilities relating to violet, which is to deal with the awareness of illusions and obtaining a higher consciousness."

"Ok, so where do you think that I should start?", asked Axel.


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