
Pokemon – Reincarnated to be the best Bug trainer

You know when reincarnating you just think about being the best, maybe start with a rich family? Or in a slum where you can get strong by stealing? Or maybe lost in a forest and start with an egg?? Or just start with a persona such as red? Blue? Gary? Ash? Or anyone who has the greatest Plot armor anyone would want? Well not mine, since i started as a bug catcher Ps- Pic Not mine

NvR_MnD · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Pokemon Level and Trainer Level

0-baby < 1-beginner < 2-novice < 3-intermediate < 4-advanced < 5-elite < 6-pseudo champion < 7-champion < 8-master < 9-epic or pseudo legendary < 10-legendary < 11-mythical < 12-god

by: (405_cif_naf) thanks by the way

Rookie Trainer x2 Baby Pokemon - T0

Beginner Trainer x3 Baby Pokemon, 1 Beginner Pokemon - T1

Intermediate Trainer x3 Beginner Pokemon, 1 Novice Pokemon - T2

Advance Trainer x4 Novice Pokemon, 2 Master Pokemon - T3

Elite Trainer x4 Master Pokemon, 1 Pseudo Legendary - T4

Master Trainer x5 Pseudo Legendary, 1 Legendary - T5

Pseudo Champion x3 Legendary, 2 Champion - T6 

Champion 4 Champion, 1 Epic - T7 

G- Have Knowledge, F- Know How To Execute, E- Has An Experience, D- Skillfully using, C- Having Basic Mastery, B- Has A Skillfully Mastery, A- Mastered, S- Easily Executing (Skill Mastery)

this is the same power level as my other pokemon fanfics... 

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